Nyck De Vries (3)

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as the 23 season started everyone was getting exited as u had extended ur contract with Red Bull until 2028 with Max, u were exited for the new driver's joining the gird, u were a little sad that Kevin and Nico were going since they were like ur parent's, the only older driver that was left on the F1 grid was Lewis he still had 3 years left on his contract, which u were happy about since he was like ur other brother.

Hass had changed their name to Porsche racing, Williams racing had added to Ford into their name, alphatauri had changed to back to Torro Rosso, u and Max were the first driver's to arrive at the paddock so u both just sat outside the hospitality, a hour later more of the driver's had arrived and u and Max greeted them,

"how was ur winter brake." "it was ok I wish I had took that offer because Christmas with my family didn't go well my girlfriend broke up with me on Christmas day." "why did she do that Lando." "I don't know she litterly messaged me and said she had been cheating on me for 2 years out of the 4 we were together," "what the fuck is wrong with her." "I don't know." "we are here if u need someone to talk to." "I know and thanx."

after most of the driver's had arrived u all were now waiting on the rookies to come in, when they arrived at the paddock they didn't know what to do, Yuki goes up to one of the rookies and brought him over to Max and my self, "Max, y/n this is Nyck, Nyck this is y/n and Max." "hi." "hi and welcome to the Red Bull family." "thanx u." "Nyck by any chance are u Dutch." "yes I am." "makes sence with the way ur name is spelt."

a few month's had gone by and thing's weren't looking good for the rookies, Nyck was really struggling with the car so u were left in charge to train him. due to the first Italy race was cancelled due to the flooding u, Max, and Nyck were at the Red Bull HQ, "welcome to the RB HQ Nyck," "this place is bigger." "so I will help u to understand the car better while max will go training in the sim where we will be later."

after doing so much training, Nyck had gotten used to the F1 car and had gotten better, it was now the last race of the first half of the season, which is SPA, because it was raining on Wednesday there was no media day, but u were outside in the rain with a bunch of other people and driver's, u had done the run with Pierre, after doing that and,

making sure everyone had gotten back safely u had headed into the hospitality to ur driver's room and jumped into the warm shower, after showering and chainging into new set of clothes u were currently drying ur hair when there was a knock on ur door, "come in." Max, Yuki and Nyck walk in, "hey." "hi." "anything wrong." "nope we were just bord so we came here." u laugh, 2make ur self at home, "did everything go well with the event." u nodded.

it was now summer brake, u Lando and Max had gone in the helicopter to fly over to Tomorrowland to watch ur friend preform. mid way through summer brake there was rumour's going around that u were in a love triangle with Nyck and Logan. "how has this happened." "I have no clue yea ok I am seen with Nyck a load only because I am his mentor, and I only speak to Logan when it's the driver's parade at a race so I have no clue how this has started."

"do u like any of them though." "no because Logan Is 22, yea ok Nyck is pretty much my age but I wouldn't dare to date a driver after the last rumour about me." "true I will look into this for u kiddo don't worry." "thanx Kev I ow u one." "na it's fine call this a thanx for helping me to be with Nico." u laugh, "ok see ya soon." "see ya." after the call u sighed and Max pats ur back, "don't worry we will figure something out."

"max is right y/n we will figure something out even if it means all of us driver's posting a statement up on out social's." "I just don't know where this came from." "just leave it for now u know Kevin will do anything for u since he adopted u," "I know and I am thanxfull u all came to my rescue." "ur most welcome." u hug Max first before hugging Charles and left to go to ur room, "babe what are we gonna do." "I have no clue babe but for now let's just forget about it."

during the Dutch GP many of the interviewers asked u about the love triangle and u ignored the question and got up and left, all of the driver's were asked about it and got really defensive about it. "who ever decided to make up such rumour is stupid, and the fact u are asking the rest of us is not right either if y/n hadn't said anything why ask us because u know we will only protect her she is like our sister, she helped us when we needed her the most and now we are helping her when she needs us the most.

the truth was u did like Logan and Nyck but u never told anyone because u wanted to try and figure it out ur self. after the second half of the season was done u were second in the driver standing's Max was first, and Charles was in second. winter brake was no on going and u were with Lando, Max Fewtrell and Martin Garrix in the alps skiing,

u were enjoying ur alone time with ur friends, after being in the alps u and Lando went to Italy for an event there, u were ment to be in Baku for the FIA gala but u couldn't be assed after the stunt they had pulled. as u and Lando was escorted to the event the both of u had caught many fan's attention with the way u both looked, after the main event,

in Italy u and Lando were back in the uk u were staying with Lando for a bit since u were looking for a holiday home, u were sat on the couch when u were looking through TikTok and came across an edit someone made of u both, "oi." "what." "come here u gotta see this edit of us." "coming."

u showed Lando the edit and he laugh's "wow never thought the both of us looked like we were criminal's/mafia." u laughed, "same but my god we look good." "u can say that again," ur phone rang and u seen the name and answered it, "hello." "hi babe how are u." "im good thanx." "when are u coming home."

"not sure I still havent found a holiday home yet but I might just come home in 2 days if I can't find anything." "ok and my mom is asking when we will go public." "when ever u want my love." "ok." "is that y/n on the phone." "yes babe it's y/n." "hi logan." "hi babe when are u coming home I miss u." "I miss u two and ill be home in two days if I can't find a holiday home." "ok." "I gotta go I love u both and ill see u in 2 days." after the call ended u and Lando went to eat and started talking about the new quadrant thing's.

2 days had gone by u had found a holiday home and was now back in Monaco with ur boyfriends, when u posted to ur social's about how u were in a relationship with Logan and Nyck many people were confused, angry and happy. but what got people confused was because u were pregnant who was the father, and u laughed at the question, so u, Nyck and Logan done a insta live together and answered many questions by the fan's.

The end

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