The Future of this story

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Hey guys as you can tell, I have not posted in awhile and if you read my other beastworld story then you know why. If you have not then I will explain in more detail below. I  wrote everything on my computer and then transfer them over to wattpad. I did this so if I had free time at work I could write on them. Well my computer crashed and everything was deleted. I have spent the last couple months rewriting the last chapters for my other story to wrap up the first book. As for the future of this story, I'm going to take a break from writing or at least on this story. This incident really stressed me out and damaged my will to write on these stories. For this story specifically, I had written all the way up to the scorpion arc. So you can image how I'm feeling right now. So I hope you guys understand and I'm sorry to all of you who have been waiting, I will write chapter 17 since there is a sneak peak already posted before I go on my little mental vacation.


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