mick Schumacher (1)

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t was a normal day in the city and Mick had nothing to do so he was just chilling out on the roof of his house "this is so odd how quite it is." "boss someone is here to see you." "who is it u know its my day off plus no one knows where I live." "I'll send him up now." y/n made her way up to the roof top where Mick was,

"so this is what the famous hero does on his day off." Mick looks up to the person who spoke and looked shocked. "how did u know I lived here." "my house is right in front of urs." y/n points to his house across the street. "and I don't care ur my enemy why are u here."

"well I um" "spit it out first ur ruining my peace time." "Ilikeyou." "what the fuck did u say." "I like you, as in love you." "Ha u gotta be Joking." Mick Laugh's and looks at first. y/n ended up leaving crying and made his way to his home.

"Yuki come here." Yuki ran upstairs after he heard Mick called him. "yes sir what's wrong." "make sure y/n doesn't come here again lock each door im going to the spa and if her henchman comes don't let him in either. I know ur dating him but never let them in." "yes sir, but why though."

"y/n thought him confessing to me would work so I would leave him alone." "Ah ok that's why she was so nervous when she was at the door along side Pierre who came with her." Mick looked at Yuki "she was nervous."

Yuki nods "Pierre said she has been losing her mind for the past 4 weeks that's why nothing has been happening in the city for that long." Mick felt bad for a change about y/n. "go over to her place and find out if her feelings are real and not some stupid plan then call me."

"understood boss I'll go now." Mick nods and then Yuki heads out of the house and heads over to y/n and Pierre's house while Mick headed to the Spa he had in the house. Mick was lost in thought while he was in the spa he let his mind get lost in thought about what y/n said just then.

Meanwhile Yuki was now in y/n's house, "if ur coming to laugh at me or anything like that leave now." "if I wanted to laugh I wouldn't be here would I, second of all I'm here to know do u really love my boss or are you saying that to do some stupid evil plan of urs." "Yes I love ur boss the last thing I done to this city and him coming to stop me wasn't really me it was someone else but since I was there he thought it was me,

I tried to tell him but he wouldn't listen so we argued and I decided to stop doing the evil stuff for 4 weeks so he could have some time off being a hero, but what hurts the most is that his memories haven't come back of the both of us from when we were younger."

"what do you mean by memories not being back." "we have been friends since we were kids but an accident happened by powers got a little out of hand since I didn't know how to control them and when I tried to calm down it didn't work so I hit Mick with my powers and it caused him to lose his memories and since he didn't remember me or his parent's he,

mistook strangers as his parents and they took him and brainwashed him." "how do u know this." "I was there when they took him I followed them and tried to save him but they caught me and told him I was the bad person and always will be so because of it we have been rivals since then."

"I knew something was off since I worked for him." "what do u mean something was off." "the first few weeks of working with him everything was fine until 3 months after I started to work for him I noticed his behaviour changed, Turns out the people who u mentioned came to the house and came to see if the plan was done he said it was almost done but u were getting in his way, then they said that they had done the same thing again with another person that will help him to keep u way from finding out their plan."

"no wonder his attitude had changed I figured out their plan long ago I've been faking everything to make sure they didn't know I knew about their plan." "sorry im lost what plan his he doing." "the people who took khao in when he was younger who he thinks are his parents are evil,

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