Everybody Get Kinda Awesome

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Yesterday I asked this question.

You have the choice to live with a gorilla who knows sign language or a dog who sings lullabies, which do you choose?

1missedkiss96- oh gorilla all the way!! monkeys freaking rock!

xinxlovewithjudasx- Is Either potty trained?

Neuroticme13- GORILAAAAAAA! I LOVE MONKEYS! They are gods gift to earth!!!! MONKEYSSSS

xXxSlayerxXx-  i'd go with the dog, only because, i already know sign language, and lullabies are so sothing, especially when you want to kill yourself. But Gorillas are cool too.

Lisamarie468- Gorilla, I can have him do things for me

P3anut- I would lie with the dog. I even asked my grandpa and he said the dog. :D

23fastpitch- Awesome! The dog then... cause i can get him a recording deal and make some money off of him:)

Roxytree233- Yes I choose gorilla!

Frenchi1793- the gorilla

GrrrMonster- Of course I would have to choose the gorilla, a singing dog would kind of scare me :/

Gorillas win.

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