Chapter 9

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Okay so this is definitely Lawliet's house. You didn't mind cuddling with Lawliet but it was awkward sitting there awake. You leaned back onto Lawliet resting your head on the nape of his neck.
Unfortunately that woke him up. You looked up to him waiting for him to open his eyes. His slowly opened his eyes and examined the situation. He then quickly lifted his arm off of me and sprung up to stand by the bed. He avoided eye contact and started blushing.
"Good morning," you laughed slowly standing up.
"Uh... good morning," he replied still flustered.
"You know what I'm just gonna go..." You said awkwardly. He nodded as you picked up your things.
"So uh..." You glanced at the clock,"CRAP! It's 7:55 we're going to be late!" You rushed to collect your items while Lawliet changed in the closet. You blushed at just the thought of that.
You ran into the kitchen greeting Watari and grabbing an apple.
Lawliet entered the room and grabbed a cupcake for breakfast.
"I can give you a ride if you'd like." Lawliet offered.
"Uh... Sure I don't have my car here after all. It kinda crashed in a ditch," you accepted walking to the garage.
The two of you walked into the car still tired.
"So when was the last time you actually went to the office?" You asked Lawliet making small talk.
"Oh about a week ago," he answered giving most of his attention to the busy street.
"So what embarrassing things did I say when I was drugged?" You asked nervously scared of the response.
Lawliet laughed blushing the slightest. "Uh you said I was your boyfriend and that you like me, and you asked me if we could do 'the sexy time'," Lawliet laughed. You immediately started blushing.
You had thought about going out with Lawliet but the thought of sex was unfamiliar. I guess you weren't really ready for that kind of commitment. After all you're not a pervert. "I actually said that?" You asked embarrassed blushing.
"Yeah," Lawliet said still laughing.
The rest of the ride was just small talk. You had finished planning your date. He said to dress casually and he'd pick you up at 8. Soon enough you had arrived at the place with Lawliet.
The two of you walked into the building going down the flight of stairs and entered the working area.
Everyone greeted you as you and Lawliet walked to your seats.
"So what do we have so far?" You asked Lawliet.
"Well we know that Kira 2 has "eyes" that can see the name and life span of people just by a glance. This information was exposed after Kira two posted a video where they talked about the eyes. They also referenced a creature called a shinigami. We are still researching about shinigamis but they appear to be know as gods of death. This opens up the idea that the two Kiras might just be a little more crazy than we expected. I had considered God comple, but maybe they have some other mental issues," Lawliet informed.
"Oh, okay thanks," you answered looking back at your computer.
The rest of the day went slowly as you waited to be dismissed. Finally the clock reached six o clock and Lawliet drove you home. You got to the apartment complex at 7:02.
You ran straight up to your room sprinting for your life. Before jumping into the shower and cleaning off all the dirt that had collected over the day you turned on some Panic! At The Disco. You then shaved leaving your legs smooth and hairless.
"I got so sick of being on my own. Now the Devil won't leave me alone. " You sang. You wrapped at towel around your body and blow dried your hair. Once that was done you brushed through it and put it up into a messy bun.
"It's almost like I found a friend, who's in it for the bitter end. " You continued. Then you blended in nude eye shadows starting with light brown moving down into dark brown, almost black. Next the lips. You went for a darker color, you used a dark maroon NYX liquid lipstick. It would compliment your eyeshadow very well since your eye makeup wasn't that dark.Then you quickly applied winged eyeliner. You were the queen of eyeliner and finished with mascara after you curled your lashes. "Our consciouses are always so much heavier than our egos. I set my expectations high, so nothing every comes out right." You rummaged through your closet searching for a cute casual outfit.
You checked yourself in the mirror and decided you needed a better shade of lipstick. This one was just to dark. You searched your drawers of makeup to find a perfect shade of plum. "So shoot a star on the boulevard tonight. I think I'll figure it out with a little more time. But who needs time."
You shut off the music and ran downstairs at the record time of 7:56. Charlotte walked out of her room to see you waiting on the couch.
"How do I look?" You asked her.
"Outfit; perfect
Lipstick; good choice
Eyeshadow; amazing
Eyeliner; sharp enough to kill a man," she responded smiling. There was a knock on the door. It must be Lawliet you thought. You slipped on your brown sandals and opened the door.
It was not Lawliet it was Light. You glared at the filthy cheater since you were one to hold grudges.
"What do you want?" You questioned coldly.
"Take me back I'm sorry," he pleaded. His words meant nothing they just bounced right off of you. You slammed the door in his face and continued to wait. It was 8:05 and your Lawlipop still hadn't shown up. You walked outside to see Light and Lawliet fighting. By the looks of it Lawliet was winning but not by a lot. You and Lawliet had taken karate classes as children so he was quite skilled since he continued the lessons.
You jumped into the middle of the fight but it was all to fast. Lawliet pushed you out of the way and took Lights punch. You got up and pulled Light away from the fight then stood between them. They settled down both breathing heavily.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" You yelled rhetorically.
He said that he was going to pick you up but Light got mad that you had moved on so quickly so Light threw a punch at him and it went on from there.
You knew he was telling the truth but you were still mad at him for going along with the fight.
"You are going to apologize to Light," you told him.
"What-" he tried but you cut him off.
"Light is also going to apologize to you," you continued.
"But he-," you still didn't let him talk.
"Now let's go! You should be ashamed with yourself!" you finished. Ugh I feel like a mom.

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