Chapter 1

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"Hurry up!" I yelled anxiously at my siblings.
"We're coming," Rayne groaned. The three girls slowly trailed behind me as I ran to the park.
"You're going sooooo slooooow!" I complained bugging the girls once again. I loved the park unlike my sisters. Rayne hated the park she wasn't really open to meeting new people. She was fine with her own small group of friends. But me? I was a social butterfly that's why I loved the park. I was always open to meeting new people, making new friends. Except for adults. I was kinda terrified of adults. I would always get so shy and hide behind my mom's leg, too nervous to even consider speaking to an adult
"Come on! Come on! Come on!" I hurried them again. I was never the patient type either.
"Take a chill pill," Mira complained.
"Yeah, take a chill pill," agreed Lennon. Lennon was like Mira's echo until she turned 10. Lennon was always interested in what Mira was doing. And Mira would just use Lennon as her personal maid.
Finally I reached the neighborhood park. They had just recently finished building the park, and the park had just recently became my favorite place. I couldn't see any new people yet. Rayne was immediately greeted by her best friend of three years; Lola. Lola was forced to come here by her little sister, Emma. Emma just so happened to be Lennon and Mira's friend. Lennon had two other best friends; Sarah and Sophie. Now I couldn't help but a bit lonely. I walked up to the swing and gently sat down swaying slightly. Back and forth. I kicked my legs to gain momentum.
I had been at the park for roughly 10 minutes, and I heard a new voice. "Look Watari I'm an eagle," a boy giggled ,"Kaw Kaw."
The boy looked about my age, but he could be a little older. He had messy raven hair and pale skin. He was wearing a long sleeved white shirt and blue jeans. He flapped his arms and yelled, "KAW KAW." I laughed at his silly behavior. An old tall man held the raven haired boy above his head as the boy flapped his arms around.
The old man set the boy down and told him," go play L." The man then sat on the bench and started to read his book. Once he was set down his face was washed over with shyness. His mouth was plastered with a nervous grin as he stood where the man whose name is what you believe Watari set him down. "Go on play," the man encouraged handing him a lollipop. The young boy took the treat and danced around.
"LOLLIPOP LOLLIPOP I HAVE A LOLLIPOP!" the boy sang running around. He unwrapped the treat and placed it in his mouth. He ran around the park with the lollipop in his mouth. His feet were completely bare.
I wanted a lollipop too. I had a sweet tooth and craved all desserts, but I guess most kids did as well.
The boy ran past me, and I spoke up. "You know running with a lollipop in your mouth could make you choke," I informed gesturing to the treat in his mouth. He sat down on the swing next to me.
"I know, in fact there's a ...," he paused to think," 67.34% chance of it happening,"He retorted. Whoa he's smart! It only took him like three seconds! Maybe he's a genius. Or a ROBOT!! Like Voltron!
"Then why do you do it?" I asked, crossing my arms and raising one eyebrow.
"I am invincible I can't die so my percentage of it happening is 00.00% chance," he said.
"How? How are you invincible?" I asked confused. HE IS A ROBOT!
"Because I am... AN EAGLE! KAW! KAW!" He called out swinging higher on the swing. You giggled at his silliness.
"You're crazy!" You told him laughing.
"NO! I'm not, I'm L... like the letter just L. Not the girls name- E-L-L-E. Because I'm a boy," he defended.
"Well I'm Y/N, and I don't think you're L I think you're Lollipop," I giggled.
"Lawlipop? I like it!" He agreed laughing as well.
"Y/N time to go. Dinner will be ready soon!" Rayne called.
"Coming!" I responded," Bye Lollipop nice to meet you."
"Bye Y/N see you later come to the park tomorrow maybe I'll see you there," he told you waving bye.
I scampered down the sidewalk to catch up with my curious sisters. "Who was he?" Lennon asked.
"Just a friend," I informed, happy I was able to call him my friend.
"He was a boy right?" Mira asked.
"Well yeah," I responded already know where this was going. I sighed, ready to here their teasing replies.
"So he's your boyfriend?" Lennon finished for Mira.
"No, he's L or Lollipop as I call him. He's an eagle. Kaw! Kaw!" I mimicked the noises he made. Giggling and slightly taken aback on how fun it was to just screech.
"Nicknames already? You guys are moving fast," Rayne teased butting into the conversation. I blushed in frustration. Close to throwing a temper tantrum. Five year olds don't have the most reasonable temper.
"L as in the letter?" Mira started again. I nodded, thinking she heard a segment of the converstaion.
"And L as in LOVE?" Lennon yelled. I rolled my eyes. You were getting very frustrated. After all children were quite short tempered. A black fancy car stopped next to us.
"Hey Y/N wanna ride?" Lawlipop asked.
"YEAH!" I exclaimed jumping into the car.
"I think we'll walk, Y/N you shouldn't go with strangers," Rayne said speaking for her and her three little sisters.
"Bye then!" I yelled as Watari drove away.
"But I wanted to drive," I heard Mira complain before you were off.
First chapter!! What do you think? Comment your opinions what should I change. Any grammar mistakes comment and I'll fix em. We are stuck in a storm and the garage door won't open. Also that picture at the top is not claimed by me I found it on the Internets I didn't draw it obviously .Anyway bye.
-The Forbidden Fruit

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