Chapter 15: Tribute

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A/N: Hey guys so I'm sure you noticed that I didn't post a sneak peak last week and that is because this chapter did not exist. As I was writing chapters I realized that Alan, Kyle, and John was forgotten and I didn't like that. So to kind of tie up lose ends and move on to the next chapter of Diana's life I quickly wrote this chapter. I have to edit the other chapters now before I can post them. I am working on editing the next chapter so I can post a sneak peak. 

Warning: Sexual content ahead

(Diana's POV)

I have been enjoying my time with my suitors and my beloved mate. I found out from Shu that Bai was now more active. I was going to see her until I found out that she had allowed the Snake beastmen to live with her. When I heard that it hurt, I felt betrayed. I risked my life and the lives of others to save her. For now I will keep my distance unless she comes to me first but I do not want to be in the presence of that male.

It has been many months and my belly has grown round. The boys have been overly aggressive toward others and possessive and affectionate toward me. It has been so hard not to jump their 'bones'. I have also added one more suitor to my already three that I had. His name is Muir. He was the beastmen I talked to when Bai had gotten kidnapped.

I felt a ping of sadness when I thought about what happened all those months ago. What I could of had? I have enjoyed my time with Winston, Renly, Shuu, and Muir but I haven't been fair to them. Alan, Kyle, and John's death have been carved into my heart and soul because of this I have been too scared to actually mate with any of them in fear of losing anyone else. My poor Harvey has been so patient and accommodating but I know I have to move on and not hold on to the past but I don't want to forget their sacrifice.

I felt Harvey's tail wrap around my waist. "Are you thinking about them again?" He asked.

I looked up at him confused. "How did you know?" I asked.

He gave me a sad smile and said "You look sad when you think about them?"

I leaned in, laying my head on his chest as his arms wrapped around me.

"I haven't been fair to others." I stated. Harvey stayed quiet, not responding to me. "I need to move on but I don't want to forget them." I stated.

Harvey kissed the top of my head " Alan, Kyle, and John are so lucky to have met you. You had not taken them as your mates but you still mourn their deaths. That is more than most females give the males their mated to." He said, trying to comfort me.

"Harvey, I want to talk to you about something and I want you to voice your opinion on it." I said positioning myself on his lap to look at him.

Harvey nods in understanding and waited for me to continue. "You said that you sense three cubs in my womb. If it's okay with you, I want to name our cubs after Alan, Kyle, and John. I know that you don't name male cubs but where I'm from you do. I want this to be a tribute to those three." I said.

Harvey thought for a moment. " Are you sure? I don't want you to be look down on due to naming the cubs." He said.

I smiled lovingly at him, he didn't care that I wanted to name the cubs after them but he was worried about how people would treat me. " I am very sure, besides I have amazing mates to protect me from any bullies." I said.

I could feel him breathe a sigh of relief when I said that. He was worried I would not end up mating with any of them, but now I basically said I would mate with all of them. Which I plan to do. 

"I have know problem with naming our cubs after them. Your kindness even to the dead makes me love you even more and it makes me realize just how lucky I was to find you that day." He said.

I leaned in and pecked his lips before saying "I believe I'm the lucky one."

I wrapped my arms around his neck as I kissed him passionately. I felt my womanhood start to react and this caused Harvey's semi aroused member to become fully aroused. Harvey picked me up and moved me to our bedroom and laid me on the furs. We just stared at each other lovingly before kissing again. The deeper the kiss became the hotter it seemed our bodies got. Soon my dress was off and Harvey removed his skirt. I felt him rub his member up against my needy core, wetting his head with my love juices.

"Harvey" I moaned.

I felt him widen my legs before slowly thrusting his cock into my greedy core. Harvey grunts as he tries to thrust but my core was keeping him tightly locked in place. He had to use a little force just to push through my tight hole.

"Diana" He growled as he made passionate love to me.

My sweet leopard healer made sure that my greedy core was satisfied by morning light and boy did I feel it.

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