Zhou Guanyu (3)

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Zhou was walking around in circles in his driver's room thinking about telling Yuki he liked him, Arthur walks in and looks at Zhou who was going round in circles, "Zhou are u ok." "huh." Zhou looks at the door to see Arthur there, "yea I am good why," "well u missed the meeting we called u god know's how many times and no one as seen u all morning."

"sorry I just got thing's on my mind I hadn't even notched my phone ringing" "it's ok if ur nervous about ur first home race u know." "I am not nervous about that it's something else." "is there a way for me to help you." "unless u wanna go tell this person ur self then no."

"what is it." "I really like Yuki but I don't know how to tell him." "I'll tell him for u if u want." "I don't know." "ok I won't do it." Zhou nods, Arthur turns around and smirks as he walks away. Arthur had made his way to the Mercedes garage to Yuki's driver's room, "Arthur what are u doing here."

"just came to tell Yuki something." "he is busy in a meeting wanna tell me or write it down I can give it to him once he is done." "sure." the staff hands Arthur a pice of paper and a pen, Arthur writes everything down as it would look like a love letter and signed it as Zhou would.

Arthur folds up the paper and then hands it to the staff. "don't look at it please and thanx bye." "bye." after the meeting was done the staff member hands Yuki the note, "Arthur came by he wanted to tell u something but he wrote it down on this paper and told me not to read it so here u go."

Yuki takes the paper and thanx the staff member before going to his driver's room he opens the note and reads it and seen it was from Zhou. Yuki laugh's a little knowing Arthur wrote what Zhou had told him, Yuki makes his way to the Sauber garage and goes to Zhou's driver's room,

"hey Zhou I got ur note." "what note," "this." Yuki shows the note, "I never made a note." "yea u did u gave it to the staff at merc and they just handed it to me." Zhou sigh's, "stupid Leclerc." "it's ok I like u to." Yuki goes to Zhou kisses his cheek and walks away back to merc. "so how was the kiss." "I'm gonna kill u." "oh please u would of never told him." "yes I would of in my own time." "and when was that gonna be." Zhou sigh's knowing that Arthur was right, "see, I am right." "ok, ok leave me alone."

a few month's had gone by and Yuki and Zhou were dating when they told their team's the team's were happy along with the rest of the driver's along the grid but when they told the public thing's didn't go the way they though it would.

Yuki's side of the story:

Yuki was sat on the couch looking through the post's people have tagged him in and he couldn't help but cry he hated how much hate he was getting, he was getting more hate than Zhou was, Yuki couldn't stand it he tried everything he could to make everyone happy but nothing worked,

"I think it's time I go." Yuki pack's his thing's left his house in Monaco and flew to Japan, he hadn't told anyone and no one knew besides the flight attendance of his jet, he had payed them not to say anything unless it was authority only, Yuki was now at his parents house and was trying to be all happy for them and lucky enough it worked well so he thought.

during the day when his parent's were at work Yuki was in the bathroom all day he had sent everyone note's to say goodbye and he done what no one expected he got a razor and cut him self over and over

Yuki was crying and was feeling numb, he passed out on the floor and just let everything take over, lucky for Yuki though Charles, Arthur, Zhou, Max and Lewis were in Japan anyway when they got the message so when they had arrived at the house with his parents they all rushed inside and went straight to the bathroom, there they found Yuki on the floor.

back to Zhou's side of the story:

Zhou looked at Yuki who was laying lifelessly on the hospital bed and tried his best not to cry, "why didn't he tell me he was getting so much hate." "u know what Yuki is like he likes to do thing's in his own way's," Zhou just cries in Lewis' arm's Max had posted a statement on social media for everyone and when the fan's saw how angry all the driver's were they knew they had fucked up, the doctor walks in and speaks to Yuki's parent's,

"what did he say." "Yuki is doing fine and not to worry he will wake up soon there is more news but we aren't aloud to know until he wakes up." everyone nods. day's went by and the rest of the F1 grid had shown up to Japan to be with Yuki. the driver's had to force Zhou to eat and get sleep because he hadn't eaten or slept in 2 month's,

it was night time and Zhou had just woken up and seen that Max was dozing off, "Max u go sleep now I can stay up." "ok but if u feel sleepy go sleep ur self." Zhou nods, before Max could even sleep Yuki wake's up, "where am I." "ur in the hospital Yuki." Yuki look's around and seen that everyone was there but asleep minus Max and Zhou who were awake,

"how do u feel." "shit." Max laugh's and so does Yuki, "the doctor said there was more news but never told us since we had to wait for u to wake up first." "oh is it bad." "we don't know but for now get some more rest and we will know in the morning." Yuki nods and goes back to sleep,

the next morning the everyone was awake and the doctor came to tell everyone the other news and when everyone heard they didn't know what to do or say, "wow that was unexpected." "you can say that again." "we can do this, we have everyone to help us along the way." "yea we can do this."

The End

A/N: sorry this was short I had no clue what was going on with this one I just went with the flow from my imagination, I had no clue how to end it so I ended it like that, if u want something then leave a comment and I will do that for u.

F1/F2 One Shots book 2 CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now