Chapter 6: I'm Sorry

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Iemon: As you know, our next opponent is Team W. They have one loss against Team V.

Isagi: If they lose again, they're done.

Kashimo: They managed to win against Barou's team who we drew against.

Kunigami: We should consider them stronger than us.

Bachira: Well, we are Team Z after all.

Naruhaya: I wonder what their playstyle is like.

Iemon: Anyway, the key players on Team W are...

Iemon: The twins' specialty is combination plays

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Iemon: The twins' specialty is combination plays. When they won against Team X, the team led by Barou, the two scored four points. Their closeness and the timing of their moves are powerful weapons that can't be easily defended against.

Isagi: But they can't use their weapon individually.

Iemon: Right. So, we have to separate them. That's the key to defeating Team W.

Raichi: Who put you in charge, Iemon? Isn't this Kuon's job?

Iemon: He still hasn't come back from the shower.

Kashimo: He usually doesn't take this long.

Igaguri: Kuon sure takes long baths.

Naruhaya: Maybe he drowned and died.

Kuon: Sorry it took so long! I'm late because I was trying to think of a name for tomorrow's strategy. How's it going in here?

Isagi: We were just going over some footage for our match against team W.

Kuon: For this next match, we'll use the strategy we've been practicing that we came up with after looking back on our last match. We barely managed to win with "Operation: Me, Next 9," but since that plan only lets someone use their weapon for ten minutes, the strategy was too choppy, and there was a lot of time that went to waste. That's why this time, we'll change formations three times, giving thirty minutes each to groups of three, whose weapons are compatible.

Kashimo: Wouldn't that be a waste since there's only 45 minu-

Kuon We'll call it "Operation: 3x3 All Stars'!

Igaguri: That sucks!

Naruhaya: You almost died to come up with that?! Your naming sense is horrible!

Gagamaru: I think it's great. I like that band. "Erotica Seven" is a good song.

Kuon: Gagamaru, you understand!

Iemon: So... will I just be goalie for the entire match?

Raichi: Obviously! What choice do we have? We won with you as the goalie.

Igaguri: Are you seriously complaining now?

Kashimo: Why not Gagamaru?

Igaguri: Because he's one of our top strikers.

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