Logan Sargent (2)

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you are a F1 driver and u had been apart of the sport since 2016 around the same time ur team mate had also joined, everyone though the FIA was crazy for letting a woman drive in the sport, u were Lewis Hamilton's team mate, so u had to prove ur self to the team if u wanted to stay in the sport and that is what u did. Logan would watch ur races and was inspired by you he was ur biggest fan but he knew he would never meet u, until one day.

after being in the sport for many year's and having only 2 world champion title's people still told u to leave the sport but u never listened to them, it was 2018 when it was announced that a halo was being added to the car so when all of the driver's had to do a press conference about the new changes u all had agreed it was a bad idea.

well when it came to one of the races and one of the driver's car went on top of Charles car u had realized how the halo had protected him so u all slowly changed ur mind's on them. as time went on and new season came and go u had had realized how the halo had saved so many of u, it was now 2022 and u had been replaced by George Russell,

but u were lucky as Max's team mate had moved team's Albon had moved from Red Bull to William's and u had signed to Red Bull, u were happy u had moved there u remembered the conversation u had with Christian, Max and Helmut before u had officially joined them, "so why are u letting me join the team now even though I kept turning u down."

"because we know how good of a driver u are everyone at Merc said many thing's about u and let's just say they weren't nice thing's." "ok." "so even though u kept turning us down we made sure we kept a seat here for u just in case something would happen and by the look's of thing's it has finally happened," "what do u mean?"

"well the thing is they were gonna replace u 4 season's ago but they decided to keep u since Lewis begged them to keep u, but this time they had gone behind Lewis' back and had George Russell sign the contract with out telling anyone." "so that's why everyone was being weird around me lately." u got angry, "uh oh." u kept ur calm and u knew exactly what u were gonna do, "let's show them they messed with the wrong people." u signed the contract and smiled, "welcome to the family." u smiled u took a photo with them before u left. "y/n show them who the bull is." "oh don't u worry I will."

it was announced u had signed with Red Bull and everyone was exited but Lewis, u had told him what the team had done and he agreed to let u win this title since u both were trying to get it. it was now race day u had greeted the fan's and one fan in particular caught ur attention, he was the F2 driver Logan Sargent, u smiled to the other fan's and signed their thing's before making ur way to him, "hi." "h-hi." "it's good to see u I heard u are my number one fan."

"y-y-yeah I am." u smile, "thanx u for being a fan and I watched the race u did amazing." "thanx you I learned from u." "I can see, and I hope to see u on the gird next season." "I hope so as well." u smiled before making ur way to the press conference meeting, u were sat in between Max and Lewis and people thought it was funny.

the race was on going and u were making ur way from 20th to 6th in matter of lap's and everyone was scared because they knew what word had been said to me, u fought with the other driver's and had managed to get into 2nd place all u had to do now was overtake Max and win, after batteling it out for a few laps there was only 2 laps left, u had overtaken Max at this point and u were in the lead, Max and Lewis weren't arguing with 2nd place they just kept driving defending off the other driver's. u had won the race and u were happy.

the next morning u woke up with a major headache, u looked around and seen that Max was sleeping next to u, Lewis was at the bottom of the bed, u got up and seen that Charles was on the floor on Max's side of the bed and Lance next to Lewis, u went to the bathroom only to find Lando was sleeping on top of Carlos u took a photo and giggled, u made ur way to the living room to see the other driver's on the floor or the sofa,

u heard something coming from the kitchen so u made ur way there and seen Logan, Alex and Zhou making food, "morning." "good morning, here have some water and pills." u took them and thanxed Logan, "what's for food im starving," "Pancakes," u nodded, u leaned ur head on Logan's shoulder and relaxed as he put his arm around u so u don't fall. one by one the rest of the grid wakes up u could hear a scream coming from the bathroom, "that will be Lando." "only him." Max and Charles walk hand in hand into the kitchen, "morning." "morning."

after a few hours everyone was feeling better and was just talking, "ok this is weird." "what's weird." "seeing how u all are dating." "ah u caught on." "yea, so who is dating who." "Max and Charles, Lando and Carlos, Mick and Esteban, Lance and Checo, Alex and George, Lewis and Seb last but not least Pierre with Yuki." "wow ok was not expecting that." "Logan are u seeing anyone." "nope but I do like someone though." "cool who is it." "I can't say."

"y/n u dating anyone," "yea I am but I am trying to get out of it." "oh why is that." "he is controlling me he won't allow me to talk to anyone other than Lewis." "was he the one who was at the club with u last night and then left with some chick." "yep." "cunt." "asshole." "mother fucker." u laughed, "I'll let u all handle him." "ok good." "so since the season is over who is moving where."

"I am joining Mercedes." "huh." "I though y/n renewed her contract with the team." "nope I was replaced by Russell." "wait so where will u go then." "I sighed my contract on Wednesday for Red Bull." "uh oh." "oh this next season will be lit for sure." "you can say that again." "man I can't wait for this season to start now."

a few month's had gone by, it was mid season and everyone was loving it and some weren't loving it, u and Logan started dating a few month's ago and the only people who knew where the drivers and that was it, u had to hid it from the team and the FIA because u knew u were risking everything as it was. it was the last race before summer brake to start and everyone was sat in the car's waiting for the race to start.

once the race ended u had won in SPA with Max in second and Charles in third. it was now summer brake and everyone was happy to enjoy some time off, u on the other hand were busy in Texas with Logan and Daniel getting ur helmet custom made ready for the race.

"Daniel how did u convince her to wear that hat and shoes." "oh I didn't need to convince her she came to me asking me to help her pick the best outfit since her old one was lost." "come again." "me and y/n always come to Texas during the summer brake it was our tradition to come here but one time there was a major fire and she was caught in it we never came back until 2 years ago she had to re do everything." "oh ok I never knew that." "

no one does besides us here." "so the other driver's don't know." "nope and it has to stay that way until she want's to tell them." Logan nods. after u designed ur helmet the person took the art work and sent it to the person who was making them. a few months had passed and it was now time for the Austin gp everyone was exited to see how u and Danny were gonna show up this time, u both arrived in style like usual and with ur horses,

"hi everyone." everyone was shocked, "u actually came with horses this time." "well duh it's our tradition to do it." "this is crazy." "well what can u say we are the crazy one's." a few month's had gone by and it was now time for the Brazil race and there was a major storm in coming so u had to do things quickly, but lucky for u all fp1 and fp2 went fine, but when it came to quali thing's went crazy q1 went well nothing happened but in q2

and q3 that's when the storm came lucky everyone but 2 driver's had been, Max was the first to go for the Red Bull team Max set his time and landed pole position but it was now ur turn, "if it get's to much stop the car and run understood." "copy." "show them what ur made of." u drove out and started ur laps. everyone was now watching u do u laps half way through ur laps it went really dark and the track light's came on, "who turned off the light's," u joked and everyone laughed,

everyone was shocked at how u had done ur laps in the weather and broke a score and beaten Max's time, "wow." "wow indeed Max." "I see 2 people in her and its scary." "u can say that again." after u came into the pit's the weather got worse,

the race day went ok and u had won which surprised everyone. u were currently sat in ur hotel room with Logan's head on ur lap and u looking at TikTok u were scrolling until u had seen the edit and u laughed, "wow." "what." u showed Logan the edit and he laughed, "he was the sunshine and u were the storm." "he is my team mate after all."

"why did u pick me out of all the people." "because u were the only one who supported me through everything I had been through minus Lewis of course." "why though." "I see something grate in u that's why." u kiss Logan and then u ended up doing a cuddle session watching random tv shows

The End

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