Zhou Guanyu (2)

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you are a princess and what no one expected was that u were a fan of motorsport.. well more F1 than any other motorsport, u loved watching the F1 races growing up. u were currently in Monaco talking to the ur best friend the princess of Monaco, u both were walking around the palace gardens,

"are u going to attend the race this weekend." "y/n is that even a question." u both laugh, "I was just asking since I havent seen u attend a race in so long." "do u want to know why I haven't been in so long." "please tell me." "the last race I had attended was the Silverstone one and as I was just walking with my guards to where I needed to be many people were talking." "ok and."

"they were saying that a Princess shouldn't be watching motorsport's since I had a country to run and second off all I was only watching the races because of how hot the driver's are." "you gotta be joking right." "nope I am not." "this is why I don't understand the fan's at all, when I attend any of the races everyone is happy that I am there and never talk bad but when u go, oh that must talk bad, it's stupid."

"Princesses u are needed." "coming." u both made ur way from the garden to the palace, after walking to the meeting room u both just stood there looking at ur parent's. "u needed us." "yes please sit down." u both went to sit down and waited, "so we wanted to know what do u think we should do." "do what." "we are thinking of chaining the royal rules a little."

"what do u mean." "well many people think we don't support the lgtbq stuff." u looked to ur friend and u both tried not to laugh, "ok what's that gotta do with us." "well we want u both in the next race to wear something to say u support the community." "u nodded," "ok simple." "now we want to know are u both bi or I can't pronounce it i'm old to understand."

"I like men only but I support the community." "same as y/n." ur family nods, "if u ever feel like u want to explore like everyone says these day's u are ok to do so." u both nod. "ur free to do what u want again." u both stood up and quickly made ur way out of the meeting room, after arriving in ur room u sighed, "I am thanxfull they didn't ask about us finding someone." "same I have someone so I don't want to end up dating someone who I don't love." "who are u dating."

"Zhou." "what on earth since when." "3 month's," "girl." "sorry I promised him I wouldn't tell anyone until I was ready and he was ready." "ok so are u ready to tell the world." "no but I will have to soon." "I know but to be honest I am dating someone as well." u sit up, "who." "Charles." "GIRL." "we are in the same situation as u." "ok nm that is fine." u both laugh, u gat a notification on ur phone and u picked up ur phone and seen it's a message from Zhou. u smile and reply to him.

"who is it," "it's Zhou he want's to know if me and u want to join the F1 driver's for the parade that will happen at the next race." "tell him yes." "I have." "ok good I will let our parent's know now." one of the maids walk in, "yes princess," "please let our parent's know that the next race we will be attending a parade with the F1 driver's." "right away princess." the maid leaves the room.

it was now race day in Monaco, due to u and ur friend attending the race there was new protocol since the royalty was gonna be in the paddock, u and ur friend enter the paddock and wave at everyone, u had made u both made ur way to the viewing box and u were greeted by the driver's, after talking to the driver's u had put on ur Zhou hat and smiled,

after the race had ended with Zhou and Charles on the podium, u all were now in the palace, walking up to the door's u were holding Zhou's hand, "are u sure u want to do this Zhou we can always do it another time." "I am ready I am just worried that I won't be good enough." "u are good enough u make me happy." after u all walked into dining room u all made ur way to sit down and u looked at ur parent's who were really shocked,

no one had said a word u were starting to panic ur self, "how long has this been going on." "3 months for me and Zhou." "3 month's for us as well." "and u never told us." "we were scared to tell u and we weren't ready." "ok well since u both are honest I am ok with it." "same here." "really." "of course we are." u got up and hugged ur parent's.

it was now the next race weekend, u had put on ur dress that was custom made for this event if there ever was one, and Zhou put's on a suit that was also custom made, "I really like this suit." "u look amazing babe." "u think." "yes and u always will look amazing." u went to Zhou and put on the royal pin on his suit.

everyone was now at the parade and u were having so much fun. after the parade was done u all had gone to the hotel, everyone was now in ur hotel room, "so what are we gonna do now, this is gonna be different for us." "we can watch a movie and order food." "sounds good." "what does everyone like I'll order it for us." u grabbed ur phone and opened the app. "I am not fussy with my food so anything is fine with me." "I'll just order different pizza's to make thing's easier."

a few year's go by u and Zhou had just been announced as the king and queen, anytime u both walked into the paddock everyone always bowed, u were currently in the FIA building talking to them about everyone with the bowing, "ok what do u want us to do." "just tell them not to bow if it's just me, if I am with Zhou then yes bow, and if Zhou is to come on his own that everyone is to bow." "ok we can work with that." "thanx you." u got up and left. u made ur way to the Ferrari garage and went to Zhou's driver's room.

"how are u feeling my love." "a little scared since this is my first race back." "don't be u will be fine my love u always give it all u got, now go out there and show the world that u are still u and not changed just because of ur title." u kiss Zhou on the lips, he stands up and goes to the car. the race ends with Zhou in first and Charles in second. u were smiling and clapping,

"ur highness." u looked to the team principle and went over to him, he hands u the headset and put's u on Zhou's radio, "well done my love u showed them who u really are." "thanx u my love I wouldn't have done it without u." u smiled and gave the headset back before making ur way back to the garage,

that night u and Zhou walk into the hotel room and sat on the sofa, "I am really surprised that I was in first place," "and how many time's u have been in first place," "a couple but this is my first race back." "I know and u did amazing." ur maid walks in with ur son in her arm's, u smile and stand up and went to take Sky from the maid, "oh how mommy has missed u."

u place kisses all around sky's face and he giggles, "thanx u for taking care of sky for us." "no worries just doing my job, I do gotta say though he will only come to me as the other's scare him." "what do u mean." "well the other maid's came by to make sure everything was ready for u both when u came back I had told Jake to hold him for a minute while I had to sort something out and sky wouldn't stop crying, Jake tried to calm him down but he wouldn't stop crying."

"oh Sky has never done that before, he loves everyone." "well Jake is new so I wouldn't be surprised." u thought about it, "I know all of my staff and no one is new we don't have anyone named Jake," "are u sure," "positive." the maid goes to her bag and find's the name's of every staff member has looks at it," "ur right I have the list of everyone's name's here there isn't anyone named Jake."

"u know what to do." u shook ur head and looked at Sky who was sleeping in ur arm's, u looked at Zhou. "sky must know something was wrong with him then because he never cries when it comes to the staff member's unless they are new but we havent had anyone new in ages." "it will be sorted out that everyone will be checked and given a background check from now on."

The End

F1/F2 One Shots book 2 CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now