Chapter 2: Important Info

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(Diana's POV)

We soon arrived at a small village. I noticed there were more men than there were women. I hid my face in Harvey's neck when I noticed that several of them didn't have any clothes on.

"Harvey! Where did you find such a beautiful female?" One asked.

"Beautiful female, Please make me your male!" Another said.

'Female this, mate that, is that all they think about?' I wondered, annoyed. We began to be surrounded until Harvey lost his cool. "Let us through!! This female is injured and her injuries could become worse if you do not allow me to treat her."

I looked up to see the concerned worried faces of the men but also the face of shame. 'I wonder if it's because of what Harvey said.'

The men cleared a path for us and we finally made it to his hut. As he closed the door behind us I could see that it had a total of 4 rooms. 2 on the ground floor, one upstairs, and one downstairs. The room we first entered must be like his clinic because there was a stone table and then vases full of herbs. The other I could only see a small bit of but I assume it was like a kitchen. The downstairs I assume was storage and the upstairs was probably a bedroom. Harvey placed me on the stone table and bent down to grab something from the vases.

"Ginger?" I asked.

Harvey tilted his head and said " Ginger? No, this is called Golden Root. It warms your blood and helps with foot massages." He explained with pride.

I let out a cute giggle and said " Where I'm from, it's called Ginger. It can be used for medicine or as a seasoning for food. Actually, I think there are more uses for it but those are the main ones." I explained. It wasn't exactly a lie, we did use ginger as medicine a long time ago. There are some like my grammy that still uses such things as medicine.

"Seasoned food? Like for healing the sick?" He asked. 

I shook my head and said " No, to make the food taste better. Certain herbs can't be used as medicine once cooked unless it's in something like soup or tea." I explained.

"I see where are you from? What type of beast are you?" He asked as he gently took my foot and started to message its oils into my ankle.

I let out a small quiet moan as what he was doing felt good. His Face and mine turned red. "'m from a place called Ireland and I'm Human." I said and then asked " What's this place called and what are you? I assume some sort of Feline."

 " I have never heard of such a place or Species...This Camel hump village and I am a leopard beastman." He said.

"So I was right! I thought you might be a leopard with your coloring and cute ears but didn't want to assume it without confirmation, "I said. Harvey blushed when I called his ears cute. "Harvey? Can you tell me more about beastmen? There are not any where I come from." I explained.

Harvey thought for a moment and said "Beastmen come in different races for example there are wolves, foxes, tigers, and many more. The males can transform into the beast of their race but females can't. Females are also very rare so they typically take multiple males as mates..." I cut Harvey off "Multiple?" I asked with my eyes widened.

"Yes , is it different from where you're from?" He asks.

I nodded and said " Typically, we only have one hus...I mean mate."

His eyes widened " your homeland must be safe for females to have one male but does that not cause issues with your birth rates?" He asked.

At this point he was done messaging my ankle " What do you mean?" I was confused. 'How would that affect the birth rate?' I thought.

"Are you not mature yet? Have you not been taught about your estrous cycle?' He asked, concerned.

'Estrous cycle? Isn't that...' Then the light bulb turned on in my head. He must be talking about my period. "I think I know what you're talking about and if so we call it something different, but just to make sure you're talking about when a female bleeds every 30 days." I clarified.

" Diana, are you saying you bleed every 30 days?" He asked with what looked like a hint of amazement and fear mixed into one and other.

"Is it not the same for wom...Females here?" I asked confused.

"Diana, this is will need many males...many strong males. This Ireland may be safe but here we have ferals and rootless beasts who will take females and hurt them, but in your situation this will attract them more than others." He said worried.

I won't lie, the men here have god-like beauty but I don't want to just marry them or mate them...whatever they protect myself. "Harvey, I understand that it's more dangerous here but I want to love the person I'm with and not use them as a shield to protect myself. I'm not sure if I could compromise with that." I said.

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