Chapter 16

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Your eyes reluctantly opened. Smooth. Fainting? Again?
L was standing over you, worried. You could see the tears in his eyes.
"Thank God! Y/N I thought Kira had gotten you," his voice cracked for the first time in forever (I will be noticed by someone and I know it's totally crazy to dream about romance! But for the first time in forever at least I ha- I'm sorry I hate frozen). He hugged you tightly. No! I'm not ready for physical contact!
You pushed him away, and watched him skid on the ground. The hurt in his eyes was so easy to see. For the first time you could read his eyes easily.
His voice changed back to monotone, almost angry," everyone's heading home, you were out for a while. Bye."
You blew it.
You stood up, immediately feeling a pain in your head. Miraculously you made it to your car without falling down. Your vision had blurred, and you were in no condition to drive.
You dialed Lizzie's number," Lizzie can you pick me up? And can you bring Charlotte I'm not really ready to drive but my car's here." You didn't really want to recreate last time.
"Sure," she answered," bye."
You woke up in a bed. Definitely not yours. This bed was hard and there were so many noises. Oh, it's my couch...
"Thank goodness your okay," you heard a familiar voice call out.
"Papa?" You muttered hesitantly.
"It's alright your okay," he responded.
"You're supposed to leave today," you mumbled confused.
"I couldn't leave without a goodbye and we were fighting. I'm sorry you can date whoever you please... under some circumstances. But remember your my little girl, you always will be,"he spoke softly.
You just shook your head," too cheesy," you giggled," now go your gonna miss your flight." You gave him a hug before he ran off into the distance. You soon fell asleep again once all your family members got their proper goodbyes.
*knock knock knock* "hey Y/N I invited over some friends for scary movies, you should join us," Lizzie said. Hmm... I was on the couch now I'm in my bed. But everyone is too weak to carry me. Must be one of Lizzie's friends. You hopped out of bed leaving your room with Lizzie.
You looked like a train wreck but you really didn't care. You had cried when you saw Lawliet like that, so your makeup was ruined. You yawned making your way the living room.
There was Lawliet, sitting on the floor next to the couch that you were asleep on... what time is it? 10:27? Two hours ago.
L immediately noticed you. He looked mortified. You attempted to crack a joke," do I really look that bad?"
Lizzie's boyfriend grinned at you and Lizzie's other friend giggled. Charlotte's 2 friends gave a more noticeable smile, but her boyfriend was focused on something else. It looked like his phone based off the bright white light shining on his face.
But Lawliet kept his not phased face. He looks plain, it's his eyes though. His eyes are filled with shock, no fear, no endless black pits that I'm now falling into. Ugh! Why would you let all of this go?! You could tell Lizzie and Charlotte dragged him over here. They wanted us back together.
"Sit... Here!" Lizzie gestured to the only open spot. It was on the floor next to some of Lizzie's friend and Lawliet . Above you on the couch was Lizzie. The movie started, we had decided on some horror movie that I didn't know the title of.
Somethings gonna pop out on us something gonna- "AHHH!" You yelled squeezing whoever was next to you tightly. You looked up. Obviously it was Lawliet. He stared at the screen still un-phased as usual. You hugged him tighter seeing that he didn't care, it looked like he liked it a little. Somehow you fell asleep over the intense scary music.
You woke up, midnight. Come on! You've been sleeping this entire day. Your head was resting on Lawliet's lap. A blanket was loosely slung around you.
You looked up at Lawliet. He was staring out the window. Yup still an insomniac. He noticed your slight shuffling.
"Go to bed," You told him," when was the last time you've slept through the whole night?"
"I need to work," he respond
"You need to sleep," you said. You snuggled closer to his leg.
"Comfortable yet," he laughed. You gave him a thumbs up.
"Sleep Lawlipop!" You told him again.
"I'll try," he said before you drifted off again.

I know, I know, sucky chapter, uneventful one too. Sorry I'll update over break which is next week!
❤️ The Forbidden Fruit🍎🍎
+ me, Marshmallow Queen the lovely editor don't tell her I did this!!🍡🍡⬅️ closest thing to a marshmallow I can find. O(≧▽≦)O Well dear children thank you and goodnight

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