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There is this contest I entered. It said...

If someone gave you a piece of white paper and a pencil what would you draw? Or Write?

IT said to be CREATIVE and this is what I put.

If I was given a white sheet of paper and a pencil, I would draw the world. Not just this 3-D circle we live on but the world unseen. The Dreams of the world. Places where rivers flow rich of blue vanilla cotton candy. Where all people can live as one. A place where the earth is always green and healthy. It will have Rainbows that rain cows. Birds that swim in the sea. Smiling faces everywhere you look.  People would be happy. Things that are normally very large will be tiny, made of glass and put into one of those cabinet, shelf thingys. (My mom has one) The stars themselves would like the homes of our houses. Women will be women and Men will be men. But Children...Children they will be kids! (Thats right I said KIDS) Love would spread like wildfire and it will be hot too. School would still exist in that world BUT it would be held outside under big fluffy clouds of Knowledge. Animals, that have bred together to make SUPER animals. Animals like shark-monkey-elephant, a Shonkant.  You will hear trees fall even if you are not around. Music will be the bases of everything. There would be no Twitter! Why would you want a chicken to TWEET TWEET your very important news that you need everyone to hear at any moments notice. You could put tin foil into the microwave! Cartoons will have hidden messages in them to teach kids how to be better people. OLD PEOPLE would make sense and not act so old. No one will ever be sick!!(It is a drawing after all how could they get sick?)Sheep will make clothes from tigers. Numbers would all start with a. I was born in '92, awesome year. Ants will know the secret to life &stuff! The impossible will be possible. I will make this world! I will draw this world!  Although that pencil maybe limited to only shades of drawing will give life to all the colors. Giving Life to this World.

Just kiddin I would draw a circle :D  (If you can follow what I wrote up there you are just super! I forgot what I was doing like half way

I just started rambling after the third sentence. I think I can win lol Its 4am I'm going to bed, well to sleep because I'm already in the bed. I wonder why people say that...I'm going to bed. Like its some far off distant land across vast oceans and cannibals. Just Food for thought. 


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