Chapter 25

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"Good night!" I smiled going back to Lawliet's and Light's room
"Hey Ryuzaki, I'm back," I said in a hushed tone.
"What took you so long. You were gone for like ten minutes and didn't even come back with anything."
"Sorry I was catching up with Watari," I replied.
"Yeah, but speaking of what do you see Watari as?" I asked," Just out of sheer curiosity of course."
"Hmmm. I don't know. He's the man who raised me. He's kind of like a father figure, I guess," he answered, scratching his neck.
"Okay, uh thanks," I said grinning.
"It's nothing," I replied.
"Do you have them at kind of relationship. Like do you... love him like a father?" I asked.
"Are you interrogating me?" He retorted.
"No," I responded a little too fast.
"Yes I love him like a father. He raised me. He's been with me my entire life. I mean I've never told him, but I think he knows that, maybe."
"Okay then," I ended the awkward conversation. It made me feel a little happy to know that he loves Watari. Sure I wasn't supposed to be all up in his business but it was nice to know.
I walked back over to Lawliet's bed. I laid back down next to him, and he snaked one of his arms around my waist. The other one was chained to Light.
"A lot has happened since when we were children," I told him.
"Yeah, things will change in a decade," he agreed.
"Yeah, lots of change. Can I ask you something?" I was a bit nervous. I didn't want to bring this up. I wasn't sure he wanted to talk about it. He's never even mentioned it before. Maybe it just makes him uncomfortable.
"Sure," he nodded.
"Can you tell me about Wammy's?" I asked.
"I guess so. It an orphanage for smart kids," he explained.
"Well I know that but... the kids, what are they like?"
"The kids? I haven't been there in awhile. Most of them are very social and nice to each other."
"Have you chosen a successor?" I blurted out. That's all I really wanted to hear. I didn't want to start the conversation like that though.
He looked at me for a few seconds," No." He said it shamefully.
"What are they like?" I wanted to know about these boys.
"There are two. I can't decide. Mello is very interesting. He is a bit rude. He's competitive. He has shoulder length blonde hair. And he's very close with the third runner up, Matt. The other one is Near. Also very interesting. Disregarding his age he plays with lots of children's toys. He like solving difficult puzzles and stacking stuff. He has a higher IQ than Mello, but I can't decide. They're both quite similar to me. I just don't know," he sighed at the end of his description of the two boys.
"Do you think I could ever meet them," I really wanted to meet these boys. They sound odd.
"So why did you go to the kitchen in the first place?" He started the conversation this time.
"Oh right! I was just going to pull a classic prank on Light. Because I'm awfully childish," I remembered, trying to spring out of bed. I couldn't. Lawliet's arm still held me tight.
"Hey let go I've gotta get something!" I whined.
"Okay. IF you don't laugh for ten seconds," he negotiated.
"What?" I was confused for a second before he started tickling me. I was about to burst out laughing. He started to count down from ten. I held my hand tight on my mouth. I started biting my finger to not laugh. I shut my eyes tight, trying to gain control of myself.
"3...2...1," he finished. He stopped tickling me," alright you win." He released his arms from my waist.
I walked away to collect the essential item. I grabbed a plastic cup filling it with warm water. I walked back to the room.
"So we can be children again," I held up the cup as I entered the room. He looked puzzled, curious to see what happens next.
I knelt beside Light's bed. I carefully took Light's hand and placed it in the cup of water.
I had always seen this happen in the shows, but I never had tested it before. I wonder if it actually works.
Lawliet saw what I was doing. He shook his head and grinned, as he watched from his bed.
I waited about three minutes, slowly growing bored. I guess it wasn't true. I was kinda disappointed. Light started to stir. It seemed as though he was about to wake up. I started to panic. What do I do?
I quickly moved his hand out of the cup, dumped the water over Light's pants, threw the cup under the bed, then dove back under the covers with Lawliet.
Lawliet wrapped his arm around my waist as I tried not to giggle as loud.
Light arose from his bed. He blinked a few times trying to get his eyes used to the minimal lighting. There was one small desk lamp on, on Lawliet and I's side of the room.
He rubbed his head a bit then noticed the water all over his lap. He eyes widened and he shuffled around a bit.
I pretended to act like I had just woken up.
"What's wrong?" I asked Light, trying not to giggled.
"I'M FINE... It's... nothing," he tried to rush out of bed, but ended up falling.
Lawliet sat up. He held up his handcuffed wrist, and Light rolled his eyes.

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