Chapter 21

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Ayyyy new cover!! Or old cover depending on how long it takes for me to write this!
Lawliet's POV
"Ugh. Again," Light sulked. Sochiro Yagami had already locked the handcuffs.
"And here we are again," I grinned at Light.
"Don't look too smug. So where'd you get those hickys?" Light teased. This caused my cheeks to light up a vibrant red.
"Nothing! No one!" I exclaimed embarrassed. I cleared my throat," Nothing of your concern."
Y/N burst through the door precisely on time. "Good morning everyone!" She chirped.
"Somebody's in a good mood," Light mumbled.
"I brought coffee for everyone!!" She exclaimed. She went around passing coffee to everybody receiving 'thank you's in return. She ended with Light and I. She placed down my coffee that was packed with cream and sugar. I pecked her on the cheek while she set my coffee down. She gave me a warm smile. She blushed just a little bit and mouthed 'not at work.'
She looked beautiful today. Her hair was in a cute up do. She wore light blue denim high waisted skinny jeans and a simple black t shirt with a heart on it. She winked at me then took her seat across from me.

Light's POV
Dammit! This stupid double date! I only did that so L and Y/N would break up. Clearly their relationship wasn't going strong if they even were dating. I thought if I forced them to spend time together pretending to be a loving couple that would completely destroy and mutilate their relationship. Based off the fact that their undressing each other with their eyes at work and have matching hickys they can't get their hands off of each other.

I was so unfocused. I tried to get work done I really did but ugh. I kept looking up at him then he would look at me. Then the events of yesterday morning would just flood back to me making me all red and flustered.
Light looked particularly angry today. Maybe because of the handcuffs. Or maybe because L and I are being super flirty and annoying. For god's sake we were playing footsie under the desk.
"Umm Ryuzaki?" Light tapped L's shoulder.
"Yes," L replied not even letting his eyes leave the screen.
"I have to use the facilities," Light replied. Ryuzaki sighed and stood up.
There were four one stall bathrooms on each floor; two women's and two men's but it didn't matter which one you went in with our small staff. They was a door then a short hallway with the four bathrooms. Perfect! Now I guess I can talk to L alone for a bit. I stood up following them to the restrooms.
You found L leaning against the wall. They had extended the chain this time. He waved at me and you walked over.
"Hey, I can't work I'm so unfocused. I was just going to try and wake myself up," I smiled.
"I can't either," he admitted.
"Hey can you do me a quick favor?" I asked.
"I guess so," he replied.
"Well I really want to kiss you right now," I giggled. He smiled at me then nodded. He slung an arm around your waist and pulled you closer. Your lips touched rekindling your fire from yesterday.
"We're at work," he mumbled," we really shouldn't be doing this." This didn't stop him. He deepened the kiss.
"Yes, this is a place of business," I agreed. I pulled away gazing into his deep ivory eyes. I just stared at him. No words exchanged. No body movements. I just looked into his eyes. As though I could read the dark irises. Eyes with permanent black circles from lack of sleep. But I couldn't. He was a secret you didn't want to be kept. A mystery waiting to be solved. A secret, a mystery I loved ever so much.
Next I focused on his perfect raven locks. Always covering his face. Getting in the way of his eyesight. Just a big jumbled mess of darkness. Beautiful soft darkness. Darkness I loved ever so much.
After that I looked at his fair white skin. Skin that had hardly never seen the sun. So clear and smooth. Cold at the fingertips but warm in his chest. Warmth I loved ever so much.
Ahh his shirt. The devil he wore such a fine white shirt. It was pure white as soft to the touch. Full of warmth and love that would embrace me when he hugged me. It always smelled like strawberries and cake. The scent was very light but always calming. I always felt safe when he would wrap his arms around me. Safety I loved ever so much.
His hands, who knows if they'd fit in my hand? For he only used his forefinger and thumb. Always poking. And pushing. The cute way he would type on his laptop just made me feel so fuzzy inside. His hands were so strong but they were also gentle. A strength I loved ever so much.
His mouth a familiar place for me. His breath always smelt of sweets. His lips were soft and welcoming. A softness I loved ever so much.
I looked back to his eyes and quietly, but just loud enough, admitted,"I love you." His mouth opened as he was going to say something, but he was quickly pulled away by the other side of his handcuffs.

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