Chapter 12: Reckless impulse leads to new mate?! Part 1

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A/n: This Chapter got a little too long so it got chopped up into 2 parts (It is my fault I wanted a Winston's POV)

(Diana's POV)

Last night was really something else, I forgot that my sweet boy is actually a beast. I stretched before my hands found their way around Harvey's neck. I snuggled up against him, welcoming the warmth his fluffy body gives me. I never really considered myself a cat person, I love animals all equally but damn do I understand the love cat lovers have for the species. Sadly all good things must come to an end. My belly started to growl, signaling to my mate to make food. Harvey didn't hesitate to shift but I decided that I was too comfortable to move. "My love, I must go and make you food."

After a few minutes of my silent resistance I let go. "Fine but make it quick, I want to cuddle some more." I wined.

Harvey chuckled but I could see that his tail was wagging in happiness. It didn't take long before Harvey brought in some seasoned rabbit and berries. Harvey settled down behind me with his legs on either side of me and his arms wrapped around me, his head found its way in the croak of my neck. After sometime I started to get full but had some rabbit left. "Harvey?"

"Yes my love?" He asked.

"Open your mouth." I said.

I could feel through his body movements that he was confused but slowly opened his mouth. I took a piece of the rabbit and brought it up to his mouth, realizing what I wanted to do. He gratefully ate the rabbit I fed him. After the Rabbit was finished we just snuggled for a bit until we heard a roar and some yelling

"I wonder what's going on?" I said not expecting an answer.

"The caravan seems to have just arrived." Harvey stated.

I looked at him confused. 'How did he know?' I thought.

"We can understand beast language after we mature, I also overheard some males talking about it. Would you like to see?" He asked.

I weighed the pros and cons 'Pro it would get me out of the house and see something new. Con I would have to be around people and be annoyed by males. I guess I should socialize a bit.' I thought.

" Sure, let's go," I said.

Harvey put me on his shoulder like the other females, which caused some unwanted attention due to Harvey being Stripless. After I said I wanted them to leave me alone they backed off but it was obvious that we were being followed. Harvey pulled me into his arms and then he skillfully lost them in the crowd. Harvey stood still and I looked over the crowd to see Tigers, bears and other beast caring women.

"Why are there females sitting on them?" I whispered.

"It's because their tribe traded them for salt." He said.

'That's kind of unsettling.' I thought. Then something caught my eye. It was a beautiful white tiger. Harvey seemed to know what I was thinking "That's Winston, he's the youngest Tetra-marked beast in the city, from what I'm told. It is also said that he is a mighty fighter. Sadly, despite his accomplishments. He is known as the biggest Laughing stock." Harvey explained.

"Why?" I asked. 'How could such a pretty colored tiger be a laughing stock?' I thought.

"From what I have heard it is due to the fact that no female wants him." Harvey said.

"But why, I bet he's really handsome Imean his Tiger form is so pretty." I asked.

"It's because of the scar over his face and his bad temper." He explained.

"That's mean! I think his scar makes him even more attractive and maybe his temper comes from people being mean to him." I said.

"Of course my love, you are the most kind, loving, and beautiful Female I have ever met." He said. I swear if it was possible his eyes would be the shape of hearts.

"Harvey!!" I whispered blushing. 'I think I'm used to his affections and then he goes and says that, but I wouldn't change it for the world.' I thought.

(Winston's POV)

The trade this year was good and we were even able to bring back 5 females. One in which I had rescued from scorpions because I had rescued her, I had the right to be her mate if she allowed it. My heart sank...IF SHE ALLOWED IT. At one time I had hoped to even get excited at the prospect of being someone's mate, but as time went by and I was rejected female after female. I found myself to have grown numb at the idea...The dream of a mate. The only females that approach me only want me as a guardian beast or Rosa. Still could not understand why she thinks I would mate with my brother's cub. As We made our way down the street from a distance, someone caught my eye. It was the most beautiful female I have ever seen. 'She must be new. I wonder why she only has a stripless beast with her.' I thought. I watched as she caught sight of me. To my surprise she didn't show any signs of fear, just the opposite. Was I seeing that correctly? All females show some kind of fear of me.

"That's Winston, he's the youngest Tetra-marked beast in the city, from what I'm told. It is also said that he is a mighty fighter. Sadly, despite his accomplishments. He is known as the biggest Laughing stock." The male explained. I felt the shame and humiliation that came with people talking about me...the anger.

"Why?" The female asked. 'Has she not realized yet or has seen me yet.' I thought. For some reason that thought caused a sharp pain in my heart.

"From what I have heard it is due to the fact that no female wants him," The male said.

The female tilted her head in confusion and asked something I thought I would never hear. "But why, I bet he's really handsome. I mean his Tiger form is so pretty." the female asked.

My shock at her statement made me stunned in disbelief. Even with my scar she likes my beast form. I had to try my hardest to not become too hopeful but it was hard hearing the beautiful female words "It's because of the scar over his face and his bad temper."The male explained.

As I passed the beautiful female, I was hoping to hear her response before I got too far ahead. "That's mean! I think his scar makes him even more attractive and maybe his temper comes from people being mean to him." I said.

My heart skipped a beat. 'Maybe...Maybe I can try one last time if only for her.' I thought. Walking toward the Plaza with some hope in my heart. 

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