Chapter 8

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Lawliet's POV
"Plop plop plop plop down fall the rain drops," Y/N sang as you sat up from the chair.
"It's not raining outside,"I informed Y/N chuckling.
"I know it's not raining yet!" Y/N explained laughing," Leelaw when will I get my mouth surgery?"
"What did you just call me?" I laughed looking down at her.
"LeeeeeeLaaaaaaaw," she sang over and over again.
"Well Y/N, you just got your surgery," I explained.
"No I didn't your a liar he's a liar HE'S LYING!" She yelled to a doctor while pointing at me.
"Y/N, shhh. There are other patients here too," I hushed her.
"Well he's not lying you just got your surgery," the doctor told Y/N.
"No I didn't!" She stated boldly then started to cry.
"No no don't cry Y/N," I soothed trying my best to keep her down while struggling not to laugh.
"Okay," she stopped crying. "Can we goooo nooooooow?" She complained.
"Yeah let me just sign some release papers," I told her displaying the paper they gave me.
"Hurry up!" Y/N whined like a child," Your taking foreeeever."
"Alright I am now... finished," I assured her handing the papers to the lady at the front desk.
"Come on Y/N we're leaving now," I said holding her hand. She immediately started to blush at my actions.
"You know lawlipop I really like you," she said smiling.
"I like you too Y/N," I agreed leading her to my car. Once we stepped outside Y/N's energy boosted.
"Pizza!!" She screamed at no one in particular.
"Y/N, you really need to stop yelling!" I scolded.
"I can do that! That'll be as easy as... CHILDBIRTH!!"
"Y/N you're yelling again."
"I'm sorry. I can't not do that. I caaaan't," she whined. "Let's make a shelter out of acorns and the moon!" I opened the door and escorted her into the car. She lifted her finger to my mouth, as if to shush me. "Hush Boo Boo. No don't cry. You can't let Jub Jub find us!"
"And who's Jub Jub?"
"That's not important right now. Awwww Boo Boo's crying now," She muttered, her speech slowly becoming more slurred as she grew more tired.
"If by Boo Boo you mean me, then I'm not crying."
She tried to reach over and hug my face," No no Boo Boo, it's okay. Just let it out."
"No stop, I can't see if you do that Y/N." She pulled away from me. (I'm about to talk about some American History, so if you don't know who Mariah Reynolds is I will tell you. Mariah Reynolds is the woman Alexander Hamilton cheated on his wife with. Yeah that's all...)
"I don't like narara rerods!" She exclaimed.
"Rarara Reynods is a hohoho!!!"
"Ryan Reynolds?"
"No!! Maraha Reynods!"
"Mariah Reynolds?"
"She made Alexander cheat. And I didn't do anything," Y/N began to sob.
"No. That was American history from over 300 years ago. There was nothing you could do."
"Leelaw my house is boring take me to your house?" She stated, though she phrased it like a question.
"Uhh... I mean I guess so your just gonna have to call Lizzie and Charlotte," I answered handing her my phone.
"Riiiiiing Riiiiiiiing Hello!" Charlotte chines through the phone. Y/N had put it on speaker phone so I could hear.
"Hello Charlotte, I would like you to know that I gonna be at Lawlipop's house," Y/N giggled through the phone.
"Umm... Okay," Charlotte answered simply about to hang up.
"You know why?" Y/N asked.
"No. And frankly I don't want to," Charlotte answered.
"Because he's my boyfriend," Y/N made up giggling.
"I think your drugged up," Charlotte guessed.
"Nope I'm definitely not doing the drugged or the pot or the pan," Y/N said laughing for no reason.
"Okay then Y/N I think you should take a nap," Charlotte said in a hushed tone.
"I'M NOT TIRED!" Y/N yelled before hanging up. Soon after that Y/N fell asleep but only for about 5 minutes.

What do rainbows taste like? I wish the world was flowers. CHEEEEEEEESE!

Lawliet's POV
Before I took her to my house we had to make a stop at a pharmacy/ corner store. We were only here because Y/N needed some drugs for pain and whatever. After about 15 minutes of Y/N trying to get out of the car with her eyes closed, she finally found a way to get out. As soon as we stepped inside Y/N ran off. I picked out the pain relief and some other things the doctor suggested and headed over to the check out.
"Wait wait!" Y/N called. She came up to me and laid a lot of candy down," we must buy this or we'll DIE!"
"Umm okay," I responded giving my attention back to the clerk.
"That will be 2029.60 yen," the clerk said bagging our purchases. (that's equal to 16.43 in American dollars.) I handed him the money.
"Come on Y/N" I called looking around for her.
"I'm hiding," she giggled.
"I'm a detective this'll be easy," I reminded her.
"YOU'LL NEVER FIND ME!" She yelled giggling. It was actually quite obvious she was in aisle 7 but now she's at aisle 6 to trick me. I crept up to aisle 6 then grabbed her hand and pulled her to the car. She laughed loudly for about 5 minutes. "Why are you laughing Y/N?" I asked.
"I don't know I should do the opposite!" Once again she began to cry. I quickly stopped her before unbuckling my seat belt.
I stepped out of my car then opened the door for Y/N.
I led her inside and she yelled," THIS PLACE IS GIANT! YOU'RE RICH! COOL!"
"Hm well I guess so," I responded calmly much different than her.
"Come on! Show me your room!" She yelled still excited. I led her down the hallway point out what each room was until we got to my room. I opened the door and led her in.
"Just a bed that's all," I said. My room was just a bed and a bathroom though the bathroom is quite large. My room was clean except for the few papers scattered from old and current cases.
Y/N hopped onto the bed jumping on the bed. "Come on Lawliet!" She yelled.
Once she got bored she sat down. "Lawliet will you have the sexy time with me?" Y/N asked.
" Y/N you're drugged," I told her," go to bed."
"Okay," she said slipping under the blankets. After a few minutes she fell asleep and I did too.
Where am I? This is not my bedroom? Soon the events of yesterday came flooding back. CRAP! What did I tell him when I was all drugged up? You felt a bit of weight on your torso. You looked down to see an arm hugging you tight. Because of the pale skin and white shirt it was obviously Lawliet. You rolled over to see him asleep. Your legs were tangled up with his and you were holding his arms for security.
I hope I didn't say anything too embarrassing. He better tell me if I did. Oh god what if I let out an embarrassing secret. Or told him some lies? Somebody help me...

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