Chapter 15

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This is the new car you got because you were in that car crash that one time. Yeah remember that. No? Oh well read it and then read the whole story again and get me some more views. Just kidding... Maybe. For real though it's part 8: Chapter 7: Awake
Lawliet's POV
My voice cracked," Why?" I thought things were going well. Maybe it's her dad.
"Well I think we've been moving too fast and neither of us have been physically there for work and we weren't there for Misa Amane's imprisonment, I like you I really really like you. I have liked you for a while, it's just that we've been distracting each other and I don't think this is a great time for a relationship," she responded. I pulled her closer to me giving her a gentle kiss.
"Goodbye kiss," I laughed in a whispered tone.
"Goodbye Lawliet, Goodbye," she quickly stepped out of the car, letting her hair fall in her face. I watched her run into her apartment complex, she looked back once more before walking into the building, her head hung low.
I banged my head on the steering wheel. You've let her slip away yet again!
Tears poured down you face like buckets of water. You ran up the stairs rushing to your apartment. You stopped in front of your apartment door, rubbing your eyes. You blinked a little to make it look like you were fine. You were positive your face was red, but you stepped in anyway.
"Hey guys I'm really tired," you faked a yawn," Lizzie or Charlotte could you make dinner instead?"
"Nine o' clock? Why so early?" Lainey asked.
"Oh... I actually have to show up for work tomorrow and I have to shower and all that jazz," you excused setting the groceries in the kitchen.
"Anyways, goodnight!" You called as you scampered to your room.
You ran into your bathroom the familiar tears had come back. Idiot! Why would you end it? You've been crushing over this guy since like 1st grade! Everything was perfect. You had finally achieved your dream relationship. You had just gotten over everything. The kidnapping, the car crash, work, etc! Now Dad is going to think he's won. He's going to think that he still has authority over you. What have you done? The boy of your dream was now lost forever and you just let it happen. You made it happen! Is he just gonna come running back to you? That's funny. Why? Why? Idiot!
You laid down on your unsanitary bathroom floor, tears flowing down your face. You slowly drifted off crying yourself to sleep.
You woke up on your filthy bathroom floor.
You got up from the tile flooring, hearing a knock on the door. Putting on your best "smile" you rushed to the door to answer it.
The door creaked open, your face covered in a mask. To your surprise there stood Lawliet.
"Please Y/N take me back!!!" He cried out. He had darker bags than ever before. You grinned hugging him tightly then slowly letting your lips touch.
You woke up. Your eyes were yet again filled to the brim with tears.
Too good to be true! I can't believe I thought that was real. Just for a second I believed that crap!
You slowly pushed yourself off the ground and started to do your daily morning routine. Luckily your unexpected visitors actually booked a hotel so you could keep you room.
You dressed like a mess but you didn't care. You had on some large sweatpants and a baggy shirt with a cow on it. Instead of a purse you took a small backpack with you. Thank God L had this job as well. If he hadn't this workplace would probably have a dress code. Crap L had the same job as you!
You had a bowl of cereal before running off to work. Hopefully L won't be there. That would end a disaster.
You threw yourself into your car and drove to the designated building. You enter after scanning yourself the doors opened.
"Mr. Yagami, I'm so sorry I wasn't here physically because of the recent incidents," you apologized.
"I understand at least you were here digitally, now let's get to work, it's been a while since everyone has shown up. Light and Misa seem to not be holding up well in custody," mr. Yagami said," it seems as though Light and Misa have forgotten a lot."
"Everyone's here?" You asked nervously.
"Yes, I'm quite glad to have everyone on board," he reassured.
Oh no! I'm not ready to face him. No! Not yet! Not now! I haven't prepped or practiced or anything. I'm not ready for this. Somebody help!
"You know what? I think I left some information I gathered back at my apartment I better run and get them!" You told him. You heard some rolling wheels. Like a chair. A rolley chair. No, he's here!
"Mr. Yagami," you heard a familiar monotone voice. The voice you really wanted to hear, but you also really didn't wanted to hear. You shut your eyes, and you turned around to see L. You were worried this would happen and of course it did. Right then and there the same thing that happened 6 years ago with Caleb Dawning happened again, you fainted.

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