Lando Norris bonus story

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A/N: a quick note to say that I will be posting bonus chapter's of certain driver's in this book Lando is the first one, and this story is based off a edit I had seen on TikTok after seeing that edit of Lando in Italy recently I really liked the idea and made my own story.

you were a cop but had to leave due to the injury u had gotten, u hated how u couldn't fulfil ur parents wish of being a successful cop, u hated how u couldn't work for a few month's, u had no clue how now u were going to pay for ur medical bills since u had no other income as u didn't have a boyfriend and ur parents died 2 years ago,

the money they kept for u, had used to continue ur studies to become a cop, u were walking in the corridor of the hospital when someone passed u and at the same time had hit u, u fell to the floor with a thud and the person turns around and helps u up, "I am so sorry I was in a rush." "it's ok not to worry." u looked up to the person and had seen who he was and panicked,

"are u ok u have gone white as a sheet." "yes, yes I am fine not to worry." the guy helps u up, "where are u going I will help u." "ah I am going back to my room." the person helped u to ur room, and helped u to get onto the bed. "thanx u for the help." "no worries." "u can go now since u said u were in a rush." "it's ok I would rather stay with u to make sure ur ok." "but u don't know me though." "oh I do know u miss y/n."

"how." "I have known u since the day u joined them." he spat and u could see the anger in his face, "well I am no longer apart of them due to this injury I am not aloud to be a cop anymore." "so they fired u just because of a leg injury." u nodded, "and now I have no money to pay for my bills so I am in a big debt." "don't worry I will take care of that."

"why are u doing this shouldn't u be running to hide now or scared I would call my friends to come get u." "to tell u the truth I am here because I had followed u, and wanted to talk to you." "why though." "because I found info on who killed ur parents and I want to do the right thing's." u went wide eye and looked at Lando in shock, "please tell me." "are u sure."

"yes I am sure and since I know ways to do thing's I will clear ur profile of everything." Lando hands u a file and u looked thought it and seen it was ur friend from the police academy. "that bastard." "how are we going to take care of this." u grabbed ur phone and called ur friend, after the phone call ended u looked at Lando, "done." "what is done."

"he is in Jail and ur profile is clear anything and everything is clear, it has been put down that u have served ur time in prison, it will be on the news's now so go into hiding for a while." "how long are u going to be in here," "I am leaving tomorrow I can't afford the physio."

"I shall have someone pick u up tomorrow and u can live with me and I shall have a live in physio to help u, don't worry about ur bills I will pay for them it's the least I can do since u just helped me." u smile and Lando get's this weird feeling, "I know what u did is the right thing by helping though woman and children, the world doesn't see it yet but they will."

"thanx u for believing in me." "no need to thanx me this world is more fucked up than u are." Lando laugh's, "now go other wise someone will see u," Lando get's up off the chair and kisses ur forehead and leaves. after he left u felt weird. u were currently reading a book when someone opens ur room door, u seen ur friend, "hey," "hi are u ok." "yea I am ok." "u sure."

"yea my bills have been taken care of someone heard my story and payed my bills." "ooo girl ur lucky." "who wouldn't believe who it was though." "who was it." "Lando." "as in the criminal I just helped u cleared up." u nodded, "so he is not a bad guy after all." "look what he done isn't as bad as what though men did to the woman and children," "true." "please don't tell anyone he only ment good but did it in the wrong way." "don't worry I know u have a crush on him."

"anyway why u here." "we found info about ur parent's" "2 late I already know why do u think I called u to clear his profile up." "he found the info." u nodded, "ever since that accident happened he made sure to find that person and let me do what I wanted." "ok well that is settled but what are u gonna do now."

"I am leaving tomorrow and go into hiding with Lando." "but why." "everyone is after me as the same as him so if I am under his care I will be safer" "ok Ill keep u updated on anything with the emergency phone's we have." u nodded, "thanx." "no problem I ow u my life after what u have done for me." u laughed and hugged ur friend.

a few days had gone by and u were now in hiding with Lando and u were doing good with the physiotherapy u were walking again and was happy u could do thing's again. Lando had one of his men to help u go through training again and u got stronger than u were before. u were currently training with Connor and Lando was leaning on the wall watching u train, after u finished training u seen Lando stood there, "hi." "hi and wow u are stronger than I thought u were." "I got a lot stronger thanx to Connor." "well u could easily join my team." "sure why the fuck not."

a few month's had gone by, u and Lando grew closer together and u both were as mad as each other which scared many of Lando's crew member's, "boss u really have found the right girl for u my god I am scared of that woman." Lando laugh's "u think." "a hundred present." "well good u all are scared of her but do u see her being here all the time."

"well yea she is apart of our team." "not like that ur moron the boss is on about her being here as boss wife." "oh my bad and yea she lives up to the name and besides she know's the ins and out's of everything." "only u two." later that night u and Lando were laying on the bed u had ur head on his chest while he played with ur hair, "I have a question." "what is it my love." "do u really want to be with me forever." "of course I do why." "I thought u only said it so u could go against me and actually turn me in."

"please why would I go back to them they are the one's who ditched me because of my injury and u saved me plus I had a crush on u since I saw ur file for the first time." "ur joking." "no I am not joking." "wow ok." "but why me though." "my parents knew ur parent's and they were the kindest people and they asked my parent's that if one day something was to happen to them that I would take care of u and that's what I have been doing."

a few month's later u and Lando had gotten married had 2 kids and was now ruling the country and everyone was scared because of how powerful u were now. "mommy." "what's wrong baby's." "some guy was looking at us today afar from the school and after brake time the alarm was going off and we had to hide," u seen ur daughter and son were crying

and u clenched ur teeth, "oh my baby's don't cry ur safe here now, and will not be going to school from now on, go see aunty Liana she is in the kitchen making ur fave food." u called everyone minus liana to the meeting room, once everyone was there waiting for u, u waddled in and everyone looked at u worried, "what's wrong," "some bastard was looking at the kids during playtime today and then come to the school looking for them, they were put in the school safe room hidden.

"what how did this happen." "I don't know but some how this person knew the code to get into the school grounds so either someone here or at the school has told him about the code." "we will find out." "I SWEAR TO GOD IF IT'S ONE OF U I WILL KILL U AND DO IT SLOWLY." everyone got scared even ur husband and nodded, "good everyone is dismissed."

"my love." Lando comes up to u slowly scared u would bite his head off, u went to him and tried to hug him but u couldn't, because of the baby bump. "stupid bump." Lando laugh's softly. "come let's go to our room we can cuddle there.

after a few months everything went back to normal ish, u hadn't slept in days due to this baby but every time u seen ur baby u always smiled because u knew that on day u would never have all this needy attention, u were feeding the baby when Lando walked into the room, "so this is were u went." "sorry love." "no need to apologise u are feeding our son." Lando walks up to u both and takes a photo. "a new one for the book."

"I hope once they are teen's they will not be like the other teens." "they won't we have raised them well to know that they can talk to us about anything." "I am so happy I got everything I wanted back in my life." "all of this because I had a broken leg." u both laugh.

The End

A/N: this is the link to the edit,, enjoy.

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