Chapter 3

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"I'm sooooo bored, and it's sooooo late," Charlotte complained before falling on the couch.
"And hungry very hungry," Lizzie added searching the pantry.
"Fine I'll go to the store I'll be back in an hour and what do you mean late? It's noon," I said making a shopping list of things to buy.
I had just graduated the University of Tokyo along with Lizzie and Charlotte. The three of us had bought an apartment together and all three of us had separate jobs. I was a detective, Charlotte was a pharmaceutical saleswoman, and Lizzie was a host at a nearby hotel. I love my life, I have a great job, a wonderful boyfriend, and I'm not too tight on money either. At the beginning we were living paycheck to paycheck. Of course I'm still paying off student debt, but it's a work in progress.
I grabbed my phone and purse and started walking to the train station. I took the short ride to the train, trying to squeeze into the tightly packed subway. After roughly ten minutes I had reached the market. I rushed into the doors, hopefully this trip would be quick.
A tall girl approached me ,"If I could rearrange the alphabet then I'd put U next to I." If she hadn't just hit on me I would've considered her attractive. She looked half Japanese, with short, thick, black hair. She had light makeup on that really complemented her features. The girl was in simple workout clothes, and looked to be slightly younger than me.
"But it's already the way I like it with N next to O, No," I said smirking at my comeback.
"Ooh sassy I like it. Hey you must be tired from running around my head all day," she attempted again.
"Yeah chasing people in their nightmares is hard," I retorted. I was already done with her comments. She hasn't even told me her name, and she expects me to be into her?
"So what do you like top or bottom? Do you like feeling dominant in bed?" the perverted girl asked.
"Sorry I don't have a bunk bed," I snapped back.
"Hey I lost my number could I have yours?" She tried still not getting the hint to back off. Or maybe she did, she was just ignoring it.
"Sorry, I'm already committed to a relationship, and I have things to do, so if you wouldn't mind. Also I don't find you remotely attractive. You're clearly a stubborn had to work with person, you can barely dress yourself, and you're trying to pick up girls in a grocery store," I mentioned, but it didn't phase her.
"I don't see your significant other, and I could be that thing you have to do," she said moving closer and closer to you.
"I'm right here," said a low monotone voice that was definitely not Light's. I glanced over to see my little lollipop. I almost squealed in excitement.
"She told you to back off," Lawliet reminded the girl.
"Please an emo like you is dating her yeah right," the girl laughed," prove it,"
"How?" I asked as Lawliet put his arm around me. Oddly I felt my heart skip a beat when he did so. Must be excited to see him in forever.
"Kiss," she suggested. Lawliet looked in my eyes, but I shook my head no.
"I don't need your approval," I said walking off leaving the girl astonished.
Once I had reached the next aisle I squealed hugging Lawliet.
"Oh my gosh you're here," I laughed.
"Since when were you in Tokyo?" He asked.
"This is where me and the girls went to college and where I met my boyfriend," I informed.
"You mean the girls and I?" he corrected.
"So got a job yet?" He asked.
"I'm a detective," you said proudly.
"Oh, we could use you for our case but this depends on how sharp you are," he offered handing you some information.
"You're working on the Kira case," I squealed.
"Yeah and we could use your help. But I suggest you keep it on the down low it's very top secret and serious business," he offered again. His tone was childish and slightly joking, but there was definitely truth to his statement.
"I'd love to," I squeaked. Maybe this was too much. I don't know... I've never worked a case this big. I mean, this case is really big.
"Perfect meet us tomorrow at the location on the card," he planned. His voice pulled me out of my thoughts and reassured by doubts.
"Ryuzaki," the voice called out" we're ready to leave."
"Be there in a moment," Lawliet responded.
"Ryuzaki?" I asked confused.
"It's for protection. Kira needs a name and a face to kill so I have my fake name which I have everyone call me,"he explained, "Being such a large investigator I have to keep my identity hidden."
"So who are you here with?" I questioned looking around.
"Oh Watari," he answered. That got me excited, I searched the store looking for that old man. I found him at the check out waiting for Lawliet.
"Ryuzaki, making friends, are we?" Watari chuckled.
"Watari, you remember Y/N, don't you?" The brunette asked.
"Indeed. Y/N you've grown up to be such a beautiful young lady," Watari complimented, smiling at me.
"It's nice to see you again Watari," I said politely.
"You and Ryuzaki can go run around town just come back home at 8," Watari offered shooing us two off," I'm sure you have a lot of catching up to do."
We made a quick stop at a cute little diner for a late lunch. I got a turkey, lettuce, tomato, and cheese sandwich, and he got two pink frosted sprinkle donuts. Lawliet was saying something but I wasn't really paying attention. I took another bite of my sandwich nodding my head involuntarily, so it looked like I was involved in the conversation. Wow Lawliet sure does look good with his messy black hair. I wonder if he ruffles it with hair gel or just wakes up and goes. Hmm... the contrast between his pale skin and dark hair is crazy. He has really big eyes. I could get lost in those endless eyes forever. Stop it Y/N you have an amazing boyfriend already. Hmm... I wish I had really big eyes. Does he have any other outfit besides a white shirt and jeans? Why does he sit like that? What caused his slouching habit? Does he have a girlfriend or any new friends? Is he gay? No he liked Suzy Troffins in the third grade. Right? Well if he is gay that means he won't like me. Ah! But what does that matter you guys are just friends. You haven't seen him in over a decade!
"So what about you?" He asked. Crap! I really wasn't paying attention, just reply enthusiastically.
"Yeah!" I cheered.
"Oh I don't care much about it," he replied.
"Crap!" I exclaimed louder than expected.
"Yeah, I could tell you weren't paying attention I am a genius you know," he laughed.
After that I took him to my apartment for him to see the girls.
"I brought back a surprise," I called out to Charlotte and Lizzie.
"What? Food!" Lizzie guessed.
"No I actually forgot that," I laughed embarrassed by my silly mistake.
"You went to a grocery store and forgot the groceries?" Lizzie pointed out.
"What is it? A new boyfriend? I don't like your current one," Charlotte tried.
"No that is also wrong," I said denying her guess.
"It's a lollipop," I told them.
"So it was food," Lizzie said.
"No the human Lollipop," I said in a 'no duh' voice.
"A flesh flavored lollipop eww! What kind of grocery store did you go to?" Charlotte groaned. Lawliet walked through the door shocking the two girls.
"ELLE WOODS I MISSED YOU SO MUCH I'VE BEEN STUCK WITH THESE TWO IDIOTS FOREVER," Charlotte yelled. Lizzie just hugged him tearing up.
Over the next course of hours the four of us caught up till it was 7:30 and Lawliet had to leave. After a long chain of never-ending goodbyes he called a taxi and left.
Yay chapter three is released to the world. Have an amazing night or day depending on when you read this and goodbye America. P.S. love that new hair cut you look absolutely amazing stunning really.
P.P.S the forbidden fruit is an apple incase you didn't already know.

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