Chapter 24

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Holy crap you guys 3k views!! Thank you so much! In the beginning of the book I didn't like the character portrayal for Lawliet. I felt like it didn't really match with the Lawliet in the anime, manga, novels, TV drama, etc. so I used this chapter to explain the development the character went through. And why he's so different than the Lawliet you see now. To come up with the result I spent hours of research to find L's IQ. The creators already told us L was the smartest character in the series. But a lot of people say Near or Light are smarter, what do you think? I based L's IQ off Terence Tao's IQ (225-230) because William James Sidis official IQ documents are lost. My conclusion is told later on in the chapter. I included all the death note geniuses and this is my opinion tell me watch a think. AND HOLY CRAP DO YOU SEE THAT PHOTO!!???! IS THAT POSSIBLE??!!!?!!!?!?!!?!! Whatever... ON WITH THE STORY!

I hung my arm around Lawliet's shoulder. I traced small circles on his back with my pointer finger. Like him, I was unable to sleep. I was still a little afraid of the rain since it was still pouring outside. I held his hand tight with my free hand. His other hand was being pulled away from me. Though Light was asleep he was unintentionally pulling the chain.
Lawliet's eyes opened. He wasn't asleep before but he tried to sleep. I leaned in my head to kiss him. He threw me a cocky grin as if he was going to say 'couldn't resist me?' Yes I could. I leaned in closer our lips barely touching. I quickly moved my head and kiss his cheek. Then I turned my back to him. A minute passed by. He took my shoulder and flipped me over. I threw him the cocky grin this time.
"No, I couldn't resist you," he whispered. He pressed his lips against mine, giving me an aggressive kiss. It was rough and passionate. Our tongues fought for dominance, our lips moved in sync, our hands explored each others bodies. I felt the cold metal against my back from Lawliet's and Light's handcuff. I felt so rebellious. I was kissing someone right in front of a sleeping person. It feels like this was the youth that I miss out on. The sneaking boys in your house youth. I had only done this one other time when my parents visited. But that wasn't the same feeling. This is a lustful kiss. That was like a softer kiss, before we really got more intimate. Back when I had gotten kidnapped... Light and I never done this type of thing. He was such a square, he still is. I was basically like every other girl to him. His studies were prioritized over me.
Who cares about him though. Right now I'm kissing my grade school crush. I deepened the kiss and tussled and tugged his hair lightly. He pulled away hugging me tight, yanking Light on the other side. I hugged him back.
"I can't sleep," I whispered.
"Now you know what my life is like," he grinned.
"Let's do something," I offered.
"We can't I'm kinda chained to a sleeping person," he excused.
"Well I'm not, I'll be right back."
I pulled the blankets off and stepped on the wood flooring. I tip toed out of the room and made my way to the kitchen. I found Watari there, he was staring out the kitchen window. I cleared my throat so he'd notice me.
"Ah, hello Y/N," his train of thought was pulled to an abrupt stop.
"Can't sleep?" I asked. He nodded
"Yeah I can't sleep either," I smiled.
"So Y/N, I know this is a bit of a serious question, but I'm curious. What plans do you have for the future?" He asked.
"I don't know. I like to stay in this relationship. In five years... I guess I'd like to be married, maybe even have kids. I'd love to learn a new language. What about you, Watari? I've never heard your story," I was interested in his past. I saw his face. It was like he was worried, scared, and depressed.
"Oh I mean. If it's- if your not comfortable. I'm sorry if it's a touchy subject. You don't have to tell me," I tensed up.
"No, it's fine I haven't told my story in a while," he threw me a sad smile. I nodded as if telling him to continue.
"I was born into an upper middle class family in London, an only child. My parents divorced shortly after my birth so it didn't effect me much. I lived with my mum but spent the summers with my father. I had a fairly easy life. I was like any other child. I kept my grades up and went outside to play everyday. I had higher IQ then the average human so I skipped two years of school. This made me stick out a bit. Of course I was teased but I never really got any real harassment. I had a fair amount of friends, so my school life was good.When I reached the fifth grade and I was 9 my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and died two years later," He paused, looking at me. He lead me over to the kitchen table to finish his story.
He continued on," So I stayed with my father from then on. He had remarried a new woman. I loved them both and they raised me well. Eventually they built an orphanage right by my house. Everyday I would pass by and the kids looked ever so depressed. They were so miserable. It was extremely heart breaking to see them in that state. They had no real home to go to. So through the rest of high school and college I planned to build the most luxurious orphanage for academically gifted children. I thought far into the future majoring in every essential to own an orphanage. I had a total of eight years of college. In college I met a man named Roger Ruvie. He and I became very close friends. So I set off into the world at the young age of twenty four. (Are you confused? Shouldn't he be twenty six? No. Don't you remember he skipped two years of school!) I got a steady job working as a lawyer and worked in that department for six years. Which was long enough to pay back my student loan and raised a fair amount of money for my orphanage project. After that I raised some money for the orphanage which took three years. In the years of working as a lawyer I met a lovely woman. I met her on my fifth year of being a lawyer. She had short black hair and beautiful caramel colored skin. Her eyes were chocolate brown. We dated for five years. We were to be married just four months later. Then she left me. She said I was to focused on the orphanage. She didn't want a man who prioritized work over her. And just like that she was gone. Back when we were still together two years into our relationship I had opened the orphanage in Winchester England. I tended to all the kids and helped them with everything. I can see why she left me now. I spent more time with the kids then her. So the orphanage was successful. So successful that I opened multiple around the world. Fast forward thirteen years. I was about to be fifty when L was brought in. He was different then all the other kids. He was gifted in all subjects. His IQ was well over double the average IQ. After he finished the IQ test we discovered the highest IQ in the school possibly in the world was held by this boy. His IQ was two hundred thirty seven. (I also concluded the other death note geniuses
Light Yagami- two hundred thirteen
Near (Nate River) - two hundred twenty one
Mello (Mihael Keehl) - two hundred fourteen
Matt (Mail Jeevas) - two hundred ten
Misa Amane- one hundred nine
WHAT?! Misa doesn't count!)
When L turned thirteen we both moved to Japan to excel in his learning. (okay so in the anime L is 24 in the manga he is 27 so I went with 24 for this book)
When L turned sixteen he had his first girlfriend. She was another Wammy's girl. They were in a serious relationship. They dated for five. Oh dear this is not my place to be sharing information. If your curious you could ask L. But let's skip till right after their relationship ends. Ryuzaki kinda closed off after that. His personality completely changed. His main focus was only work. Every thing he did was based off of logic. All he did was solve cases. He slept even less then he did in the past. He was so different till he met you again. Now he's slowly but definitely recovering.
Eventually the Wammy House, the orphanage I had started, became a training facility for the orphans. Their goal was to become L's successor. Now while I'm away Roger Ruvie runs the place. L is still deciding who his successor should be. He's deciding between- oh I'm afraid I shouldn't be spewing out his information. You should ask him if you'd like to learn more about that. So here I am. Spending my last years with L. I don't know he's like the son I never got to have I guess. I devoted my entire life to that orphanage and I'm not disappointed."
Wow Watari spent almost 30% of his life caring for L... HOW CUTE!!!
I kinda felt sorry for Watari. His mom died, he lost his shot at love, he loves Lawliet (as son you sicko) but Lawliet shows no emotion back.
I don't really know what to say. Watari spent his life like this. He was such a good man. I never knew anything about his past until now. I just got up and hugged him. Watari was a lot taller than me so I only was up to his shoulders. He froze up for a bit before softening. He hugged me back, it was nice. It wasn't like when I hugged Lawliet, those hugs were tight and full of need. For this hug was like a father daughter hug. It was light, and soft, and warm. I dropped my hands and he did as well. I stepped back a few steps.
"Thank you," I said.
"For what?" He seemed a bit confused.
"You're a good man. You've done a lot for the world. You should be appreciated a lot more. You were always there for Law- L no matter what," I said genuinely my eyes teared up a bit as I thought of his past.
"You're a sweet young lady, Y/N. You're gonna do much more then I did. You'll do wonders for the world,"he complimented. I smiled back at him. He patted my back.
"Alright a better head to bed. Promise me in ten years, if I'm still alive, you'll tell me you're story," he smiled.
"I will," I nodded," I promise."
"Goodnight Y/N, sleep well," he called as he walked away.
"Good night!" I smiled going back to Lawliet's and Light's room.

I'm chopping off all my hair tomorrow! Anybody know what band is on my shirt? Follow me @nataliechav (shameless self promotion) Okay I'm done, have a nice day/night/life I don't when your ready this. Thank you and goodnight America... Or Ethiopia... Or Spain... Or wherever you live. The point is: I'm rambling so this chapter is exactly 2000 words.

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