Chapter 8: Curtis appears

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(Diana's POV)

Bai had come over the next morning to see me, but Harvey had informed her I was not up yet and that he would let me know that she came by once I was awake. According to Harvey, Parker seemed more relaxed than usual. He assumed it was because we mated and that made Harvey not a threat. Harvey had to go make rounds so asked for me to stay safe and make sure to not wonder. I promised I wouldn't and started to walk toward Parkers and Bai's home. That's when I saw Bai, Her eyes lit up when she saw me. She ran to me with snake skin in her arms "Look what I found!!!" She said happily.

"I see its snake shed, a huge snake must have shedded it. You should be careful. A big snake could have still be around. "I warned.

Parker came out and Bai showed him the skin him. Parker slammed It got out of her hand and grabbed her " Where did you get this?" He asked seriously.

A thought occurred to me: " By the lake, why?" She asked.

"How could it be..."Parker said with a look of worry.

"Parker? The snake shed she's not from a wild snake is it." I asked but already knew the answer.

"It's from a means there's a feral beast in the village." He said with a serious look.

"Didn't you say that they don't come around these parts?" Bai asked.

"Just because they don't doesn't mean they can't." I stated.

Bai looked scared. I hugged her and looked at Parker. " What do we do? What will happen? What's the reason a feral would be in the village?" I was concerned.

"An adult snake will use their skin to appease their spouses. This one seems to be quite good at that. It's a shame, though." He said.

"A Shame? Why?" She asked.

"It's a shame that it's in my hands now! I'm going to burn it! For trying to attract my woman!" He said angrily.

"No! That belongs to someone else, we should give it back." she said.

"No, we don't. Ferals are dangerous... and, Trespassers aren't to be taken lightly! Not only am I going to burn his shed skin. I'm also going to gather some people to hunt him down! So..." Parker says before looking toward Bai only for us both to realize she's gone. 'Damn she's not only quick but quiet. 'I thought.

"Diana, stay here! I will go after Bai." He said before leaving.

I didn't listen and rushed toward the lake with Parker on my heels. 'I'm sorry Harvey!' I thought.

"Diana...Diana...Diana..." I heard Alan's, John's, and Kyle's voices.

I ignored them and then stopped when I saw a naked man in front of Bai. 'Some of them have two of those!....'I thought.

"STAY AW..." I was cut off by a sudden jerk. I look up to see Alan, John, and Kyle holding on to me.

"Diana! We need to get you to safety before the Feral takes you to!" Alan said.

I watched as Parker got hit. I was able to get out of their arms and grab Bai out of the Ferals arms. "Stay away from her!" I yelled.

I went to run with Bai to only have the snake's tail wrap around us. Alan, Kyle, and John attacked the Feral only to be hit and crushed. Tears came down my face when I heard their bones break. The males of the village came but they hesitated because of the Ferals power. Parker started to get up when I felt the Feral movements change and then found myself thrown on to Parker. "Parker!" I said weakly. The strength I was thrown at caused me to hit Parker and the ground so hard that black dots started to form in my eyes.

"Diana..." I heard before passing out.

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