Nyck De Vries (2)

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u were walking around Netherlands trying to find a Coffee house but since u didn't know the language it was hard for u to ask for help since most people there didn't speak English at all, u looked at ur phone and followed the directions u finally got after many attempts, as u got into the coffee house ur phone died and u cursed under ur breath,

u had walked up to the counter and ordered a coffee and a cake, u sat at the table which lucky enough u could charge ur phone there, u had put ur phone on charge and looked through ur bag to get ur laptop and wallet out. u were currently editing ur holiday map and plan, as u did someone come up to ur table and u looked up, "am I ok to sit here, the place is full."

"sure take a seat." "thanx you so much." "no problem." "Im Nyck." "I'm Y/n." "I am guessing ur not from around here." "nope I am from Korea I am here on a holiday." "ah would make sense." "so what do u do if u don't mind me asking." "I am a Formula E driver." "a what now." "I am a racing driver." "ah ok, so let me guess its electric." "yep." "oh." "let me guess u don't like electric car's."

"I prefer my v8 engine thanx." Nyck laugh's, "well I am only with them for a while I am hoping to get into F1." "that's cool if u do I wish u luck." "ahaha thanx what about you then what do u do." "I am a photographer but I had to leave the work place I was in because someone used my work as their own and when I tried to say it was my work they didn't believe me."

"wow that is harsh." "yea but that's Korea for you they will do anything to make it look like it's theirs until they are asked to do it them selfs." "well how about u become my photographer." "wait really." "yea I am looking for a new photographer any way." "omg that would be amazing thanx you so much." "no worries."

a few days had gone by and u were now with Nyck in London for the GP there, u took photo's of Nyck and everyone else there, "Nyck who is this." "this is my new photographer." "oh cool." "hi i'm y/n." everyone went wide eyed. "y/n as in the y/n Lim from Korea." u nodded, "omg we love ur work." "thanx you."

"really random and don't take this the wrong way but why are u here and not with ur work place in Korea." "I was fired for lying, someone there stole my work and took it as their own." "well that is wrong did u do anything." "that's the thing with Korea they won't do anything unless I can prove it was my work and if I couldn't then I was lying."

a few hour's go by and u were having so much fun taking photo's of everyone in the paddock, u were currently in ur hotel room editing the photo's a little to add more details plus adding on ur watermark, there was a knock on ur door so u went to open it and seen Nyck stood there, "what's up." "just to let u know we are going to the us right,

after the race tomorrow so make sure everything is packed and hand in ur suitcase to my manager in the morning." u nodded, "ok cool thanx for letting me know." Nyck said goodbye and u closed the door, the next morning u had handed ur suitcase to the manager and then went to find Nyck in the breakfast room. the race had gone well Nyck had won,

a few month's go by u and Nyck got closer together and u caught feelings for him but u didn't dare to say anything. u were at ur house reading a book when ur door bell went off u stood up and went to the door and seen Nyck stood there looking really sad, "hey what's wrong." "my girlfriend just broke up with me because I was seen with u." "come in, make ur self at home I'll get the drinks and Ice cream."

3 day's later Nyck was still in ur house since he was trying to find his own one but there was no luck. "I am sorry I should of been gone by now but I can't find anywhere." "it's ok and ur more than welcome to stay here until u find a house ur amazing company anyway." Nyck laugh's, "when does the next race start." "in 3 weeks we will be in Monaco." u nodded, u both decided to watch a movie.

3 weeks had gone and now u were in Monaco for the race there, u were walking around when someone walked into u, "oh I am sorry I wasn't looking." "its ok." "u seem lost." "I may look it but I'm not I know my way around." "u sure." u nodded and u started to feel uncomfortable, until ur phone rang, u picked it up, "hey babe." after u said that the guy walked away, "where are you y/n," "I am on my way back now, ill be there shortly." "ok be quick"

u were now in ur room and explained to Nyck what happened, "well at least ur ok." "sorry for calling u babe it was the first thing that came to mind." "no it's ok I was actually gonna ask u if u wanted to be my girlfriend anyway." "really." "yea." u nodded ur head and hugged Nyck. the Monaco race had gone well, u all were now on ur way to the last 3 races of the season.

it was now the last race of the season and the whole team was on edge because if Nyck win's this he is a world champion, many laps later and Nyck had won the race, u all cheered and u took many photo's that day, that night u, Nyck and the team were in a club celebrating the win, when someone walked up to ur table

the new season was going to start soon but Nyck wasn't going to be with Formula E anymore since he got to be apart of the Mercedes Junior driver academy, when u went with Nyck to see the place everyone asked him who u were and he said u were his manager and girlfriend. it was the first race of the season u and Nyck were in the garage watching,

the practise to understand everything, many people didn't like u and told u to leave but Nyck told them no and u had to stay by his side and many people got angry, u were currently sat outside the hospitality with Nyck when Lewis come's up to u both, "hey."

"hi." "I wanted to apologise for the staff they aren't usually like that." "it's ok." "no it's not ok I spoke to toto about it and the people got a big told off." "thanx you." "no problem, but u do look familiar though" "my name is y/n Lim I am a photographer." "omg no way." after the talk with Lewis u and Nyck headed to the hotel, "I got the perfect girlfriend." "and I have the perfect boyfriend who is a world champion." u and Nyck laugh and went to sleep.

The End

A/N: lol me being me I didn't know that in the Netherlands that a café is somewhere u get High and if u want a normal place like u would find a coffee house. I never knew that until I seen a video that is why I changed it from Café to a coffee house.

F1/F2 One Shots book 2 CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now