Chapter 5: To Be Reborn

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Naruhaya: All right! Let's go all-in on this attack!

Naruhaya passes the ball to Isagi and gets behind a player. Isagi passes the ball back but is blocked by a Team Y Player.

Isagi: Sorry, Naruhaya!

Team Y Player: Protect the goal! Don't let them score any more points, Team Y!

Kuon: Don't falter, Team Z!

Raichi: Keep pushing!

Igaguri: Give me that ball!

Team Y Player: Don't let him take it!

Team Y Player: It's yours, Niko!

Isagi blocks the pass.

Isagi: I'll steal all your passes!

Niko: You're rather irritating, aren't you?

Naruhaya: Let's try this again! We're gonna wrench open their defense!

Igaguri: Hey, Isagi! It's almost time to use your weapon!!

Isagi: Let's keep going like this! We'll score another point with Naruhaya's formation!

Isagi passes the ball to Igaguri.

Igaguri: Huh?! You really don't mind?!

Kashimo: (I see. Rather than breaking up their balance by putting Isagi in the lead... There's a higher chance that they'd score a point on us since nobody else realizes the danger Niko poses!)

Isagi goes to mark Niko. Kashimo is watching closely.

Niko: You all heard Ego's talk about "taking up arms."

Isagi: Yeah. What about it?

Niko: It got me thinking about what my own weapon might be. Doesn't everyone who came here have incredible talent? And there's no way I can compete with someone like Okawa in shooting skills. But there's no way I can lose now. I'm not fast and I don't have a powerful physique, but the weapons that will let me survive here are my eyes, which let me precisely survey the field, and my brain, which lets me make use of others. Even if you stop me, you won't stop my ideas.

Isagi: (What does that even mean?)

Team Y starts dribbling the ball around and letting time go by.

Kashimo: Isagi, get ready. They're up to something.

A Team Y Player passes to Okawa and all of Team Y starts sprinting to the other goal.

Niko: For the final minute, my teammates and I will go on the offense in a one-minute counterattack.

Kashimo: Isagi, the time for rebirth is now!

Isagi starts running in the most optimal direction. Kashimo stays behind for Team Y's counter. Niko dribbles the ball up and passes to Okawa instead of shooting. Isagi then intercepts the ball right on time.

Isagi: You went for Okawa, Niko. He's the one who smelled like a goal.

Kashimo: (I knew it. Isagi's weapon!)

Isagi: You're just like me. You have the same yes and brain! That's why, rather than shoot yourself, you passed it to Okawa to finish things off. This is my win, Niko. You're a failure of a striker!

Isagi passes the ball to Kashimo as he's the only one who understands the assignment.

Kashimo: I've been waiting! Remember what I said, Okawa?!

Okawa thinks back to Kashimo's words.

Kashimo: {I'll send your dream tumbling into anarchy!}

Okawa is then enraged.

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