Crazy pt 2

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I walked away quickly before he can grab my arm and change my mind.

"Y/N PLEASE! WAIT!" He screamed my name at the top of his lungs

I walk through the halls of the school getting lost inside all the people and the things around me.

I felt someone tug my backpack and I turn around to see the one and only Shawn.



I finally get to her and I just want to embrace her. But I can't.

"I know why you hate me." I told her

"No shit I just fucking told you" she said in a sarcastic tone

"Yeah but, I know the real reason."

She rolls her eyes as I look down to her. Jeez I'm tall.

"I left you because I was scared that you would leave me and hate me if we had broken up and I did not want to break that."

"Well you broke that anyway."

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt