Chapter 11: A friend and suitor?!

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(Diana's POV)

Harvey and I spent the day prior cleaning our new home up, well more like Harvey cleaned. I tried and was able to clean some, but my sweet leopard tried his best to stop me. Once he realized that I was stressing out over not doing something, he gave me small tasks. Later Renly had stopped by with some Boar meat to give to me. Which I accepted and invited him in. I made sure he knew I just had some questions and didn't really know anyone else to ask. Through the information I gathered, There are four kings...The Leopard King (Parker's Father), The Tiger King, Wolf King, and the Ape King who I met. There are other Kings but those are the ones that live in the Beast city. Renly had also told me that the Hawks migrated from the south to the Beast city after a horrible heat wave left their home unlivable. He said currently the Hawks don't have a king due to the previous king dying due to age and the conditions of their homeland.

It started to get late, so Renly left thanking me for dinner. Harvey sat down and pulled me into his lap which caused things to get a little heated. Lets just say I did not get much sleep that night and I for sure slept in.

When I woke up, I smelled some delicious food being made. I walked into the kitchen to see Harvey roosting potatoes with some herbs. I wrapped my arms around his back and kissed his shoulder. "I see you're spoiling me again." I teased.

His tail wrapped around my waist as he said " You deserved to be spoiled and much more."

He then turned around with some of the potatoes on a plate and handed it to me. I was led into the dining area or at least what I have decided to be the dining area and was pulled into Harvey's lap. "Harvey? If I draw out or describe something, could it be made?" I asked.

"Yes, Is there something you want? My love." He asked.

"I was thinking about how to decorate and furnish our home and also some things that could help i'm prove our lives." I explained.

"I will make whatever you want." He said.

We stayed quiet for sometime just enjoying our time together when Harvey spoke up. "I'm going to meet with the Ape King later."

I frowned and asked " Why?"

"Since I'm a healer the Ape king would like for me to continue as a healer, But understand if you do not wish for me to. I wanted to talk with you first before agreeing to anything." He explained.

"I don't mind, you like helping people. It's one of the things I'm most attracted to, but when did you get time to talk to the Ape King." I asked out of curiosity.

"He came by while you were asleep, he wanted to see how we fared." He said.

"Oh...That's suspicious but I guess it's understandable." I said.

We stayed like that for a while until it was time for Harvey's meeting with the Ape King. I laid around the house for a bit before I got bored. I decided to check out the river that ran behind our home. To my surprise the water was pretty cold despite how hot it was. 'It's not cool or warm, it's cold, I wonder if that's normal here?' I thought. I put my feet in the water, which caused a shiver down my spine but not in a bad way. It was more of a refreshing way. As I was enjoying the cold water on the hot day, I noticed some herbs growing on the bank. I decided to pick them in hopes of giving them to Harvey. 'I wonder if Harvey knows about these herbs?' I thought. Harvey is pretty intelligent but I'm not sure what knowledge the people of this world have.

"Who are you? What are you doing?" I heard. I stood up and turned to the person who spoke. Turning around I'm meet with a pretty woman with purple hair, who has two men with her. 'They must be her mates.' I thought.

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