Oliver Bearman (3)

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you are a singer and u were having a writers block u couldn't come up with new lyrics for ur new album and u were losing ur mind over it, u left ur studio and made ur way to the café that was in ur company building to buy a coffee, after u got ur ice caramel coffee u decided to go for a walk until u saw the camera flashes,

u sighed and walked back to the lifts and made ur way back to ur studio, once u entered ur pin on the keypad u entered ur studio. just as u opened ur laptop there was a knock on ur studio door, u got up and opened it to see Jay stood there, "Jay what are u doing here,"

"I heard that u haven't left ur studio in day's" "yea because I can't come up with new lyrics for my new album." "well then u won't need to worry about that album for now because u are going to go home and wash up get changed packed ur suitcase because u and Liam are going to Italy to watch an F1/F2 race." "no way." "yes way."

"I can't believe I finally get to go to a race." "ur welcome." "ur the best." "and this is why I get the best friend of the year title." u laugh, "u always get that title Jay u are the reason why I am who I am today." "I know, bit for now go home and pack ur things." u nodded, u grabbed ur things and left the studio and made ur way home, u had just finished packing ur thing's when there was a knock."

"come in." Jay walks into ur room. "u finished packing," "yea my suitcase is down stairs already I don't need much anyway I got the thing's I need so why would I still be packing." Jay laugh's. u and Jay had arrived at the airport and got onto ur privet jet and got ready for take off, u took a selfie with Jay and posted it to ur insta.

once u had arrived in Italy u both left the jet and made it to the car. since it was only Wednesday u decided to explore Italy for a bit, u were shopping with Jay when someone bumped into you, "omg I am so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." "don't worry about it its fine I'm not hurt but are u ok." "yea I am ok just a little shocked." "well just be careful next time because not all people can be nice." "yea that's true again sorry for walking into u." "its fine." u and Jay walked away and made it to the store.

Meanwhile Arthur just stood there looking at Ollie who had just walked into u, "do u know who u just walked into." "no why." "that was y/n." Ollie looks at Arthur lost, "ollie that girl is ur fav singer and u just walked into her." Ollie looks at Arthur shocked, "no it can't be." "dude she posted that she was coming to Italy and u just walked into her omg my dream is slowly becoming reality." Ollie laugh's at Arthur, "only u Leclerc."

Thursday u had the time of ur life by meeting the F1 driver's and got to see the garages, u were like a little kid in a candy shop, many of the driver's were shocked to learn that u loved car's. Friday u were watching FP1 & FP2 from Ferrari's garage, Saturday u were in the Mercedes garage watching FP3 & Quali, it was now Sunday u were currently in,

the Prema garage watching the F2 race, once that race was done u congratulated the Ollie for his win before making ur way to the Red Bull hospitality to get a drink since u were gonna be at the Red Bull garage to watch the F1 race, u were currently talking to one of the staff when Max and Charles had made their way to u, "hi." "hey." "did u like watching ur first F2 race," "it was amazing to watch in person." "glad to hear it."

"I don't follow F2 much compared to F1 but it was cool to see a different one for a change." "wait u haven't seen a F2 race like ever." u shook ur head as a no, "wow do u know any of the drivers." "yea I only know 4 which are Ollie, Arthur, Jack, Theo." "well at least u know some of the driver's." "to be honest I only know them because they appear in my feed more than the other's Ollie and Arthur more though." "would make sense since Arthur is my brother and Ollie is Arthur's best friend."

u were now back in LA in the recording studio singing, u were currently rapping to ur new song and going with the flow that u hadn't noticed Jay and some of the F1 and F2 driver's entering ur studio. after the song ends u groan, before starching and leaving the recording booth and made it into ur studio, when u walked in u seen everyone and smiled, "how was it." "omg this is the best day of my life." u laugh, "so where did u get ur inspo from y/n u were struggling before."

"let's just say my trip to Italy is what I needed." Jay laugh's and u shoot him a glare, u were currently talking to everyone since u had a 2 hour brake before going back into the recording booth to sing ur other songs. many song's later u were now at ur house chilling on the couch when u heard ur door bell ring, ur dog starts barking, "COME IN." Jay enters with the driver's "WHERE ARE U." "Livingroom ALSO MAKE SURE THE DOOR IS CLOSED I DON'T WANT RILEY GETTING OUT." "DOOR IS CLOSED DON'T WORRY."

"who is Riley." "her dog," just then a dog appears and jumps on Jay, "hi Riley." the dog barks at Jay, "omg." "what." "its a German shepared dog and it's named Riley." everyone looks at Ollie lost, "i'll explain in a bit." everyone nods and made their way to the living room, u were sat there in ur Red Bull hoodie and playing cod, everyone look's around ur place and was shocked to see many car and gaming related thing's on the walls, "dude the fridge." everyone looked at ur drinks fridge and seen it was a Red Bull one, "I like this girl more already."

"welcome make ur self at home." u had stopped the game and looked at everyone who was stood there looking at ur thing's. "u like cod." "yea it's my ult game along with FIFA and the F1 game." "is that why u named ur dog Riley." "yep." "cool." Riley barks and u laugh, "its ok they are friends." u petted Riley. that night u spent ur time talking to Ollie about games and other things u both liked u both became friends quickly.

The End

F1/F2 One Shots book 2 CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now