Chapter 23

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I really like the band Panic! at the Disco so you should go memorize all their songs like I did. Anyway let's get started.
Light's POV
Oh my God. I forgot how annoying it was sleeping next to L. Because he doesn't sleep. Just the click clack of his stupid laptop. All day and all night.
I shoved my face into my pillow then repeatedly banged it into the pillow. "SLEEP ALREADY," I whisper yelled.
Ugh he's so annoying.
Lawliet's POV
Ugh he's so annoying. Will he just let me work. He keeps moving. Little does he know he's just wasting time sleeping. I solve about two cases every night. Sure the Kira Case is my main focus but sometimes I got to let my brain rest and do the easy stuff. Like robberies and stuff like that. Just the simple small things.
Toss and turn and toss and turn. Oh my god I can't sleep. I walked out of my room to grab a glass of water. I remember last time I did this. That didn't end very well...It was drizzling outside but I hadn't gotten to a full on thunderstorm. It's been pretty gloomy recently. It's late November so I guess that only makes sense. I went to the fridge and turned around to see Lizzie and Charlotte.
"Oh sorry did I wake you?" I apologize.
"No, I can't sleep," Charlotte muttered.
"Same here. Is insomnia contagious? Maybe you should stop talking to that Ryuzaki guy. He seems like a bad influence," Lizzie joked.
I lightly punched her shoulder," I wasn't the one dating Martin Coorstar for two weeks."
"Yeah he was a jackass," Charlotte agreed.
The rain started to pour down harder. With a little bit of thunder. Shivers went down my spine, and my fingers trembled a little.
"You know what. I'm g-gonna go back to bed," I tried my best not to stutter. I clenched my fists.
"Okay," Lizzie shrugged and Charlotte nodded.
I rushed back to my room, holding my stomach. I jumped onto my bed and hid under the covers, grabbing my phone. I was going to text Lawliet. I tried my best to not shake while I typed in the text.
2:34 AM To: ( ˘ ³˘)♥Ryuzaki♥(ε")ʃ
Hey are you awake?
2:36 AM From: ( ˘ ³˘)♥Ryuzaki♥(ε")ʃ
Yeah, are you okay?
2:37 AM To: ( ˘ ³˘)♥Ryuzaki♥(ε")ʃ
Would you mind if I came over. I need to talk to you.
2:30 AM From: ( ˘ ³˘)♥Ryuzaki♥(ε")ʃ
Uh yeah that's fine I guess.
2:31 AMTo: ( ˘ ³˘)♥Ryuzaki♥(ε")ʃ
Okay see you.
I started to grab a few items. I threw my toothbrush, my hair brush, some hair ties, my purse, and my moisturizer into a bag. I grabbed some paper and shakily wrote 'be back soon I went out.' I put it on the counter. Tears started running down my cheek. I quickly rushed out the door and locked it. I ran down the flights of stairs. I squeezed the bag to my chest as tight as possible. My foot slipped and I skidded on my knees for a few stairs. I quickly stood up. I ignored the stinging pain in my knees. I dashed through the parking garage and jumped into my car. I jammed the key into the ignition and backed out of my parking space.
I tried my best to ignore the crashing thunder. The lighting lit up the sky. It was like a terrifying light show. Lawliet lived close so the drive was only 5 minutes. 5 painful minutes. I shook so much trying my best not to swerve off the road. Once I got there I grabbed my bag and threw myself out of the car. I started to shiver and once again the ground has welcomed me. I've started to become a reoccurring guest. I curled into a ball as the rain bounced off me. I was drenched in water. I started to have a panic(! at the disco) attack. Everything was flashing. Everything was shaking. The booming thunder. The bright lighting. The ground spun. I clenched my eyes shut trying to tune out the world. Where is my savior? This is Romeo's cue. Please help me. Burst out the door and carry me in your arms. Please don't let your Juliet freeze in the rain. "Romeo, oh Romeo. Where art thou Romoe."
Dear god Lawliet save me already before I die in this rain. I can't move please help me... please. Why do I feel so useless?! I can't do anything without the aid of him. I feel so unwanted. I'm like a child.
My crying danced in sync with the rain become one. The cold rain drops clashed with my hot tears. The mixed together different but similar.
It felt like I've been waiting for hours. Finally my Romeo had slowly opened the front door. A groggy looking Light stood behind him. He looked around suspiciously before spotting my shaking body on the asphalt.
He rushed to me pulling Light roughly. My white knight picked up my cold body. I found enough energy to loosely wrap my arms around him. He carried me to a bed, setting me down into an unfamiliar room. I shivered trying to gain control over my body. I couldn't think straight. My mind had been comprised by fear and paranoia. Everything was terrifying. He collected clothes from the closet. He then grabbed towels from the bathroom as he dried me off the best he could.
"Close your eyes!" Lawliet said to Light.
"What? Why?" Light retorted.
"Just do it!" He yelled getting impatient.
"Okay, okay..." Light trailed off, shutting his eyes.
"T-t-turn around," Lawliet yelled uncomfortably and a bit embarrassed. Though he was loud he still sounded unconfident.
"Seriously?!" Light complained.
"Turn around," he yelled sternly.
Light turned his back. I shivered as tears still raced down my face. Lawliet looked at me in the eyes. Like he was asking for permission with his eyes. At this point I didn't care, I just wanted to feel safe again. He started to strip off my clothes and dry me off. He left only my undergarments on. A light blush tickled his cheeks. He had completely dried me off now. I shivered a bit less, and started to come out of my mode of panic(! at the Disco.) Lawliet noticed and gave me clothing. My fingers and lips still quivered but I was in control of my body enough. I took the clothes from him a let myself into the bathroom. I dressed myself quickly and hung my head down low. I always had to rely on Lawliet. Can't I do something, anything, on my own?
"Sorry..." I mumbled.
"Sorry? Sorry for what? You had a panic(! at the Disco) attack," Lawliet asked confused.
"I always need your help. I feel like I always have to take care of me," I admitted.
"Well that's why I'm here right," he smiled. I hugged him gleefully. In his arms this is where I feel safe.
"Okay okay, just kiss of whatever so I can sleep already!" Light yelled annoyed. Light started to get into bed.
This is where I examined the room. There were two full sized beds about three feet away from each other. They were decorated with a matching light blue duvets and slightly darker blue pillow cases. The walls were painted mint green. And a dark, small, wooden desk hid in a corner of the room. Nightstands of the same color sat on the side of either bed. The nightstands were scattered with papers and one small white lamp. There were three curtains covering large window. The curtains were white lace with a purple border. The room was an odd shape with 10 walls.
"Fine I guess we'll sleep," Lawliet gave in. He shut off the lights then guided me to his bed.
Yeah the was no way I was going back into that storm. One night couldn't hurt.

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