Chapter 26

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Sorry for the lack of updates. Over summer I updated roughly once every one or two weeks. But school has started and it's been a while. I'll try to be more consistent. And Hooray we've reached 5k! That rhymed. I could be one of those mysterious wattpad poets! Okay let's get on to da chapter!
Lawliet got up and followed Light to the closet. I looked down. My shirt had fallen slightly over my right shoulder. My right shoulder. I stared at that spot. The scars were there from when that....incident. Memories flashed through. I knew this was to happen. There was no way I could go through that traumatic experience without PTSD. I thought maybe Lawliet was a good enough distraction from all of that. I thought maybe I could just forget it all. Pretend it never happened. I THOUHT I COULD BE HAPPY AGAIN! I started to shake. I just wanted to be happy.
I lifted my shirt up slightly. A few scars decorated my stomach. From the harassment. From the knifes, and the beatings, and the burns. Every horrible memory is glued onto my body forever. I will never be the same. I will never return to the person I was before. I'm stuck. Tears began to stream down my face for the thousandth time tonight. I quickly wiped them away.
No. NO! I will not stand for this. She's the one rotting in a jail cell. She's the one who should be suffering, not me. I'm a survivor. She tried to ruin me, but I fought through it. I lasted through it. And I was strong. And I AM strong. She doesn't deserve my tears. She doesn't deserve my thoughts. She is nothing to me. She's a dirty ally cat, she's lower than that. She's trash and nothing more but most likely something less. I am bigger and better than her. She can be blotted out with happy memories. She is the fatty scraps you through out to the dogs. I don't care about her the least bit.
I took some deep breaths and collected myself. I glanced over at the alarm clock. 4:12 AM. Well there's no way I'm going back to sleep. I slipped out of the room again. I walked into the kitchen.
The sink were full of dishes. What's the harm, Lawliet's letting me spend the night. I pulled my hair out of my face. I walked over to the sink and grabbed the sponge beside it. I poured a generous amount of dish soap onto the sponge and began to wash the dishes. I hummed some songs as I scrubbed the icing off a platter.
I heard a door creak open. I froze. Slowly I turned the sink off, and I set the platter down to the bottom of the sink. I heard chains. My heart started to race and I began to shake. Chains...flashback
The chains clung to my torso so much the it restricted my breathing. Every time I moved they clinked. flashback over
A pair of arms started to snake around me. There was cold metal on their wrist. It felt...somehow familiar. Who? Was it... her? I couldn't bare to say her kidnapper. No she is nothing to me. I won't let this happen again. I won't go through THIS TORTURE AGAIN!
I instinctively jerk elbow backwards aim toward the nose. Then my hand swung to that... lower region one would say.
"Ow!" The voice groaned followed by a thump. Great, they've fallen to the floor. I whipped my head around are prepared to strike again. This time I would kick them in the stomach since they were already on the floor. I lifted my leg ready to kick. I recognized their face and immediately fell to the floor worry.
"Oh my god! Are you okay," I sat beside Lawliet.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I analyzed the situation before there was a 54.39% chance of you putting me in pain in some way. I went for it anyways."
"Oh dear, I'm so sorry," I furrowed my eyebrows and helped him up. Light just laughed in the background.
Blood stained his white shirt, dripping from his nose. I ran and grabbed tissues to tend to his nose.
"I'm so sorry. Oh, I can't believe I did that. I'm sorry."
"No, no it's fine. It's good to know that you know self defense."
Light continued to laugh at the whole situation. Light have Lawliet eye contact, and Lawliet just glared.
"At least my girlfriend isn't unhealthily obsessed with me," Lawliet called out.
"Misa doesn't count," Light scoffed.
"Well then at least I have a girlfriend!" Lawliet retorted.
"Hmm," was all Light could respond with.
The rest of the day went on uneventfully.
We got ready.
Light and Lawliet argued. (About who should drive us.)
Lawliet drove us to work.
Light and Lawliet argued. (About what radio station we should listen to.)
We arrived at work.
Light and Lawliet argued. (About which chair they got to sit in or crouch in Lawliet's case.)
Lawliet played and ate his food similar to a child.
Light and Lawliet argued. (About who knows what anymore)
Lawliet and I showed affection to each other whenever we were alone. (Which wasn't often.)
Light and Lawliet argued. (About anything and everything.)
Most everyone left.
Light and Lawliet argued. (About if we should stay afterwards or not)
We stayed afterwards.
Light fell asleep.
Lawliet and I kissed...a...fair amount.
Lawliet worked.
I worked.
Eventually we woke up Light.
Light and Lawliet argued. (About how he should've slept more.)
We went to the parking garage.
Light and Lawliet argued. (About who should drive...again.)
Watari actually drove us this time.
Light fell asleep again.
I was dropped off at my apartment. Lawliet decided to walk me in. Okay it was more of 'I was nervous to walk alone.' An extremely passionate goodbye kiss happened.
Lawliet pinned me against my apartment door.
"Je n'ai pas de mots, sauf que je vous," he whispered.
"You're so god damn sexy right now," I mumbled back. He licked my bottom lip, requesting entrance.
"No," I spoke between kisses. Lawliet moved his way to my neck creating a trail of hickeys.
"Watari is waiting for you," My words were breathy and lustful.
I moaned quietly as he had found a sweet spot on my neck. I tried not to disturb the neighbors.
"Stop," I told him.
"Do you really want me to?" He asked seductively.
"No," I answered moving his lips to reconnect with mine. Next I traveled to his ears. I lightly nibbled on them. Then I set a line of kisses down to his collarbone.
I went back up to his mouth. His hands slid down my body.
I pulled away. I ran my hands all over his chest. About to kiss him again, I leaned forward. We were so close. Then I turned around and quickly slipped through the apartment door.
He knocked on the door. "You're such a tease," he called through the door.
I grinned. I set my stuff my the door, and my phone on the counter. I'm so tired. I collapsed onto my bed, and fell asleep right then.

Falling for the Raven [L.Lawliet x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now