Sneak Peak: Chapter 17: Family Meeting

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(Harvey's POV)

Shuu is the only one who I am allowing in the house right now. He has been helping with the cubs and care for Diana. She has been asleep for 4 days and I am beginning to become worry. I have tried everything to wake her up but nothing has worked. Shuu came into the room with the "The cubs are asleep, how is she doing?" He asked.

"She's..." I stopped hearing a groan. Both of our heads snap to Diana to see her eyes slowly open.

"Diana!! My Love!!" I said coming to her side. "How are you feeling?" I asked.

"I'm fine...Harvey? Shuu?...What's wrong? Why are you looking at me that way? "she asked.

"Diana, You almost died...Your heart almost stopped...You have been asleep for 4 days." I said in tears.

"Harvey...I think we need to have a family meeting. That includes Winston, Remy, and Muir as well." She said looking at both of us.

Shuu hesitates and then says "Diana, you should get some rest."

"No!! I was not dying, I was sent somewhere." She said, "Please get them," She asked. 

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