Chapter 7: Finally Mated

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Warning: This chapter has mature content

(Diane's POV)

This last week has been just the worst that the pain has been ever. Usually if I'm stressed or in an unfamiliar place it just becomes abnormal and I'll skip a month or two. But apparently, This time my uterus is seeking revenge on me, that's the only thing I can think of. If it wasn't for Harvey, I probably wouldn't have made it without him. I know that's an exaggeration, but that's how bad the pain was. He even kept away the males who came looking for me or smelt me. John, Kyle, and Alan were very understanding which surprised me but Harvey explained that I'm allowing them to court me so they have more hope than any others. Last week I really had time to think about Harvey and I's relationship and my feelings. After thinking things through I decided to confess and ask if he wanted to be my mate.

Currently, I am waiting for Harvey to come home. He had gone out to get me some fruit since, I haven't really wanted to eat anything heavy like meat this past week. I looked out the window in the bedroom watching Bai and some females talking. 'Maybe tomorrow I can meet with them? Maybe I can ask Bai to introduce me.' I wondered. I watched as Bai looked up to see me in the window and waved. The others looked up and saw me with a look of confusion. I waved back and then laid down to wait for Harvey. Bai and I have gotten pretty close the last week. Harvey had gone to her to ask questions about Humans. Bai asked to come see me and we talked. I found out that she was 16 and from China. She also told me that Parker (the rude man) believed she was from the Ape Clan. She wasn't sure if she should have told the truth so she half lied. I told her that she should probably tell him the truth and explain why she lied because he will find out eventually, but I would understand if she did not want to. I felt bad because I couldn't help her get home. I explained that I had shown up about a month before she did so I had know idea how to get home. What surprised me was when Parker apologized to Harvey. Bai said that after I yelled at him he felt bad but when went to apologize he heard I was in "Heat" so he didn't apologize until Harvey came to their home. She also said that Parker would like to apologize for his treatment of me. From what Bai said Parker has been more caring and careful with her and his treatment of her has become much better. It seemed like my yelling knocked some sense into him.

"Diana?" I heard. I looked up to see Harvey staring at me concerned.

"Oh...Hi...Sorry, I was deep in thought." I said blushing in embarrassment. 'How did I not realize he was there.' I thought.

"I found the fruit that you call Apples and the vegetable you call carrots." He said but I could tell he was still worried.

"Harvey, come and sit with me, I want to talk with you about something." I said.

Harvey slowly came and sat down in front of me but had a look of concern. "There's nothing you have to worry about or at least I hope this goes well...Sorry I'll get to the point. The last week during my heat...I have had time to think about you, me and just everything and I have decided something. I want to make it clear that you can tell me the honest truth and what you're feeling and I won't judge or hate you for it." I breathed out the breath I was holding and looked into his eyes that held sadness. "I want to be your mate." I said. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

Harvey seemed surprised but happy. "Truly, you want me as a mate?" his voice was shaking with a hint of disbelief. I smiled nervously and nodded. What I didn't expect was him pulling me into a kiss. I froze for a moment but then wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back. This wasn't my first kiss but it was the best one I ever had. It was passionate and so full of emotion. He pulled back but was close enough to kiss me again if he so wished it.

"This doesn't feel real. This feels too good to be true." He said, running his thumb over my lips.

"I guess what happens next will feel unbelievable." I said before falling back pulling him on top of me and kissing him.

I felt his hard member pressing up against me which briefly snapped me back into reality. I pulled away and said " Harvey before we've never been with a male before."

Harvey automatically knew what I was meaning. " Don't worry I will be as gentle as I can."

He started to kiss down my neck causing a moan to escape me. It wasn't long until his hands that were once roaming my body found themselves removing my clothing. I did the same, eager to be his. I couldn't help but blush looking at his well built body and large member. Harvey had always been considerate when it came to wearing clothing. He knew I wasn't comfortable just seeing naked people, especially men around. So I never saw him without anything on and might I say he is very sexy.

I felt Harvey lean in to my ear as he cupped my left breast in his hand. "Your the most beautiful female I have ever led eyes on. I promise to be the best mate to you."

I felt my legs being spread wider and his member rubbing against my womanhood. "Harvey...Please." I moaned.

Harvey leaned down catching my lips with his as he slowly entered me making sure to be careful not to hurt me too much. I felt my insides stretch and my innocents break. Pain shot through my body making me whimper. Harvey stilled his movements and whispered sweet words into my ear until I let him know it was okay to continue. After my body was more used to his member being inside me, the pain slowly turned to pleasure. Harvey passionately made love to me as he made sure to whisper words of love into my ear. Soon we both found the peak of our climax and I felt him spill his seed into me, but that was not the last of it. Harvey and I made love for several hours until I had no strength left.

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