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"Logan! We're is my charger??" He is driving me crazy.
"I don't have your stupid charger!"
He screamed across the room.
We always shared a room. I had no problem with it, Logan was the best brother in the entire world. Today we leave home for the first time. Logan's first season in F1 and my new job as a journalist starts at the end of the week.
"Your charger is in the kitchen sweetheart!" Mum always know everything. I'm gonna miss her so much.
"Tessa we're going to be late!" Logan never leaves me one minute of silence.
"I know ok! Help me instead of stressing me out!"
We made it on time. But i was so stressed. I could've fall asleep Right on the spot.
"Logan I'm going to sleep a bit is that ok?" I asked
"Of course, go rest now"

When we arrived Logan carried my suitcase for me to the hotel.
"You're treating me to well Logan"
"Of course, I don't want you to settle down for some idiot who doesn't treat you right"
"I'm sure you're going to help me pick the right one." I said and Logan started laughing.
"So here is your room. Are you sure you'll be ok?" He asked. I could see how worried he was.
"I guess... it's going to be a bit different but I got this" I looked at him and smiled.
"Oscar is going to be here in about an hour. I texted him where our rooms are. He needs us right now... I don't know if he told you but she cheated on him... he broke up with her. I know he don't say anything but he's sad." There was silence.
"He didn't told me...but I'll be there for him" Logan hugged me and left. 

I started unpacking everything and jumped in the shower. I turned my Musik on and began singing like a maniac. I was the biggest Taylor Swift fan. When I got out of the shower I heard a knock on my door. I turned the music off and opened the door with only a towel on. I didn't think this through.
"Oh! I can come back later if I'm interrupting you.."
"No! Come in"
He sat down on my bed
"I just go and get dressed, give me one minute" I said before I go to the bathroom.
"Could you text Logan...?"
"I kinda forgot a shirt..."
"Is there one in your closet? I could give it to you."
"I... completely forgot to pack one I think..." I stared panicking "maybe you could check in my closet if there maybe is one but I don't think I've packed any... Logan stresed me I must've forgotten it."
"Of course let me check."

Oscar's POV
I never thought I finish the day going through the closet of Tessa. I didn't see her for like 6 Months. That was not the way I expected to meet her again.
"Tessa I don't see a shirt..."
"I'm gonna kill him! Oscar you call him now! Tell him he has to come here! I'm gonna kill him!"
"Tessa you know him... he probably didn't wanted to stress you..."
"How about I give you mine! And then we can go to his room and you can ask him yourself!"

Tessa POV
I opened the door and reached for the shirt.
5 min later I knocked on his door.
As soon as he opened it I stormed into his room.
"Logan you idiot stressed me like crazy!! I forgot to pack shirts!"
Logan stand there with just his joggers. I looked to the side and there was a girl in his bed. " Oh my God! Logan I'm sorry!" I left and run to my room as fast as I can.

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