Chapter 2: Monster

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Kira: Kashimo... What are you doing? I... What...? I don't understand...

Kashimo: You're gone, Kira. Did I knock a few brain cells out?

Kira: Stop giving me such a nasty attitude!

Ego starts clapping his hands for Kashimo.

Ego: Good job, unpolished gem. The results are clear. Ryousuke Kira! You are eliminated!

Kira: What the fuck? Do you honestly believe you can win the World Cup with this dumb shit...?! These dumb mind games... Why me of all people... HOW COULD YOU EVER ELIMINATE THE FUTURE OF A PLAYER THAT HAS SO MUCH TALENT SUCH AS MYSELF?! I'M "THE CROWN JEWEL OF JAPAN"! SO WHY ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH AM I EXPELLED?! WHY NOT IGAGURI OR ISAGI?! BETTER YET, WHY NOT KASHIMO?!

Kashimo: You were the easy prey. If you can't overcome and become the predator, then you're no striker at all.

Kira: Then tell me! What could I have done in those last few seconds, huh?!

Kashimo: Well, Igaguri was on the floor. You could have easily kicked him, dumbass.

Kashimo's demon appears, and only he can see him.

Kashimo's Demon: Outstanding! As a reward for the great show you performed, you can have Kira's talent.

Kashimo has adapted to Kira's talent. He is now more effective than he was overall. He can also improve at football faster as well.

Kashimo: Incredible.

Kashimo's Demon: Which talent? You already have one, so what's the second?

Kashimo: Talent? Me?

Kashimo's Demon: Superior Adaptability. You know the manga Jujutsu Kaisen?

Kashimo: Yes. Why are you asking me that?

Kashimo's Demon: And you know the Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga, correct?

Kashimo: What are you getting at?

Kashimo's Demon: Let's say your talent is similar to the Divine General. You have the talent to adapt to all other talents and playstyles in the football world.

Kashimo: I want Naruhaya's talent.

Kashimo's Demon: Seriously?

Kashimo: I'll be marked in almost every game. If I have his talent, it'll make it all the easier to receive passes.

Kashimo's Demon: Interesting. Very well, then. And one other thing. Once you adapt to the talents, you need the skill to master them. Naruhaya's talent is easy to adapt to. A talent such as Isagi's won't be easy to adapt to.

Kashimo: What's Isagi's talent?

Kashimo's Demon: You'll see in time.

Kashimo: Thanks, Devil.

Kashimo's Demon: A pleasure, Kashimo.

Kashimo's Demon disappears and time resumes.


Kashimo: Shut the fuck up already. You're starting to make my ears bleed.

Ego: That's enough. The reason you have lost is because you have no ego. Yoichi Isagi targeted someone stronger than him. Meguru Bachira passed to Isagi to make that happen. And Kashimo Wakasa finished has finished you off. That selfish egoism is key. Those three are the type of egoists I'm looking for. You lost, Ryosuke Kira. Lock off.

Kira: This... This is... such...!

Isagi: Kira...

Isagi: Kira

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