Yuki Tsunoda (2)

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Yuki had not long joined the F1 world and he was scared as he was shorter than the other driver's many people made fun of him for it, and he was scared the other driver's would do it as well, but the driver's mistaken him for a fan not a driver, when he entered the paddock. Yuki makes his way over to the AlphaTauri hospitality and everyone just look's at him, "are u lost."

"nope I am not this is where I was told to go." "sorry but fan's aren't aloud in the hospitality." "I am not a fan I am a driver." "ahah u got to be joking right." "nope I am not." "what's ur name." "Yuki Tsunoda." "don't lie about ur name." "I am not lying." just then Yuki's manager walks in, "Yuki why are u standing here for u should be getting ready." "I tried but they wouldn't let me." Yuki point's to everyone,

his manager look's at the staff and glares at them, "that is very rude of u." "sorry we were expecting someone taller how did he even get to this point though." "ENOUGH STOP BEING SO RUDE GET BACK TO WORK." everyone nodded and went back to work, Yuki and his manager made it to the back of the hospitality to where the driver room's where, "this is ur room here, ur team mate's room is right next door."

Yuki hated how his first day went it's like a really bad memory he can't get rid of and still thinks about it from time to time, the only person who made him feel welcome was his Team mate Pierre Gasly, the both of them got along really well despite the height difference, Yuki got to know the other driver's well and they were all nice to him he was really shocked when the driver's were nice to him,

as time went on Yuki had some trouble with the team, mostly on track but in reality it wasn't his fault his team decided they would mess with his car so he couldn't do good and leave the team because according to them he shouldn't even be in the F1 series as he was short, Pierre was the one who found that Yuki's mechanics were the one's who done all of this and he got angry, Pierre had gone to the FIA and told them about what the mechanic's had done.

after what Pierre had told the FIA thing's started to look better for Yuki, but his little crush on Pierre was still there even though he tried to ignore the feeling's, but one day when Pierre showed up to the paddock with a girl his heart shattered into a million pices, so from that day Yuki ignored Pierre and only talked to him when he was needed to talk to him.

Max and Checo had noticed how Yuki was using his media trained smile when around Pierre and they knew something was up, so when the AlphaTauri lot were joining RB lot to do content stuff Max and Checo Pulled Yuki to one side to talk to him, "what is going on with u and Pierre we noticed ur smile isn't as what it used to be." "it's nothing don't worry about me." "it's not nothing Yuki u can talk to us we won't tell Pierre if that's what ur thinking."

Yuki sigh's knowing Checo was right, "it was the day Pierre brought his girl with him to the paddock I was going to tell him that day about my crush on him but seeing him so happy with that girl really broke my heart." "oh Yuki." Max hugs Yuki and Checo was trying not to lose his shit over what Yuki just told them, "I'm guessing ur the one's who got all of the gift's and left all of though's notes." Yuki nod's, "that lying bitch." "Checo calm down." "no I will not calm down that Bitch lied to me saying she was the one who left the gift's and notes." "oh boy."

from that day on words Checo and Max never spoke to Pierre again, one night in Monaco Charles decided everyone would come to his and Max's place to chill out since it was summer brake, Pierre showed up but Yuki didn't, "where is Yuki." "he couldn't make it since he is in Japan seeing his family." "oh ok." Max was about to lose his shit but he knew he couldn't, "I am going to the shops to get us more snacks and drinks I'll be back in 5." "ok Pierre be careful."

once Pierre left everyone turned their attention to Max and Checo, "ok u two speak up why are u both ignoring Pierre," "long story short the real person who left all though's gift's and notes wasn't the girl Pierre is with it was Yuki, Yuki had a crush on Pierre and tried telling him though the notes but because he was also talking to that woman he instantly thought it was from her not Yuki."

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