Chapter 18

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•Guys I really tried here! I even researched drinks because I legally can't drink. Plus I don't want to drink. Alcohol is disgusting. I have to drink real wine because Catholics aren't losers who drink grape juice! Just kidding I respect all religions and atheists I don't think that counts as a relive on idk. And by I researching drinks I mean my editor did. Also Im not sure how old I put Light in this but let's say he's 20. Enjoy•
Everyone was exiting the building. You had decided to stay there later tonight. You knew the only person who would stay late was L. Now Y/N just work your mouth into making his mouth say yes to the thing. Dear god Y/N your thoughts don't even make sense anymore!
Wait L talking to someone. Some one else stayed. Who? Oh right him and Light are handcuffed. There's a girl too. Must be Misa Misa, I swear she's glued to Light.
You walked up the stairs.
"Hey Ryuzaki? Could I talk to you... alone?" You asked politely.
"No," He shook his head.
"What?" You asked shocked.
"Did you forget?" He held up his hand, with the handcuff. Seriously you forgot again?
You took a moment to analyze the room. It was nice two couches and a mound of sweets between them. Lawliet stuffed his face but the other two didn't take much notice to it.
He got up and pulled Light with him. He walked out the door and put the chain under the door. The he and Light were required to sit down by the door.
"Okay so out of panic I decided to agree to this double date thing with Misa and Light and..." You trailed off.
You were thrown off by Lawliet's stare. He was looking right past your shoulder. You turned your head to see what he was looking at. The only thing to look at was a paint chip and a hallway with doors.
"Umm... Ryuzaki?" You asked.
"Sorry I got lost in thought," he said," continue.
"Oh! Misa thinks we're still together and she invited us to a double date. I'm kind of trapped in this, so will you come?" I offered.
"I guess I could," he took a while to respond.
"Oh my God! Thank you, oh and they think that we're still dating!" You quickly scampered back into the room.
Ryuzaki tried to stand up but was pulled back down by the chain," Wait what?" He called out.
You opened the door for Ryuzaki. Light and Ryuzaki stood at the same time.
"So what did you guys do before I got here?" You asked.
"Well a fight broke out and Matsuda was being an idiot," Light responded.
"Ah... oh is everyone still here? Are they listening in?" You asked.
"No, everyone left awhile ago. Speaking of why did you stay after?" Misa answered.
"Umm... Oh! Obviously, we can do that double date now!" You lied through your teeth.
"Ooooh good idea right Light hehe," she smiled.
"Uh... I don't know..." He trailed off.
"Great, how about in an hour actually, I must get ready," she said.
"Okay, I'll get ready too," I responded. Wait... She had to get ready? She was already dressed in black lace. Whatever.
"We'll be here," L said.
••••Time Skip••••
You pulled into the parking place. You scanned your eyes and finger prints, so you could be allowed access. After walking to the room you saw L and Light. Somehow they got into suits whilst being handcuffed.
"Y/N, you look stunning," Ryuzaki complimented.
"Why thank you," you responded.
Misa appeared from a hallway.
"I'm here hehe," she giggled.
"Alright then, where to?" Light asked.
"I'm driving," L said bluntly.
We walked to the car and drove for awhile. After a bit of small talk we were at a super fancy restaurant. (How I describe things because I'm too lazy to find a real restaurant.) We were quickly seated by an awfully young waiter.
"Hello I'm Kou I will be your waiter for today. Can I get you started off with some thing to drink?
"Peach and lime daiquiri" Light said. (Hehe Panic! at the Disco reference. Peach... And lime... Daiquiri... Oh! And isn't this exactly where you like me? I'm exactly where you'd like me you know praying for love in a lap dance)

"Sex on the beach, please," Misa replied with a wink.
You're going to have to be a little tipsy to make it through the night.
"I'll have your favorite red wine," you ordered.
"Great and for you sir?" The waiter asked.
"Your most recommended champagne," L replied.
"That'll be right with you," Kou said before waking away.
A little later he came back with your drinks.
You, L, and Light quickly finished and asked for refills. As for Misa she wanted a watermelon vodka.
Ryuzaki kept patting Lights back and shoulder, it was odd.
Ryuzaki's POV
I called the force awhile ago to make them let us take our handcuffs off. They said as long as the have full surveillance of him at all times it would be fine. I've been patting him on the shoulder and back a lot. This is just to get the cameras on. Y/N keeps raising an eyebrow though. I think she's processing what's happening. I had realized that I had just been mindlessly drinking. Well since my glass is empty might as well ask for more.
"Could I please have a refill?" I asked.
"For me as well," Y/N added.
"Me too," Light called.
"Ooo! Could I have a strawberry lemonade daiquiri?" Misa asked.
"Of course, one moment" he said before grabbing the bottles and refilling our glasses.
After a few refills later and our finished entree I was feeling a little hazy. After all I was pretty light-weight. I could definitely tell Y/N was too and Light. We signaled the waiter again for more drinks. Misa ended up getting a variety of drinks; Blue Hawaiian, a strawberry daiquiri, many martinis, love potion, and a couple of shots. Misa sure can drink.He came around when Y/N just asked," so why do like waiters, like fancy waiters like hide their one of there arms when they pour stuff?"
"I'll have to get back to you on that," he answered with a slight laugh.
"We'll take the check now," I said.
"So who's paying," Y/N said rather loud.
"I will," Light and I spoke at the same time. We both reached for the check. After a couple minutes of argument someone had the bright idea of going Dutch. Of course I paid in all cash since credit cards leave my trace. We walked out of the restaurant.
"Oooo! Joel and Lizzzz are throwing a party! Let's go!" Y/N slurred.
We all mutually agree then hailed a taxi.

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