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Hi everyone.

It has been a while. I took my time with my family and comforted each other from the loss. While it sucks that I'll never see them again, it will do no good moping around. Now I feel refreshed enough to stand up and move on for their sake. I am currently fine. 

At the same time, I have completed my arduous semester exam (Thank God!). So I can post maybe one chapter or four before resuming back to school in January.

I have been reading my book to see my progress and I have realised I've made some mistakes. Some grammatically, others in characterization & plot and some cringeworthy like that part in Chapter 13 where MC sings the opening. If you liked that part, good on you but I will be removing that.

So before I drop another chapter, this book will be under heavy editing. Don't worry, it won't take long. 

Thank you all for the heartfelt consolations and support. For a random story idea that popped in my head and got shared with the world, I am most proud of the positive community we have built. What I can leave you with is this: Value everyday of your life, even the bad ones.

With love,



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