Chapter 5: Feelings emerging...Jealsey? maybe

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(Diana's POV)

It's been about three weeks since coming here, due to my injuries I have mostly stayed inside. On occasion I did go to the river with Harvey to bathe but would be run off by males who were trying to get a glimpse of me naked or who wanted to mate with me. A couple of days ago, I sat down and told Harvey that due to the change of environment it has caused my period (Heat) to be late but I would feel better staying in the house due to it starting soon. I felt bad because I felt like I lied to him. I was telling the truth but I'm sure it is going to start today due to the cramps I've been having. It has been hard hiding it from him because he was very attentive but I didn't want to worry him.

In the last few weeks I have found out many things, like you can tell the strength of the male by how many stripes he has. Harvey briefly mentioned finding me a mate or at least have one court me to protect me because he couldn't where he had no stripes.

Flash back:

"Diana, I'm not pushing you but please consider taking a mate for your protection or at least let one court you. I can't protect you...I have no stripes...I'm useless and weak." He said with a sad look in his eyes.

This stirred something in me, I grabbed each side of Harvey's face " Harvey you may not be strong in a traditional sense but you are strong. You're strong in your determination, your kindness and want to help others. Without you many males, females, and cubs would have died. You are important and you are not useless. I think you're the most useful male here." I said. I saw him start to tear up so I gave him a big hug.

Flash back End:

I have even been able to convince Harvey to let me help him though I don't do a lot due to the sad expressions he gives me. The most he will let me do is help with herbs or sewing. Things like cleaning or cooking he won't let me do but he allows me to instruct him. I found that Harvey greatly enjoys the food I teach him to cook. Sometimes, while he is doing a house call I'll sneak and cook him dinner. It's not that he is upset by it because he appreciates's because it's a male job and you are seen as lesser or undesirable if you can't do that.

Currently, Harvey is messaging my neck with his god-like skills. I had accidentally slept on my neck wrong so it was a bit strained.


"Harvey! Harvey, are you there?" I heard a man's voice yell.

Harvey sighs and gives me an apologetic look before heading to the door and opening it. "You're going to break down the door if you keep that up. What's the fuss about?" Harvey asked and then gasped. "The female is hurt? Bring her in." He said. I moved off the table as he instructed the man to put the women on the table. The male looked at me suspiciously but didn't say anything. While the female was staring at me. I, on the other hand, was staring at her outfit. 'I wonder if she is from my world?' I thought.

"Is it her face? She was stung by a bee, so you put mud on it?" Harvey asked. I bit my lip to stop me from laughing. 'My Harvey can be so cute.' My smile dropped 'Wait, My Harvey? Harvey isn't my boyfriend' I thought confused on where that came from.

"No, she has a twisted ankle." The man said.

Harvey kneels down and gently touches the women. "Ow, That hurts," She wines.

'I know the feeling, girl...Ankle injuries sucks' thought.

The man grabbed her face and leaned in "Just bear with it, It'll be better soon. Don't worry, Harvey studied medicine in the city of beasts." He said.

Harvey cleared his throat and then asked " Can you take this off? I need to massage your feet to get some blood flowing."

The girl blushes "Of course"

As the girl took her sock off Harvey went to get some medicine. As he picked it up the girl asked "Ginger? Are you going to use that to fix my foot?"

My eyes widened with the confirmation she was from my world. Harvey's head snapped to me to confirm. "They call it Golden root here and it does work. When Harvey found me I had a hurt ankle along with other injuries."

The girl looked at me with the same realization. As I got done explaining I heard "Don't you touch my female. I'll do it!!" I looked to see that Harvey was trying to do his job.

I snorted "funny if you could do it why would you bring her here? Just let Harvey do his job. He sees lots of females everyday and treats them, at least be mature enough to let him do his job or leave." I scolded.

He huffed and glared at me but didn't say anything. 'I guess what I said was hard to argue with.' I thought.

Harvey started doing his thing and the girl started to moan. I won't lie I felt a ping of jealousy but had to remind myself that Harvey is just treating her as a patient. The man seemed to become annoyed and pushed Harvey " If that's all there is to it, I already know how. Let me do it."

Harvey was just upset as I was that he was pushed before he could say anything. "You need to be careful or you'll hurt her." I said.

He ignored me and said "Is that too much pressure?"

Harvey and I stared at the male as his jealousy was very clear. "Immature," Harvey said quietly. But I was close enough for me to hear which caused me to let out a quiet giggle.

As the two men talked I watched the girl walk over to the Medicine and basically sparkle with excitement. She turned to Harvey and said " Um...Harvey, where did you find all this medicine?"

"Oh, some I bought or traded for but most were gathered by Diana and myself in the forest...Why do you ask?" He answered honestly.

"Could I take some? I'll pay you back later, I promise," She said with a cute smile. This again caused me to feel jealous but I rationalized that she was just being nice. If it was a woman from this world I would think otherwise.

Harvey looked at me as if asking if it's alright. 'I guess where I helped he feels that I would have a say.' I thought.

Before I could say anything " My female doesn't need your gifts. I will pay you in food and she said that she only needs one partner!" He yelled at Harvey.

I don't yell often but my last straw snapped " Are stupid of something? Did you not hear that I help gather those herbs too? Did you not notice him looking over at me to see if it was okay? And why would you assume that he wanted to be with her? Sounds to me that you're insecure about your ability to please and provide for her. I pity her for having an immature, unintelligent, jealous male such as yourself. Go ahead, take what you want. The only payment we ask for is that your male apologies and acts accordingly next time or he can find another healer to treat you."

Harvey and the male seemed taken back by my blow up but it seemed to have gotten through the male's head that it would be hard to find another healer. Harvey on the other hand had a blush on his face which confused me. " Miss, I'm sorry to drag you into this. You did nothing wrong. I was actually hoping to talk with you because it seems we have similar cultures. But for now can you get him to leave. If he wishes to act like an adult and apologies he can do it tomorrow when everyone has cooled their tempers."

She understood what I meant and nodded. I packed up the herbs she wanted and then she pulled the man out the door. 

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