Chapter 14: Getting to know Winston and Muir's back

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A/N: I’m going to apologize before the chapter because I had no idea how to start this chapter so sorry for the beginning.

(Diana’s POV)

After the…tournament? The fighting started, so I let Winston know I wanted to leave. Winston had turned back into his tiger form due to him not having any covering. Harvey helped me on Winston and then we left with many and I mean many eyes on us. We made it to Harvey’s and I’s house.

“Diana, I'm going inside to cook you something.” Harvey said.

I knew what Harvey was wanting. I turned to Winston and said “ While Harvey makes something, would you like to go to the river so we can talk?” I asked.

He nodded and I gave him a big smile before grabbing his hand and pulled him toward the river. Once we got to the river I jester for him to sit next to me. “So I want to say I really do want you to be my mate but I would like to get to know you first and you get to know me. I want to love and care about my mates, I don’t want them to be used as shields or a form of protection. I do understand the need for males in a way of protection but I don’t think it’s fair to look just at the stripes of a male. I believe everyone has strengths and weaknesses and that's what makes them special. If you're not okay with that then please let me know now.” I said. At this point I was holding both of Winston’s hands in mine.

He was quiet for a moment and said “I…I never thought I would get the chance to have a mate or even have a chance to be loved. I will wait for you to be ready.”

I smiled and leaned up and gave him a quick peck on the lips causing him to blush. “ I should let you know that I do have two other males courting me. I want to be honest with you.” I said.

He nodded in response, ‘He’s a quiet one.’ I thought.

“Is there anything you like to do?” I asked.

He was silent for a moment as if thinking about what he was going to say “ I like to hunt…and build and make things.” I smiled. I could tell that he was a bit uneasy saying the last part as if he feared I would not want him afterwards.

“Really?! That’s amazing! Do you think you could make me something one day.” I asked.

His face turned a bit red and then nodded. “I like to garden…I'm not sure if that's what you call it here. But it means I like to plant and grow plants. So anything from flowers to herbs to vegetables.” I said as I thought. “I also really enjoy swimming.”

This continued to the point that Winston started to ask me questions, which made me really happy. ‘This feels nice…it feels like a date.’ I thought happily. ‘I wonder if Renly and Shu would be up to do this as well.’

(Muir’s POV)

(A little reminder about what Muir thought of Diana)

I watched the healer take his mate inside as she cried. 'She is different from other females. She is kind, caring, and cries for others. I wonder why she only has one mate. She is the most beautiful female I have ever seen. My heart ached for her. She should never have to go through such a thing. When I am done with this mission. I will come back and bring her to the city of beasts and protect her. She will never fear or cry again.' I thought.

When Parker’s female was rescued, I was eager to get back to that beautiful kind female. I had become annoyed when the Leopard King ordered me to watch his son's female for a couple days, but I stayed patient. Soon after I rushed to Camel Hump Village only to find the female gone. When I was told that her and her mate left for the Beast city I was both relieved and panicked. Relieved that she was safe but panicked due to her lack of males. Though males don’t treat females badly, they do treat other males badly especially if they are weak. I flew back to the city to find the female. To my surprise, Renly the Hawk and Shu the wolf prince were courting the female whom I now know as Diana. ‘Diana…What a beautiful name?’ I thought. I decided to observe her before making any moves to court her. I wanted to learn about her so I had better chances at becoming her mate. Days went by and the caravan came back with salt and females. I watched as the female Winston reduced rejected him. It wasn’t much of a surprise, this has happened before, but what surprised everyone was when my sweet Diana came on stage and asked Winston to be her mate. I won’t lie, I'm jealous, as far as I know the only other male she asked to be her mate was the healer. I know from my observation that the three males that were killed had deeply affected her, But she had started to open up with the Hawk and the Wolf. ‘Maybe this is my chance’ I thought. I watched as her and Winston talked and I couldn’t help but feel happy. ‘This is the kind of information I was wanting.’ I thought

A/n: Won’t lie this is kind of a filler chapter

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