Daniel Ricciardo

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y/n is a Manager for Daniel Riccardo for a really long time but she has always wondered who her Mate was because at one point she got a sent of Mint and candyfloss but the smell didn't last long because after a while it had disappeared.

Daniel on the other hand when he had smelt the sent of Blueberry's and Chocolate he hated the smell and we walked by quickly because the smell made him feel sick. "what the fuck was that." "what was what Daniel." "there was an awful smell and it made me feel sick." "maybe it was ur mate's smell." "what the fuck out of all smell's I could get why did it have to be Blueberry's and Chocolate."

Max laugh's at Daniel and shakes his head. "just go find who it is and then mark them since its ur mate plus that sent will go once u have marked him or her." "ugh no thanx I'm here to race not to find a stupid mate." Max shakes his head and him and Daniel put on their racing gear.

the staff were talking to each other and then Max and Daniel walks in. everyone greets the drivers and got them ready for the race telling them all the info they need to know and help them into their car's. Max and Daniel left the garage to make their way onto the track.

after the race had happened Daniel and max got out of their car's and went to celebrate their victory, while Daniel and y/n were walking to the podium Daniel got the sent smell again and he looks over to y/n who was looking at her tablet to make sure everything was done right.

y/n now knew who her mate was and was scared so she just looked at her tablet to keep her distracted she didn't even look up to Daniel to tell him to go on since she had other things to do. Daniel was angry and left to go to the podium to celebrate with Max and Charles before going to find y/n.

once Daniel had asked the other staff where y/n was he had made his way over to her room where she was talking to her self.. "what the fuck is going on, this can't be happening this really can't be happening." Daniel had seen the panic in y/n and laugh's quietly at her watching her talk to her self panicking.

"so its u who is my mate well then this is going to be fun." "ah Daniel you scared me I thought u would be with the other still celebrating." "the celebrations are done so I came to change to head back to the hotel." y/n tires her best to show any emotions as she was waiting to either be accepted or rejected.

Daniel had noticed and walks up to her laugh's. "u think I will be accepting u well ur wrong because ur nothing more than just a manager to me nothing else, I Daniel Riccardo reject u as my mate." Daniel's wolf was not happy he had rejected his mate and was in pain which caused Daniel so much pain but he didn't show it.

y/n was on the floor crying in pain because she had just been rejected by her mate. Daniel leaves the room and then sees everyone glaring at him everyone then walks away ignoring him Daniel goes to Max but even he walked away from him angry at what he had just done

Daniel makes his way to his driver's room and locks the door before he falls on the floor crying in pain. "what have I done, why did I do that." Daniel was in so much pain and crying that he didn't move from his driver's room at all he had slept there.

one of the staff had unlocked the door and seen Daniel on the floor sleeping. "Daniel wake up." Daniel wake's up and sees the staff. "why are u on the floor sleeping and have u been crying." "I am in pain because I rejected my mate." "why would u do that." "I don't know I seen someone in my family do it so I thought it was good not bad." the staff goes over to Daniel and picks him up and sits him on the sofa.

days had gone by and everyone was sad no one even wanted to race because they were missing y/n Daniel enters the Redbull garage and makes his way over to his car. "what's going on." "y/n is in hospital because of you." Daniel now felt even more bad. "which hospital is she at." "we are not telling you." Daniel gave up asking anything so he got into the car and got ready to race.

Max and Kelly were in the hospital with y/n since she wasn't getting any better. "how are u feeling today." "like shit as always." "I know u were rejected but rejection pain doesn't last this long is there something ur not telling us y/n." "I know nothing I keep asking but they won't tell me." "I'll go ask for you now." Kelly leaves the room to look for a doctor or a nurse. Max and y/n were talking about random shit like any siblings would do.

Kelly comes back into the room and looks at the both of them. "your wolf isn't healing like it's ment to so because ur wolf hasn't healed from the rejection u aren't getting any better u are growing more sick each day we either start treatment now to get ur wolf back and see if u will get a second chance mate or we leave it and you know the rest."

"leave it there is no point anymore I've done what I needed to do anyway." Max and Kelly look at y/n and sigh because they knew they could never change y/n mind. "don't let him be anywhere near the day I don't want him there at all." Kelly and Max nodded.

days gone by and y/n was no longer with them. everyone was saying their goodbye's before they left.2 weeks go by and it was the day of the funeral for y/n, everyone had gotten ready and the day went on. Daniel had no clue about anything since no one told him.

Daniel decided to go to the hospital to see if he could see y/n but when he was told she was no longer here and left the world he broke down. Daniel left the hospital and went driving. after hours of driving he ended up at the place y/n mentioned and got out of his car and he laughed at him self.

"huh strange how I'm here this time to clear my mind." Daniel made his way to the bench and seen that there was a golden plaque on the bench which was dedicated to y/n. Daniel sat on the floor and looked at the ocean that was in front of him.

"its lovely here isn't it." Daniel looked up and only to see y/n. "please don't tell me I'm now seeing ghost's." "ok I won't tell you." Daniel tried to ignore that he was talking to a ghost. Daniel was looking at the sunset and zoned out."

"I'm sorry for causing u so much pain I hope u forgive me and forgive me about what I'm going to do now." Daniel stood up and looked to the ocean and it was now pitch black outside no light what so ever. Daniel goes over to his car and sent the message to the group chat and left his truck unlocked before he made his way back to cliff edge and looked down.

"I hope we can meet again in another world and this time be together. Daniel had Jumped and smiled when he fell. everyone was looking for Daniel and that's when someone heard a splash and everyone ran over to the cliff edge.

The End

F1/F2 One Shots book 2 CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now