Chapter 10: City of Beasts

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 (Diana's POV)

Harvey and I talked and agreed to go to the City of Beast. He thinks that it would not only be safer for me but also may help me. I did resist at first but after hearing him out, I agreed. I didn't want anything to happen to Harvey or anyone else to die due to them trying to protect me. The guilt is still eating me inside. Harvey has tried to speak reason but it wasn't helping. I made an impulsive decision and got three people killed.

As we approached the city's entrance, Harvey shifted into his male form. I attempted to help with the luggage but failed due to my mate refusing me. He attempted to hold  both me and but I refused saying that if he wasn't going to let me help then he wasn't going to hold me and the luggage. He pouted but lit up when I kissed his cheek. Four guard's came out to meet us. " What are your intentions?" The one male with short black hair asked (Guard Number 1). He was trying to show his power to Harvey as another male but not so much I would become fearful.

"My mate and I seek to make a home here." Harvey said simply. I could feel the four guard eyes on me and it almost felt lustful, but I choose to not look them in the eyes to confirm. I wanted to avoid gaining any suitors as of right now. I'm exhausted physically and emotionally and I would like to get to our new home.

"Female, I understand you may be tired but could you wait a little longer. All new females are to meet with the Ape king." The second guard with dirty blonde hair asked. I finally looked up at the one who was talking to me.

He reminded me of Harvey and Parker 'I wonder if he's a leopard too.' I thought. I avoided staring at him, again hoping he wouldn't think I was interested. " As long, it doesn't take too long, that is fine." I said. It came out more like a soft whisper than me talking although I don't know why, I wasn't trying to.

I noticed that the one who talked to me and guard number 2 who was beside guard number 3, their tails were slightly wagging. Guard number 1 "Of course female...Renly, go inform the Ape king about the new female."

Renly silent stoic guard number 4, quickly shifted into a Hawk and flew into the city. (I know Muir is an eagle but I thought it would be nice to throw in different species that were not seen or mentioned in the story. Not saying there were no Hawks, it's been a few months since I read the book but based on my memory there was no mention of hawks.)

I was a little taken back because I have only ever seen people shifting into Leopards. Guard number 3 broke the silence and asked. "Why do you only have one male? A female as beautiful as you, I would think that you would have many mates."

Guard number 1 and 3 shot guard number 2 a look. I felt Harvey wrap his arms around my waist possessively. "Um...I...I didn't get my heat until this year." I lied.

Harvey knew the truth and we felt that it would be best to tell others that I didn't become of age until this year. He felt it was safer to only let those I mate with know the whole truth and only tell part of the truth depending.

"Still I would think you would have suitors." He said.

Guard 1 hit guard 2 upside the head and said " I'm sorry, female, He is young. Please forgive him."

"It's okay I understand, I came from a really small village so there was not much opportunity for me." I explained. 'Keep it simple.' I thought.

Before anything else was said an elderly man surrounded by Tigers and Wolves walked out of the gate. Renly flew down and stood next to guard 3. "Hello female, I am truly sorry for the wait."

"It's okay, I just hope to be able to rest soon." I said politely.

" Of course, I see that your mate is a healer so I trust you have been well taken care of but if you would allow it, I would like to examine you." He asked.

I looked at Harvey unsure if it was okay or another weird courting thing. He nodded and then I looked at the Ape King. "Okay, I will allow it."

The Ape King put his hand on my belly and then after a few minutes the Ape King pulled back. "You have an incredible fertility female, I have never met a female that was so fertile. It is no wonder you are carrying such strong cubs." He said.

I froze but stayed composed. 'Looks like Harvey and I will be having a talk later.' "Really? I had no Idea. I'm so glad to hear that my cubs will be strong."

"I can also help with introducing some strong males to you as well as living accommodations. When a female comes to the city that they are not affiliated with we like to provide them a home. Do you have any preferences?" He asked.

I kept a smile on my face and said " If possible some place close to a water source or a decent size yard. If none are available then I would be okay with some place a little away from the center."

The Ape king smiled but I could see the shocked yet pleased expression. Renly perked up and said "Your highness, I know of a home that would be perfect, just on the edge of the tiger and wolf territories."

They seemed pleased hearing this, " Female, would you be okay with Renly showing you where the home is or would you like another male to?" He asked.

"No, no, I'm fine with...Renly showing us." I said.

To my surprise Renly picked me up, making me yelp in surprise and then blush. I heard Harvey chuckle which caused me to shoot him a look. Not a mean one but not a playful one either, just one of warning. As Renly was walking us home, I felt the eyes of males and some females on me. Which made me uncomfortable, Renly seemed to notice and started to glare alongside Harvey. Renly had three marks so most seemed on edge or scared by Renly. My poor Harvey on the other hand tried but with having no marks, his glares were ignored. It was a good 30 minute walk from the gate to what would be our new home. When he got there Renly reluctantly put me down. The house was a little run down but nothing, a little love and hard work couldn't fix. The home was quite large, I wouldn't call it a mansion by earth standards, But by beastmen standards it was. It was right next to a river and had a medium yard in front and a large one in the back. "Renly this perfect...Thank you for picking it for me." I said turning around to face him.

Renly's face lit up, "Your welcome, I'm happy you like it. If you excuse me, I must get back to my duties and you must rest. "

I waved goodbye to Renly and turned to my naughty kitty. "Don't think you're not in trouble, Why did you not tell me we were having cubs?" I asked angrily.

"My love, You were taking John, Kyles, and Alans death so bad that I didn't want to add anymore stress on you on top of the traveling." He explained. I could see he was starting to feel a little bit guilty once he saw how upset I was.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest. " Okay, That is a reasonable explanation but I won't forgive you so easily in the future." I said kissing him and then pulling myself away from him, I grabbed his hand and started to pull him toward the house. "Now come on, let's go check out our new home."

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