Zhou Guanyu (5)

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Zhou was currently talking to Charles asking him for help since he didn't know how to ask Lando out, he was scared of getting rejected by him, "what am I gonna do every time I try and talk to him I either freeze or I just go on saying something stupid to him."

"why won't u just send a text message it will be easier for you." "I can't do it over text message Charles it will look weird and two what if he rejects me." "just do it over text and if he reject's you it's his lose not ur's"

Zhou nods and grabs his phone, "what do I put in the text message." "just start it off by saying hi." "ok simple." Zhou type's hi and sends it to Lando, "now we wait." a few minutes go by and there was no response. "maybe he is busy we are on a race weekend."

"true I can just wait for now I think." Charles looked at his team mate and shook his head, "u will be fine Zhou stop over thinking thing's it doesn't do u good." "I know but I can't help it." "I know but just try." the both of them made it to their car's and got in as it was the start of quali.

quali ended 2 hour's ago and Zhou still didn't get anything message wise from Lando, he was losing his mind until he had seen that Lando had opened the message just then, Zhou had seen the thought bubble and waited patiently for his reply.

Lando had messaged him hello back and Zhou decided he would just go all in and pour out all of his feeling's in one single message, after spending 20 minutes typing everything he sent it to Lando and hoped he wouldn't get rejected.

Lando hadn't seen the message as he was busy playing games with his friend Max Fewtrell, Zhou on the other hand just looked at his phone every 5 minutes checking to see if Lando had opened the message at all and each time he did there was nothing.

the next morning Zhou checks the messages and seen that Lando had left him on open and had not responded back, Zhou was sad and knew that he was rejected by Lando, it was race time so Zhou took his mind back into racing mode for the race.

the race had ended 3 hours ago Zhou and Charles were celebrating their podium with Max in the club and enjoying their time, Zhou had a little two much to drink because he had blacked out and not remembering that Lando had joined with his friend's at the club.

Zhou had started to sober up and when he had seen that Lando was there he just left the club and walked back to the hotel they were staying at, lucky for Zhou the hotel wasn't far from where the club was. Zhou was now in his room laying on his bed in his pj's when there was a knock on the door, he goes to the door and seen it was Lando there,

"why did u go we were having fun." "I wanted to go sleep and u ruined it by coming here." "oh come on u won 2nd place u need to celebrate." "I had done my celebration's before u had arrived now if u excuse me I need my sleep time." Zhou was cold to Lando and shut the door in his face Zhou hated he had just done that but he had to Lando had rejected him.

Lando just stood there looking at the door before he left confused why Zhou was cold to him all of a sudden, the next weekend came quickly and Zhou hated it, he was smiling to the camera's and the fan's but when he was on his own away from the praying eye's he was just stone cold, "Charles what happened to Zhou he is usually all happy but he is being cold to all of us."

"yea it's weird what happened." "I can't say sorry." "oh com on Charles please tell us." "I can't it isn't my place to tell you." "fine we will ask him our self's." most of the driver's walked into the Ferrari hospitality and walked to the driver room's and knocked on Zhou's door, Zhou opens the door and seen everyone minus Charles and Lando, "what do u want." "why are u acting like this ur never like this what's wrong."

"nothing it's fine just leave me alone." "no we won't leave u alone until u tell us what is wrong with you." "he rejected me and told me I was stupid to think he liked me, he only done what he done because his manager made him do it because of the fan's." "who." "Norris."

"ok but u don't need to be so cold with the rest of us." Zhou grabs his phone and placed it in Max's hand, "read through the messages he sent me." Zhou walked over to the couch and layed there. the other's read the text messages that Lando had sent Zhou and looked over to him, before they continued to read the rest of the messages,

the rest of the driver's had made their way over to Lando and Charles, "how could u call Zhou all of though's words and say shit like that to him." "what do u mean." "oh u exactly know what we mean Lando don't play dumb." "I am not playing dumb what have I done." Max shove's Zhou's phone into Lando's face for him to read his own messages to Zhou,

"I would never do such a thing." "oh of course u wouldn't u are just saying that so u can get away with it." "I never did such thing's my trainer had my phone the whole time and said that talking to Zhou is a distraction and that I can't have any distraction's, somehow he guessed the code to my phone because I never sent though's messages."

"u telling the truth." "of course I am I really like Zhou I was planning on telling him on the night he won but he was cold towards me and every time I tried to speak to him he wouldn't even look at me." all of a sudden all of the driver's had seen the medic's running into the Ferrari hospitality everyone looked at each other before they ran in, "what happened." "its Zhou he isn't breathing." "what do u mean." "someone had done something to him."

Lando started to get worried, little did the driver's know what Lando's trainer was watching them and was happy to see that they were sad. Zhou was in the hospital with a load of attachment's to him to help him feel better, "this is all my fault if I would of never told my trainer who I was talking to none of this would of happened." "it's not ur fault Lando it turns out the trainer was gonna do it either way and was targeting Yuki next."

"why though." "we don't know but we are looking into it." everyone nod's Lando hadn't left Zhou's side at all unless it was to get in the car to practise or race, Lando looked at Zhou and started crying, he couldn't take it anymore he needed Zhou with him but he knew Zhou would never wake up as the chances were really low of him waking up.

Lando had fallen asleep because he had cried him self to sleep, Zhou had woken up and lucky for him Charles was there to greet him, "hey how are u feeling." "ok what happened." "one of the trainer's tried to kill u but not just u he was targeting Yuki as well," Zhou nods,

"so what happens now." "well u could listen to Lando once he wakes up." "what do u mean." "he never sent though's messages to u it was his trainer who did everything." "oh so I blamed him for nothing." "exactly." Charles point's to Lando who was sleeping, Zhou look's over to his right to see Lando but he was waking up as he looked over, after hour's of crying and apologizing Lando and Zhou had made up and were now dating, everyone was happy

The End

F1/F2 One Shots book 2 CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now