Max Verstappen bonus story

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A/N: just a quick note to say this story is ment to be a happy one to remember a driver who has passed away, it's not ment to make anyone sad but if it does I do apologize for it I just felt like I should include it into the storyline. to me it makes sence to include into the story line.

Max was looking down on earth watching everyone like he usually does which confused everyone but they never said anything since he wasn't doing anything wrong, today was no difference he was looking at the karting lot and seen how the young lot there was were happy, he did angel karting him self so it was no expectation's that he would move into the angel racing once he was older.

"Max u are needed at the racing building they need u for something." "ok." Max stands up and takes one last look at everyone before walking to the building he walks in and walks to the front desk, "hey max how are u." "im doing good thanx you for asking Chloe but do u know why I was called here." "no problem and no I don't know why u are called here but I'll take u to them." Max nods

after a while Max was outside of the door of the meeting room while Chloe was inside telling the other's that Max was outside, "Max u can go in now." Max nods and enters the room, "hi." "hello Max glad u could join us." "can I ask why I am here did I do anything wrong," "u didn't do anything wrong but we do want to talk to u about something." Max nods and sat down on the only empty seat available

"so u have a mission to do." "what is it." "u will be sent to earth to help a little boy named Charles Leclerc." Max had a confused look on his face, "u will be sent to earth to help Charles achieve his dream by getting into a racing series on earth called F1 so over the next few year's u will be karting with him and go up in the series with him to get him where he want's to be,

once u get Charles into F1 we will check in with u and tell u what u need to do next." Max nods. "ok." "here is ur file, in there tells u everything about the boy and who u will be on earth and the family u will be with." Max nods,

as time goes on Max was doing his mission on helping Charles to get to where he wanted to be, after so many year's the both of them were in F1, Charles over time had started to get feeling's for Max but he was scared to tell him, as time went on Max was now at Red Bull and Charles was in Ferrari, that night Max was brought back to do the check in,

"well done on ur mission Max u have out done ur self" "thanx you," Max had noticed the 2 people and felt happy to know that they were in the Angel racing, "thanx u for taking care of my god son." "no problem he is very sweet." Jules smile's, "thanx u for being friends with Pierre u also helped him." "no problem I know that he was friends with Charles so his friends are also my friends." "so Max ur mission now is to try and win 3 world titles, and also do ur best to help Charles win a title, once u reach ur 2nd title u will be brought back to know the last mission." Max nods. "good u can go back now wish u the best."

a few year's had gone by Charles had told Max about his crush on him and Max done the same, the both of them started dating and many fan's were happy that the lestappen ship was sailing, Max was yet to achieve a world title but he knew it would come one day. he just wanted to enjoy his time with Charles before he was sent back. a few year's had gone by and it was now 2021, and the last race of the season, the lapped car's had over taken the safety car and Max was now behind Lewis and had overtaken him and won his first title.

the celebration was amazing and he knew he would never forget that day. he celebrated with the team and his boyfriend that is it for that season. 2022 Max had won his second title and he knew he would be brought back again now to see what his last mission is and he hated this. "well Max u have outdone ur self now it's time for ur last mission are u ready." Max nods and tries to hold back that he doesn't want to continue and that he just wants a happy life with Charles,

"so ur last mission is to win ur third title as planned for the 23 season, on the 24th season u will do everything to help Charles get his first title and at the end of the season since he will be crowned the title during the last lap u need to crash out." "WAHT NO WAY." "u didn't let me finish." "sorry." "once u are taken to the hospital ur body will be there but as usual u will be here and then u can decide weather u want to stay here or stay with Charles."

everyone was shocked as what was said, "u can't do that to the both of them I have never seen Charles this happy in so long." "that is the point, Max can stay here and have his happiness alone racing here, or he can have his happiness there with Charles for life both of them will live forever." Jules look's at Max, "ur choise." "I accept the mission and my answer u will know on the day." everyone nods, Max was now sat in his bed in his house, just then Charles walks in,

"babe I have been trying to call u for the past hour." "sorry babe I was lost in my thought's again." "oh no not again." "it's ok this time it was happy." "are u sure." Max smile's and hugs Charles. the 23 season start's and thing's were looking good for Max, Charles on the other hand was struggling with the car he hated how Ferrari was sacrificing him again he just wanted to win a world title at Ferrari before moving team's. Max had won his third title and was having the time of his life,

during winter brake Max and Charles were enjoying their time together, they attended the FIA gala in Baku, when Christmas came Max was really happy to the point he went all out for Christmas decor Charles was shocked when he came back from his skiing trip with his brother, "Max u really out did ur self this year." "is it two much." "no I love it and I can't wait for more of this every year." Charles wraps his arms around Max's waist and Kisses his lips, Max giggles,

Xmas day, everyone was at the lestappen house opening their gift's, Charles was sat on Max's lap smiling at his brother who just opened the gift Max got him, "omg how did u know I wanted this." "its a secret." Arthur goes to Max and hug's him, after spending many hours opening gift's and taken a brake to eat their food everyone was now watching a movie.

24 season had started and thing's were going according to plan for Max and Charles, Ferrari had finally made a good car and Charles was constantly getting pole position's and first win's, Max was right behind him in second, summer brake everyone was enjoying their time doing different thing's, the races after summer brake went well, many races later it was now the last race of the season, Max was losing his mind a little,

"I knew this day would come but it feels so soon." Max sigh's and thinks, he knew what his decision was, it was now the day of the race and everyone was nervous, there was only one lap to go and Max had lost control of his car like he was told to do and it caused a red flag, he was really injured to the point where the doctor's had to put him into a coma for him to rest up, Charles had won his first title, him and the other 2 winner's just stood on the podium listening to the Monaco anthem, just after the anthem finished Charles grabbed his trophy and left,

Max was looking down on Charles who was now sat by his bed begging him to wake up, "well done Max u completed u mission he is a word champion for Ferrari." Max was crying because he didn't like to see Charles like this, "thanx you." Jules could see how Max was crying and how Charles was losing his mind. "so what's ur decision Max." "I wanna stay with him he makes me really happy and I make him happy." "ok u both and ur friends will live for eternity there and are free to do what u want to do." Max nods, "I am ready to go back."

where Max was it had only been 3 hour's but for Charles it had been 3 week's, "thanx u for everything u have done to make Charles happy Max and keep him happy please." Max nods, "u may go now." Max wakes up and look's around, "where am I." "Max ur awake." "Charlie," "yes Maxie it's me." Max look's at Charles and smiles, "what happened." "we were close to ending the race and u spun off the track and went straight into the barriers u have been in a coma for 3 weeks if u didn't wake up today they would of taken u off life support." Max nods and he hug's Charles, "I will never leave u." "and I will never leave u." Charles smiles.

The End

F1/F2 One Shots book 2 CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now