She Went To The Grocery Store To Buy Groceries...And OMG She Paid In Cash!!!

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  • Dedicated kay Readers Everywhere!!

She Went To The Grocery Store To Buy Groceries...And OMG She Paid In Cash

It was Saturday morning and Sally noticed that she was running low of food. How could that be possible, she just went shopping 2 days ago. Those Darn kids. She would have to go shopping because there was going to be a party later tonight.

So Sally got in her cherry red Hummer and headed for the grocery store. She grabbed a cart and started down all the isles. She didn't care about sell deals becuase she is super rich like that. When she was done she went to the check out line. When all her stuff was scanned the cashier asked how she will be paying for it. She thought about it for a long momment, this was a super important desicion. Sally decided on, to pay in cash. She pulled out 2 hundred dollars and told the cashier to keep the change.

The End!


They are just as IMPORTANT as the rest of your story/book. I feel like if your title your stuff like that, that your not very creative and your story might not be that great. That's why you had to tell everything that happens in the story in the title.

So take like 5 minutes to think about your story. And give it a title that is fitting and will catch the attention of readers. I just can't read stories with titles like that. If that suckishness up there was a real story a better title would be...Shopping Trip, Needs to Feed,or Food Plus Money!

Just saying :D The video I put if very funny so watch it! Watch it now!

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