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Tessa POV
As Oscar sat down in the living room I decided to look at Logan.
"Logan? Are you ok?" I asked.
"Yes it's just weird. Oscar told me everything he did to her but never a name. I'm not mad at him I just can't stop thinking about what he did and what we did..." He started.
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know how to explain... Doesn't it bother you?"
"No it's ok I know he just fucked her. I hope i'm special to him, he really has feelings for me."
"I guess you're right. Still don't like the fact he has to get everything before me..."
"Logan you know he didn't knew. She wasn't something special he fucked around like crazy" I started laughing.
"You're right he was a male whore before you." He laughed with me.
"You want to play let's dance? Like old times?"
"Of course I want to win something"
"Let's ask Oscar and Olivia."
We made our way to tell them when we saw how she started kissing Oscar.
He pushed her off "what the hell!? Get off of me!"
"Oscar I know you miss me"
"The hell I do! I'm in love with her you whore! And you're with Logan!"
"I just needed him to come back to you..."
I couldn't stand there anymore. I made my way over to her.
"Tessa! I can explain!" Oscar tried. I pushed him aside and started hitting her.
"Who do you think you are?!" I slapped her in the face and she run over to Logan. "Babe did you see that?!"
"You have 1 minute to get out of this house." He started tearing up.
She looked at me, grabbed her suitcase and left.
"Logan I'm so sorry! I swear to god I didn't do anything! I pushed her off!" Oscar said to him.
"I know. We saw everything. Thank you. You really are a loyal friend." He hugged Oscar and started crying.
"Logan how about another movie night? You could stay in my room!"
I wanted to make him feel better.
"I gonna choose the movie" he said and went into his room. "I just go and have a Shower."
"Tessa are you mad at me?" Oscar looked worried.
"Come with me." I guided him into my room.
"No." I pushed him onto my Bed and jumped on top of him. "You did everything right." I whispered. "I just want you to know what you have with me" I started unbuttoning his jeans.
"Tessa what...?"
"Don't say anything. We don't have much time." I just started.
"Fuck... I falling for you so hard."

About 30 minutes later Logan came into my room. We watched a movie and chatted. A great night. Logan seemed to be ok. Of course he needs some time but we gonna make sure he doesn't feel left out.

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