Sebastien Vettel

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A/N: I know Seb isn't a driver anymore but I wanted to include him and a few other driver's who aren't on the gird in the book.

Everyone in the universe had a soulmate and some people would have 2 of them. but for Seb he never found his soulmate his team mate Charles found his which was Max, Seb thought Kimi was his soulmate since Kimi would spend his time with Seb.

but Seb found out the truth when Kimi had brought his soulmate home everyone was happy but also shocked that Kimi had a soulmate. "wow Kimi u actually have a soulmate, or did u persuade him to be with u so u would shut us up."

"Max I didn't persuade him at all he was the one who found me while I was out shopping." everyone but Seb laughed. Seb couldn't stand to see the sight in front of him. Charles and Max had seen that Seb was sad that everyone in the house had found their soulmate besides him.

"I swear Kimi was Seb's soulmate u know." "I agree with you there Max what can we do to make him happy." before Max could answer Pierre spoke. "this calls for a celebration." everyone but Max and Charles answered the other's look to where Charles and Max were stood but didn't see them.

"oh come on where did they go we need their permission since its their house." "probably gone to make out somewhere." everyone laughed at what Pierre said. "anyone seen Seb I got a message for him from Lewis."

"haven't seen him in weeks." Kimi nods and then walks with his soulmate to their room. meanwhile Charles and Max were looking all over the house for Seb and they couldn't find him. "where could my team mate be." "Charles calm down we will find him I promise. "Max last time this happened we couldn't find him for 3 month's."

"don't worry we will find him I promise." "Max u said that last time look what happened." "I know Charles but this time I mean it since I put a tracker on his phone, so let's go to Christian." Charles nods and they made their way to Christian who was in his security room.

"before u say anything I'm already on it." "ok then how long have u been looking." "been looking since the time he left the time Kimi brought his soulmate home but I haven't seen him on the CCTV anywhere and all of his phone says he is here."

Charles glared at Max "u said u had put trackers in his phone." "I did I made sure there was one in the phone." "well clearly you didn't because if u did we would be on our way to Seb by now Max for fuck sakes." Max knew Charles was getting more angry so he get's his phone out of his pocket and called Carlos.

"who are u calling." "Carlos he will defently know something." Lando picks up Carlos's phone. "hello." "Lando its Max." "oh Max is something wrong u sound worried." "there is something wrong." "what is it I can help." "Seb isn't here and his phone says he is home and he hasn't appeared on the CCTV's."

"hold up Carlos told me that Seb called him and asked him to do something." "do you know what he asked him to do or anything." "no I don't at that time Seb called Carlos and he as at his office rushed home threw his phone on the couch changed and then left."

"what time did he leave the house." "an hour ago." Christian checks the cctv's again and see's a car pulling up and someone coming out and then a second later the same person come's out of the house with someone. "found him he went with Carlos." Lando heard what Christian said.

"im gonna kill Carlos when he get's home." Charles laugh's at what Lando said. "I've tracked Carlos's car but its at a stand still." Max hands Charles the phone and the both of them run out of the house and everyone else look's at them lost.

Christian then show's up with all of his gear. "what's going on." "Seb is missing and we think that it was Carlos who took him" Christian run's out of the house and get's into his car with toto and Gene following on their bike's. "this is my fault I should of told Seb the truth ages ago." "Kimi it's not ur fault." "yes it is I made him believe we were soulmates"

Meanwhile Carlos and Seb were at the mall and were currently at the hair salon the staff had closed the hair salon just for them and made sure no one could tell it was them. once Seb had got his hair changed and done to the way he liked it he smiles.

"looking good Seb." "Thank you." "now let's head over to change ur outfit." Seb nods and then Carlos pay's and then they head over to the closed store and knocked on the door twice for the signal. the staff opens the door and the both of them walk in. "welcome Mr Sainz and Mr Vettel, Mr Sainz u can sit there ill take good care of Seb to find his outfit." Carlos nods and then sit's down, the staff lead Seb to the dressing room.

after an hour of choosing the right outfit's the staff ringed up the outfits and Carlos Pays for them and then they leave. "anything else we need." "am I ok to get some new shoe's." "that's fine let's go."

they walk over to the shoe store and do the same process with the shoe's. once Seb got the shoe's he liked Carlos Pay's and then they head to the car to go home. Carlos hand's Seb his phone. here u go I got u a new phone everything important is on it all photo's are on there besides the one's with Kimi anything u had with Kimi is now gone how do you feel, Seb." "thanx you for everything Carlos and I feel better

Carlos nods and then uses his other phone to phone Yuki but Lando answers. "Hi Lando" "don't you hi me mister." "didn't Lewis tell you what I was doing." "no he didn't but why what have you done and please tell me Seb is with you."

"I took Seb to help him to get over Kimi and he is ok I made sure the mall was empty so we could do everything in peace and safely." "ok come home I'll call Charles to come here since he is loosing his shit." "on the way and tell him that I swapped the car since I knew they would follow." once they got home Seb and Carlos walks into the house and everyone turn's around and is shocked.

"Seb what the hell did u do." Seb shrugs his shoulder's. everyone was bombarding Seb but he just walked away from them and walked over to Lando. "am I ok to stay with u guys for a while." Lando nods and then Lewis appeared. "wow Seb you look amazing." "thanx you Lewis." Seb blushes

"Lewis grabs Seb's hand and then runs up stairs. "did u get the message from Kimi." everyone was now stood outside Lewis room listening into their convo. "what message or to the fact that prick lied to me about being my soulmate."

Lewis Laugh's at Seb. "wow Seb u have changed but I love it." "tell me what was this message I was supposed to get." Lewis lifts his hand up and pulls on his soulmate string and then Seb feels it being pulled. Seb look's at Lewis

"so its you." "yes its me I noticed last time we met up." Seb smiles and hug's Lewis. meanwhile with everyone outside they made their way down stairs. "wow I cant believe Seb just swore especially calling Kimi that." Max laugh's. everyone but Kimi laugh's

well at least he found his soulmate.

The End

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