Chapter 32

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I added a new part to the beginning of the last chapter (Chapter 31: Funeral), so if you haven't seen that go read it. You can thank Neko_Neko_Ni for that little bit at the beginning.
The last words were spoken. The ceremony was ending. Then everyone just got up and walked away. That was all. That was it. After losing someone so important, they can just get up and walk away? I don't- I can't... It makes me want to scream. How can they just leave. I don't understand how people can brush this off like its insignificant. Don't they understand how important this is.
I was standing there beside his casket. Once again I ran my fingers down the wooden box. Tomorrow was the burial; my final goodbye.
I was crying... again. Emotions suck.
Before I could stop myself, my fingers made their way to the edge of the casket. My head whipped up, looking around the room. I had to make sure no one was watching. I returned to my previous task. My fingers, yet again, slipped to the edge of the casket. I slowly lifted the top of the wooden box. I just had to see him one more time! I tried to peak inside the casket, but the top was shut closed.
I jumped back, surprised at the sudden action. That Mello boy from earlier stood in front of me. The hand that slammed down the top of the casket belong to him. His hand was still resting atop the box.
"Don't look in there. It's... disrespectful towards the dead," He said with a monotone voice. This boy seemed extremely mature for his age. It seemed as though most of the kids were like this. For the most part, all the kids here showed lots of sadness and remorse for the loss of Lawliet. I say "for the most part" for a reason. The three boys from earlier had shown nearly no emotion. And for him to tell me to respect the dead when he felt nothing during this ceremony? It is infuriating to watch them here as if this were some casual event!
"I'm sorry I just- I'm sorry," I respond.
"Just don't look." With that, he walks away.
I turn around, facing the casket again. I look back once more, checking to make sure no was was really watching me this time. Most people have left except for Charlotte, Lizzie, and those three boys. I have to look. I know I'm not supposed to, but I have to. My hands began to lift the top of the casket.
I immediately stopped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I lightly set the casket top down. I made sure to be quiet so that blond guy wouldn't hear me. I looked behind me to see Charlotte's hand on me. Lizzie was close behind her.
"Ready to go?" Charlotte asked softly, in a comforting voice.
"I'm sorry, wait. Could.... could I have a moment for... just a moment alone in here?" I asked.
"Of course honey," Lizzie replied," but I won't try to get those boys out of here so you won't really be alone." By "those boys" she meant Mello and his two little followers.
"Alright, we'll wait outside for you. Come out when you're ready," Charlotte smiled before they both left the room.
I watched them until they had completely left. My feet swiveled back yet again to face the casket. I slowly lifted the top of the casket up, sure not to make a noise. I needed to see him once more. Just once more, then I can get over it. I shut my eyes, not ready to look. The casket was completely open now. I took a deep breath before letting myself see again.
I looked down. It was empty. Nothing. Just emptiness. No body. No note. Completely clear of anything. I opened it wider, looking, searching for some kind of clue, anything.
How am I supposed to react to this. At first it was shock, then confusion... then anger. Anger directed to who? I'm not exactly sure about that yet.
Maybe Lawliet. If he is still alive, then why did he leave me like this?
Maybe those three boys. They clearly know something I don't.
Maybe myself. I mean how could I not notice this earlier. It all makes sense. Anger quickly melted into realization.
Everything is tying together now. Everything pointed to this. Let's start from the beginning.
The note; "I will see you in four months, Y/N. I apologize for leaving so abruptly. Je t'aime." He's not dead, he's hiding. He had to get away from something... or someone? Well something happens which caused him to fake Watari and his own dead.
There's so much more though! The funeral on its own. There two components to this evidence.
The text. The text was him telling me he was still here! Lawliet is alive!
The date of the funeral on its own. They can't have a funeral two months after the death. The body would already begin decomposing! And what funeral would take two months the plan? And who planned it? It wasn't me. I was still suffering a pitiful amount of grief, I didn't have a strong enough willpower to do that. Will...power... Will! Will! Lawliet is so organized, maybe not physically just mentally, and with such a risky job he would definitely have a will planned. Plus he has so much stuff that he would ration out to his successors.
While lost in thought, I dropped the top of the casket, making a loud bang that echoed off the walls of the room.
I quickly turned around realizing what I had just done. I locked eyes with Matt, the video game kid, then saw all three of them rushing toward me. They didn't have the most elated expression upon their faces.
"You guys...You knew! You knew the whole time, and you didn't tell anyone. Not even me?" I yelled at them. Matt quickly held a firm grip on me, and Mello put a single finger to my mouth in an attempt to silence.
"Stop! Let go of me right now! I swear! I need an explanation!" They didn't stop though. During all this action, Near stood in front of me, two toys firmly grasped upon his fingertips. He criticized me with his eyes, analyzing my every action.
"Just come with us and we'll explain everything," Mello said in a too-calm tone of voice.
"Why should I listen to you? How can I trust you?" I glared at him.
"It wasn't a question, it was a statement. I was stating that you will be coming with us. Everything will make sense," this time his voice poured out with punch. He was probably aggravated with my resilience.
Unwilling and curious, I gave up resisting. I sighed and nodded, bowing my head down then following the boys outside.
I was immediately greeted with interested expressions from Lizzie and Charlotte when they saw the three kids.
"I have take care of some... stuff," I nodded toward my two friends.
"Okay, be home soon. If you need a ride, just contact one of us," Lizzie rubbed my shoulder gently. Charlotte flashed me a smile before they both made their way to the train station.
"So when did your friends become your parents?" Matt grinned.
"So when did you find out L was never dead?" I retorted sarcastically.
"Before he 'died'," Near answered, using finger quotes over the word died.
"Okay, tell me the rest. And where are we going anyways?" I sighed.
"We'll tell you the rest when we get to the place," Mello mumbled.
"And where's this place exactly?"
"Approximately thirteen hours and forty-five minutes," Near responded.
"What?! Where are you taking me?"
"Back home, to meet your lover boy again," Mello teased.
For the most part of me, I'm happy to know that Lawliet's not dead. But it's infuriating in every way. I let myself slip away into grief for months. He let me slip away into grief for months.
"What do you mean? Back home? My apartment is much closer than fourteen hours."
"No, no," Mello began," Manchester is quite far."
§§§§§§§ Sorry this chapter's so short. §§§§§§§

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