Tag! You're it! (Update)

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Okay before we get started here I'm sorry. I haven't updated in forever. I'M NOT DEAD! That's good, right? I just have a lot on my plate. I'm about to have a district band competition and these etudes are slowly killing me. And I'm in the school musical and we're three weeks away from hell week. And I'm babysitting children at the moment. I am working on a chapter that will hopefully be posted Wednesday Thursday or Friday idk. So there is my petty excuse! (Btw everything in parentheses is written by me, the editor, @nataliechav !)

Alright, I was tagged by Erinthecoolcar890
for the peak into my personal life tag. (Yeah, I just named this and I doubt that will stick, but that's okay!)

Question 1: Favorite Song? Currently it is Save Me by BTS, Blood Sweat and Tears by BTS, Unfair by EXO, and Football Gang by Luhan. (I'm sorry she couldn't just pick one)

Question 2: Favorite Sport? I'm a dancer. 💃🏾 I know a lot of people don't consider this as a sport, but I don't care. (Yeet dance competition for me in a few months... I think)

Question 3: Favorite YouTuber? Ciel Star or Eineshine! (Papa Frank {FilthyFrank} for me the editor. I know I'm messed up)

Question 4: Favorite Movie? I just watched Miss Perigrine's Home for Peculiar Children I really liked that. (My favorite is Psych: The Musical or Sweeney Todd. Yes, Sweeney Todd I know TheForbiddenFruit's editor is still messed up.)

Question 5: Favorite Color? Black, because of Sebastian Michealis.

Question 6: Favorite Food? Teriyaki Salmon or Kama Age Udon or Udon in general.

Question 7: Favorite Drink? Probably hot chocolate or raspberry iced tea.

Question 8: Favorite Game? I don't play very many video games, but I get really into Pokémon fire red (wow so old school. But really who doesn't get into Pokémon?) on my DSi. Like sun and moon is about to/ has already come out. I want it but I'm super broke so send me money! (My Favorite is resident evil revelations, but no one cares about the editor.)

Question 9: Tag 15 people! Okay, I'm pretty sure I'm not even following 15 people, so here are all the people I'm following! ( minus Erinthecoolcar890 who tagged TheForbiddenFruit)









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