Chapter 2

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Over time Lawliet and I created a bond. A bond so strong, so extremely secure that... no one would ever expect it to end up like this. He was my best friend my first real best friend, and I loved...him in a brother kind of way. He was my best bud. Yes I always had Lizzie and Charlotte, but he was so different then everyone else. The two of us shared so many memories. We never left each other's side. And sure, my sisters would make fun of me. They would tease and poke at me. They'd say things like "he is your boyfriend" and, they laughed at me for having sleepovers with a boy. And your father wasn't to fond of that idea either. But that didn't phase me. He was funny and cute and silly and awkward and wow I'm crushing on him. I had a crush, I liked my 'best bud'. Gross. Ew.
What do I say? What do I do? How long have I actually liked him? Do I really like him? Does he like me? Oh god I really hope so. Well none of that matters because he's leaving. This was the worst Christmas break of my 13/ 12 (depends when your birthday is) years of living. Well I've never really had a very bad Christmas break. Well Rayne broke her toe last year by running into a wall. But that was sad not funny.
"Bye my little Lawlipop I'll miss you be sure to call me every night and call me when you get there. And stand up straight. You're slouching all the time it's horrible for your posture. Your scoliosis will get much worse. And wear shoes or at least socks. Oh and eat your vegetables, you'll rot your teeth with all those sweets. You really shouldn't be eating all that sugar. Your going get diabetes! I don't understand how you're so thin. One day you won't have such high metabolism. Then you'll be morbidly obese. Just eat healthier, okay? We'll miss you." I whimpered the last part, tears falling from my eyes. My hair was a mess but to be fair I happened to wake up at 1 am for goodbyes. I had a small amount of left over mascara smudged on my face, and I was wearing disgusting old sweat pants and a very thick sweater. I shivered in the snowy cold Manchester winter breeze.
"Okay mom, I got it," he joked trying to wash away all the sadness. Though, it was no use.
"Bye Elle Woods," Charlotte laughed making a not so subtle reference to her once favorite movie; legally blonde. She sniffled wiping the single tear that raced down her face.
"Bye then dude," Lizzie said sadly patting his back, her eyes glazed over with tears.
"KAW! KAW!" I called out like a lunatic. I laughed and cried at the same time looking control of my emotions like a crazy person...Like a girl whose heart was slightly breaking, and she wasn't even aware of it. Like a tired, sad, little girl.
"I'm an eagle!" He exclaimed before hugging us all and walking back to Watari's car. I ran up to him before he got in. I hugged him. I hugged him as tight as I could. And he hugged me back. Maybe I thought that if I held him tight enough it would stop him from slipping away.
I whispered in his ear," Don't forget me."
He whispered back," Lawliet. That's my name."
I gave him one last goodbye before he was gone... forever.
That was when I lost it. Tears and tears fell from your eyes as I let out painful sobs. The two girls led me back inside where I drank hot chocolate and ate an unhealthy amount of candy canes and other holiday sweets. I had stayed up the rest of the night. At noon I finally got a call... from Lawliet... obviously... I immediately picked up.
"Hey Lawlipop," I cheered almost a bit too glad he called.
"Hey we just landed," he said.
"What time is it there?" You questioned the said raven haired boy.
"It's 10 pm but it feels like 2pm I'm wide awake cause I got my needed sleep on the plane," he answered.
"What's it like, is it beautiful? Where are you going to school? How's your Japanese? What if it's bad and kids pick on you? Wait nevermind, you're like smart. So what's it like? "I interrogated.
"Subarashī sore wa utsukushīdesu! Nihonjin wa dochira ka amarini mo warui kotode wa arimasen." he spoke words of no meaning to me.
"Come again," I said very confused. I must be extremely tired.
"Subarashī sore wa utsukushīdesu! Nihonjin wa dochira ka amarini mo warui kotode wa arimasen." He repeated. I was so impressed at how quickly he learned Japanese. Well he is a genius,!
"Still not fluent in Japanese. Also you had me for a bit I thought I was going crazy," I reminded.
"I know I'm just messing with you. I basically said it's pretty, and I'm doing well with Japanese," he explained.
"Oh that's nice," I said sadly.
"Well I know you've been up since I left, so I'll let you rest. Goodnight," he said.
"Night," I responded before hanging up. I was a little too sad at how short our phone call was.
I didn't go to sleep though. I spent the rest of the day trying to learn Japanese. Over time I had mastered the language of Japanese. It took lots of online courses, too many books, an unreal amount of time, and my social life. But you could officially fluently speak and read Japanese.
Now I had added a new piece to my puzzle. Unfortunately that barefooted-boy was no longer a piece of my future. That little eagle had now flown away and started a new life... without me.

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