I'm Michaella ;D
Boys or Girls? Why?
Um, I like guys ;P I get along better with them I guess, haha.
What is your favorite song?
It's going to sound weird, but I've been obsessed with BOTDF's Sexting ;3 ( I have heard that song many times before. I find all their songs funny. The Song is NOT FOR KIDS!)
Are you a reader/writer or both? If you are a writer what are you writing about?
Um, I'm both, but I'm easily bored, so it has to be a really good story for me to read it (: And I love to write romances ;D
What do you think of long titled stories?
They give away the whole story, and there's nothing to look forward to /: It needs to be catchy and short.
Jam or Jelly?
Jelly, because it's fun to say ;3
What are your goals on Wattpad?
I just want to make friends and improve my writing skills. I don't really care that much about votes or reads (:
What is your favorite author and Why?
I don't think I have a favorite author, because I rarely read. But I'd probably have to say I love a lot of Wattpad writers (:
Have you seen Mtv's TeenWolf? If yes what do you think about it?
Haha, yes I have heard of Teen Wolf, and I'm surprised I like it ;P The main character guys is hot ;3 (That’s something you and my sister agree on.)
What is your favorite animal?
Ummm, I love pandas for some reason... I dunno .-. They're just adorable ;D
What is one thing you want to put on a bucket list?
Finding true love is probably the number one thing on bucket list, ha.
Do you believe in good luck?
Meh, I don't think there's 'good' luck... There's certainly bad luck though ;P
What is your favorite smell?
I absolutely love the smell of rain or freshly cut grass (: It smells so natural, hah.
If you could live in any time period which would you live in?
I wanna live in the future ;P I think I'd be fun to fly around in cars or whatever nonsense they'll have...
What is your favorite game?
Game? .-. Hmm, Angry Birds? Does that count? Haha ;P
What is your favorite kind of genre for books and what not?
I'm addicted to romance and fantasy. It's fun to read and write on those subjects (:
Describe the perfect Saturday
Hmm... I guess it would be a wild concert- like Warped Tour or something that would last all day ;D
Would you go into space if given the chance?
Space...? Dx I think I'd die before the space shuttle even left Earth 0_0
What would you like to say to your fans?
I LOVE every single one of my fans (in a not creepy way, of course), and I want to thank you all for voting and commenting ;D It means the world to me (: ~Thanks for the interview! ;D~ xxxx
Weekly Randoms
UmorismoRandom stuff. interviews, stories, fun stuff, stuff, words (lots of those) and.........................................................More.